Minutes of the meeting of Christow Parish Council held on Tuesday 4th November, 7.16pm in the Bowden Room, Teign Valley Community Hall.

Present:- Cllr. Archer (chairman), Cllr. Woods, Cllr. Orme, Cllr. Edwards, Cllr. Prowse, Cllr. Key, Cllr. Lee, Cllr. Cann, District Cllr. Purser, County Cllr. Brook, Mrs. P. Clapham, (clerk) and 8 members of the public

1) Apologies and Acceptance for Absence: None.

2) Declarations Of Interest: In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting. Members are also reminded that any change to their Declaration of Interests must be notified to the Monitoring Officer at Teignbridge District Council within 28 days of the change. Cllr. Woods for agenda item 14.

3) Public Discussion – To allow any questions, reports by members of the public on any matters relating to the agenda of this meeting. Representations can be made from our County Councillor, District Councillor and Community Police Officer. The period of time designated for public participation shall not exceed 5 minutes. (Standing Order 1d)

The Chairman thanked Joan and Colin Banks for cleaning and painting the village sign on the grassed area beside Wood Close.

The Chairman added the ENF/0234/14 enforcement notice to the agenda as short of time for DNPA..

County Cllr. Brook – regarding the placement of children into foster homes by Devon County Council. It is challenging to find homes for these children, so please advise Devon CC if there is anyone who may be interested.

Touch choices. Mr. Hart, leader of council is talking this through with communities - the nearest venue to Christow is Exeter or Newton Abbot. Highways is a big issue. Cllr. Brook is very unhappy about the proposed cuts which will affect rural communities and the economy of the county. Boundary commission proposals are also being circulated.

County Cllr. Brook left the meeting.

District Cllr Purser – please fill in the Highways consultation online. Police and crime commissioner Tony Hogg Spoke to Teignbridge DC about the closures of front desks in police stations. Newton Abbot is now closed. Tony Hogg agrees that the 101 number does not function as it should. Strata for computer services for district councils became live on 1st November and should save money. Proposed refuse services for 2015/16 mentioned.

4) Presentation of Chairman's Award - for most improved allotment 2014 to Mr. and Mrs. Hammond.

Garden gift vouchers to the value of £20 were presented to Mr. Hammond who thanked the council.

5) Minutes – to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 7th October 2014.

The minutes of the meeting of 7th October 2014 having been previously circulated to all councillors were signed by the Chairman as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Woods, seconded by Cllr. Prowse.


6) Planning Applications - Dartmoor National Park Authority has asked for comments from the Parish Council on the following planning applications:

a) 0610/14 Proposed single storey extension at Haldon View, Christow.

No objection.

b) ENF/0234/14 DNPA enforcement notice with reference to land at Hyner Vale, Lower Ashton, Christow.

Standing orders suspended for Mr. Aplin to speak.

Standing orders resumed.

1. Council do not support enforcement because the enterprise has been there for at least 30 years. It is a small operation, does not impact on the landscape, provides employment, provides a local service to the community in the valley. Proposed by Cllr. Key, seconded by Cllr. Orme. All agreed by show of hands.

2. Council not aware of the recovery service on this property.

District Cllr. Purser left the meeting.

7) Planning Decisions:

a) 0443/14 Extension to existing Engine House to provide further accommodation, Wheal Exmouth.


b) 0456/14 Alterations and raised roof to provide first floor accommodation and annexe for dependent relative, Denver, Christow.


c) 0486/14 Certificate of lawfulness for erection of two storey extension, Northwood Farm, Christow.



Expenditure: DALC Attendance cost for AGM & Conference £20.00

Clerk's salary October including attendance at 2 meetings £364.20

Sw Grounds Maintenance grass cuts October £296.36

Income: Second half precept and support grant received £6482.50

Bank Reconciliation and Statement: The Chairman had checked the invoices, paying-in book, cheque book and bank statement against the reconciliation statement at the agenda meeting with the clerk. Reconciliation and bank statement circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. Council resolved to accept the accounts. Proposed by Cllr. Lee, seconded by Cllr. Orme. All agreed by show of hands.

Budget reminder - for councillors. Not mentioned.

