Christ the King Kids Club

Before and After School Program


Welcome to Christ the King Kids Club my name is Stephanie Babic and I am the Director for our before and after school program. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to address them with me at any time at 515-285-2888 ext. 134 or at . Communication is #1 to me.

Hours of Operation

Kids Club is open daily from 6:30am until 5:45pm. Please ensure your child is picked up by 5:45pm to avoid additional charges.

Drop off and Pick up Policy

To ensure the safety of your child and all of the other children, once you arrive at Kids Club to drop off or pick up your child you assume full responsibility for your child while you are in our facility. Kids Club then assumes full responsibility once the parent has left our facility.

In the mornings we ask you drop off your child in the Lunch Room located at the end of the hallway. To reach this room you will have to enter through the Day Care entrance. The Day Care entrance is a secured entrance to enter you will need to press START the code you are given and then OPEN.

When picking up your child you will pick them up in the School Gym located on the East end of the school. The brown doors will be unlocked for your entrance.

*To avoid any confusion we will use the same drop off and pick up locations on No School Days and Early outs.

**If more than 10 minutes have passed and we have not heard from you, and we are not able to reach you by phone we will be in contact with the local police department.


Each morning breakfast is served beginning at 6:30am until 7:55 am in the school lunchroom. If your child doesn’t care for what is being served you may send an alternative breakfast as long as it is not from a restaurant. (For example: McDonalds, Hardees, and Burger King etc.)

After school snack will be served until 3:30 each day.


We ask you please send a book that your child might be interested in reading, 1 package of pencils, and one package of lined paper that may be left a Kids Club for everyone to use when working on their homework.

Schedule of Activities

From the time your child arrives in Kids Club in the Mornings until they go to school is reserved for finishing their homework working on flash cards or working on busy quiet work. If there is a particular area you child might need help with please let me know we will do our best to help them.

After school this year the children will be broken up into three groups K, and 1 will be in the gym during homework and reading time and 2 and up will be in the “big kids room”. This helps us to direct more attention to the children who need help. Homework and reading time will begin at 3:45 each day, we will work with the children until their work is complete. We will not have homework and reading time on Friday’s as a reward to the children for good behavior throughout the week .


Registration Fee is: $20.00 per child this fee is charged each year (if you attended summer Kids Club and paid the Activity Fee you do not need to pay this again)

Full Time: $60.00 per week this includes Breakfast in the morning and a snack after school

Part Time: $50.00 per week this includes the use of Kids Club up to 5 times per week either breakfast in the morning or a snack after school.

Drop In: $15 per child per time used. Payment is required in full each time used.

Early Dismissals: $23 per child per time used. Payment is required in full each time used.

No School Days: $45 per child per time used. Payment is required in full each time used.

Breaks: Christmas break, and Spring break or any other time school is not in session for a consecutive week the fee will be $110 for the whole week this also includes holidays and any other days Kids Club is closed.

Late Fee: If your child is picked up after 5:45pm there will be a $5 per minute charge applied to your account.

* If you are enrolled in a part time status, and you need your child to attend more than 5 times in a week, the cost will be $10 each time used.


All weekly fees are due each Monday morning unless prior arrangements have been made with Stephanie. In the event of Stephanie’s absence you may make arrangements with Chris Aldinger.

Christ the King Kids Club offers weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly ACH bank withdrawals options. Please ensure you fill out the bank withdrawal authorization and return as soon as possible.

There is a $15 per week fee that will be charged to all accounts that are not paid in full each week by Friday.

If your bank withdrawal is dishonored for any reason you will be assessed a $30 returned item charge as well as the bank processing fees.

*If at any time your account falls more than 2 weeks behind we will ask your child be removed from Kids Club until your account is brought to current.

*Failure to pay will result in your child being removed permanently from our Kids Club Program.

Notice to withdrawal

If for any reason you would like to withdrawal your child from Christ the King Kids Club we ask that you provide a two week written notice to Stephanie.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather Christ the King Kids Club will close if Christ the King school closes. We will notify the local television and radio stations of the closing.

In the event Christ the King school dismisses classes early for inclement weather Christ the Kids Club will close 90 minutes after dismissal.

If the is a late start due to inclement weather Christ the King Kids Club will open at 7:30am unless prior notification is posted.


Each month I will provide each family with a calendar of events for Kids Club. This will help serve as a guide as to when Kids Club will be available. If you have any questions about closings in advance please feel free to ask. Please keep in mind I do collaborate with Christ The King Day Care and may not always know several months in advance.


If for any reason your child is on medication and has not taken the prescribed dosage for that day they will not be permitted in Kids Club until the medication has been administered.