9) South West Water - for information. The direct debit has been set up for the toilets at £39 per month. Any adjustments will be made when the meter is read, which is twice yearly at present.

10) Elector Fund - to discuss. Dunsford have sent in a request for assistance towards their village green improvements. Council resolved to allocate the Christow monies to Dunsford in full. Proposed by Cllr. Orme, seconded by Cllr. Prowse. All in favour by show of hands.

11) Community Land Trust – update. Cllr. Woods informed the Council that a short ceremony is to take place on Friday 7th November 11am to mark the start of this building project in Layne Fields. Please come to the ceremony; it’s a community project. The formal finish date is March 2016. All applicants must apply through Devon Home Choice, via Teign Housing, with Christow applicants being considered first. The affordable homes for sale are aimed primarily at older persons, or people with a disability. This criteria is covered by DNPA rules.

12) Jubilee Noticeboard - needs weatherproofing. Cllr. Archer has investigated a suitable product for outdoor oak, and is willing to weather proof the noticeboard.

13) Recreation Field - Clerk's report was discussed. Agreed to sell the roller, advert in Unity open to offers. Buyer to remove. Trees at the top of the field need trimming/ lifting.

Cllr. Prowse left the meeting.

Paul Cary will be asked to look at this job whilst he is replacing the fence, also to remove the tree stakes. Trim the tree overshadowing the car park light beside the re-cycling bins. Garden Club will look into the care of Jim Short’s tree. Cllr. Woods.

Benches – need maintenance. Quotes for repairs and possible replacement will be sourced.

14) Allotments - Caring for the empty allotments until let. Suggested to take out the fences and some of the fruit trees to make this area easier to care for. Cllr. Edwards offered to pull out the fencing with his tractor. Cllr. Woods proposed an outside agency should be used to mitigate risk. Paul Cary will be asked to price this work and remove any debris. Cllr. Woods will put a notice up regarding the availability of a shed. This proposal will be delayed until January for a site meeting with the contractor regarding what needs to be done.

The Old Telephone Exchange and Mr. Micklewright’s request for an allotment was discussed. Cllr. Woods proposed a letter be sent reminding Mr. Micklewright that he is illegally parking and has no right of way on council property. He is to be reminded that he has no right to move council property (the fence). Seconded by Cllr. Cann.

Allotment request. Refused. Proposed by Cllr. Woods, seconded by Cllr. Lee, all in favour by show of hands. There is a history of previous misuse of an allotment garden, resulting in the termination of a previous allotment garden agreement on 13th November 2008.

Community Right to Bid form to complete. Clerk to seek further advice on this matter.

15) Xmas Tree in Allotments - further discussion on the removal of this tree.

Adrian Cann will cut down the tree on instruction from the allotment holder who will assume full responsibility.

16) Cemetery - Field hedge has now been cut. Number of plots remaining and estimate of how many years use. Approximately 30 burial plots remain; a possible 5 year use. As the allotment garden area will become cemetery it would be useful to identify possible sites for a new allotment garden. Clerk to enquire from Teignbridge District Council regarding the land at Layne Fields.

Another site visit in the spring to see if there is a possibility of moving one of the paths in the cemetery.

17) Parish Plan update – Since Unity request came out, 4 members of the public have come forward and offered to help. Cllr. Woods will have to stand down for the present for personal reasons. Cllr. Orme will call a meeting to see if a working party can be formed to take the plan forward.


Clerk attended Devon Association of Local Councils AGM & Conference Saturday 11th October.

No report requested by council.

Items for Information

Mobile library dates for 2015 have been uploaded to the website and put on the noticeboard.

Road from Gidleys Turn to Old Orchard closed between 7pm and 6am, Monday 15th to Friday 19th December for BT.

The next Council meeting is on Tuesday, 2nd December at 7.30pm in the Bowden Room.

All agreed to change the time.

Meeting closed at 9.12pm.

Signed...... Date......


Appendix – Email circulations during the past month

Community News round-up SLCC Bulletin

Highway Review Bridford September minutes

NHS Briefing date Rural Services info

Dartmoor businesses Devon Countryside Forum

DCC proposals for waste saving DCC Community news round-up

Tough Choices; community solutions New Devon CCG - NHS