Cell Phones

Christ the King Kids Club holds the same policy as Christ the King School. If your child is caught with or using their cell phone while at Kids Club the phone will be taken from your child and a parent or guardian will have to get it from Stephanie. The parent or guardian will have to sign a sheet stating they understand this is the first offense, and any subsequent offences will result in the loss of the cell phone for the entire school year.

No School Days and Early Dismissals

On No School days and Early Dismissals at Noon please remember there is NO LUNCH served to the children. We ask you send a sack lunch with your child. On these days the children may also bring toys from home if they wish. This would include Nintendo DS’s.

Toys and Items Brought From Home

We do allow children to bring DS’s, Game Boys, MP3 players, IPods, and other items they would like to have to play with on early dismissal and no school days only. Please remember that Christ the King Kids Club will not be held responsible for lost, broken, or stolen toys and games. Heelys with the wheels in them will not be allowed in Kids Club due to safety. Your child may wear Heely shoes as long as the wheels are not in them and are left at home.

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Christ the King Kids Club has zero tolerance bullying and harassment policy. If any type of bullying or harassment is observed (pushing, being bossy to others, being rude to others, telling children that if they tell their parents what they said they are going to do something to them, or telling other children they are going to get them in trouble if they are not going to play with them etc.) a teacher will hold a conference with the child and parent. If bullying or harassment is observed a second time the child will be suspended from Christ the King Kids Club for a period of 3 days.

Discipline Policy

If a child for any reason is not following the rules of Christ the King Kids Club, a Kids Club staff member will discipline your child in a manner that they feel is appropriate for your child. Each time your child is placed in a time out a note will be sent home with the child explaining why he or she was disciplined. Your child will be given 3 written notices home, after the third written notice Stephanie will hold a parent meeting to come up with a plan of action to correct the behavior. The child will then be given 3 more chances to correct the behavior. If the behavior continues the child will then be excused from Kids Club for 3 school days. After a suspension if the behavior continues the child will then be asked to leave the Kids Club program.

*** Overly offensive, abusive, disruptive behavior will result in an immediate suspension.

Christ the King Kids Club Before and After School 2011-2012 School Year

Childs Name:______Grade Entering:_____

Childs Name:______Grade Entering:_____

Childs Name:______Grade Entering:_____

Childs Name:______Grade Entering:_____

Childs Name:______Grade Entering:_____


Home Phone Number:______

Email Address:______

Parent Information

Parent Name:______Parent Name: ______

Parent Work:______Parent Work:______

Parent Work Phone:______Parent Work Phone:______

Parent Cell:______Parent Cell:______

Emergency Contacts




Authorized Persons to pick up child




Medication Authorization

I ______authorize Christ the King Kids Club to administer medication to my child ______. Per my instructions.

I ______authorize Christ the King Kids Club to administer medication to my child ______. Per my instructions.

I ______authorize Christ the King Kids Club to administer medication to my child ______. Per my instructions.

I ______authorize Christ the King Kids Club to administer medication to my child ______. Per my instructions.

I ______authorize Christ the King Kids Club to administer medication to my child ______. Per my instructions.

(Please fill out one line for every child)

Please list any known medical conditions of your child we should know about:


Photograph, Publish in Newspaper Authorization

I ______give Christ the King Kids Club permission to photograph my son or daughter______and use the resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems proper.

I ______give Christ the King Kids Club permission to photograph my son or daughter______and use the resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems proper.

I ______give Christ the King Kids Club permission to photograph my son or daughter______and use the resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems proper.

I ______give Christ the King Kids Club permission to photograph my son or daughter______and use the resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems proper.

I ______give Christ the King Kids Club permission to photograph my son or daughter______and use the resulting photographs for any purpose that Christ the King Kids Club deems proper.

(Please fill out one line per child)

Signed:______Date: ______

Permission for Emergency Care

I______hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to take my child______to the Emergency Room or to the Dentist in case of an emergency.

I______hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to take my child______to the Emergency Room or to the Dentist in case of an emergency.

I______hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to take my child______to the Emergency Room or to the Dentist in case of an emergency.

I______hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to take my child______to the Emergency Room or to the Dentist in case of an emergency.

I______hereby give Christ the King Kids Club permission to take my child______to the Emergency Room or to the Dentist in case of an emergency.

(Please fill out one line for every child)


Please sign and return along with the enrollment sheets, and bank authorization form.

I wish to enroll my child


______Part Time

______Drop In

I have read and understand all of the policies and procedures listed in the Christ the King Kids Club Before and After School Hand Book. I also understand that if my child is enrolled Fulltime or Part time that I am required to pay the amount due each week whether my child has attended or not.
