Christ Is Born! Glorify Him!

Christ Is Born! Glorify Him!

Christ is born! Glorify Him!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, dear parishioners, dear friends.

Christmas is a very visible sign of God’s love for us. The cave, the manger, the swaddling clothes - all these are signs which underline that great love. And the angels sang: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men of good will” (Lk 2,14). Within the bosom of each believer Jesus Christ, the God-Man, seeks a modern-day manger where - if we allow Him - He brings the radiance of His Presence and an assurance of His peace that surpasses all understanding.

May the Infant of Bethlehem raise His hands over you and bless you. May the goodness and kindness of the Christ Child fill your souls with new-born love and joy now and in the New Year.

I take this opportunity to share information with you regarding forthcoming events which will take place in our parish and I urge you to participate in these because they are organised for all of us that we may feel at home in our own parish.

Join the Parish Council

We are inviting dedicated parishioners young and old to join the Parish Council. Parish Council is working tireless for the benefit of all of us, our parish family. Our parish is working in many fields therefore we need many and various people in parish Council, so our parish can continue to serve to all of us. Please call Eugene on 0412475470 or Fr. Felix on 9320 2566 / 0401045546 for more info.

Church envelopes for the Year 2013

I encourage all of you to obtain these envelopes from Mr Michael Moravski. The monies donated are allocated for the upkeep of our parish for the following year. This is an excellent and convenient way of making your donations for our parish and therefore I again urge all of our parishioners to make their generous donations. Also I sincerely thank those who in past years have made these donations. May the Good Lord reward you a hundred times over. Please bear in mind that the very future of our parish depends on all of us and is in our hands. In attachment you can find a letter encouraging all our parishioners to support our parish with the Envelope Program. Please share this information among your family and friends.

Working Bee

Please put into your calendar that the annual pre-Christmas clean up shall take place on Saturday 8th of December at 10 am. There is much work to be done for all. This is our Cathedral, and deserves to be kept up. Please come and help.

Family Day

The Parish Council extends an invitation to all our parishioners and guests to attend the Family Day which will be held on Sunday, 16th December 2012 at our church premises. Included in the program will be a tasty lunch анд the arrival of St. Nicholas and many other pleasant surprises. Please contact Basilian Sisters, tel. 0329 0749 or Fr. Felix, tel. 9320 2566 or 0401 045 546 regarding gifts for the children. Also on that day the facilities of the early learning centre of St. Catherine will be open and free to use for all our children. We invite all of you and look forward to your company.

Carols by candlelight

The Parish Council invites all our parishioners, visitors and neighbors to the carols by candlelight, which will be held at the church grass area on Thursday 20th December from 7pm. We invite you along with our neighbors to share the joy of Nativity of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Christmas Market

The Parish Council invites all our parishioners, quests and friends to a Christmas market, which will be held on Sunday 23rd December 2012. There will be a tasty meal, raffle and the possibility to purchase everything you need for a traditional Uki Christmas (kutya, poppy seeds, papmushky…). There will be an opportunity for you to sell any goods on the day, so please order your stands from Mrs. Theresa Jarworski on 0419 569 184 or contact Fr. Felix.

This year’s Carol singing

Our parish is seeking carol singers to visit our people this Christmas. Carol singing is one of the most interesting Ukrainian Christmas traditions, so let us cheer up our parishioners on this unforgettable feast of Christ’s Birth. Please organize your own group of carol singers and register with Mrs Marta Semkiw, tel no. 9306 7098. We are waiting expectantly for your call!

Your Last Wills and Testaments

We call upon our parishioners to remember the needs of our parish. We assure you that even the smallest sum left to us in your Will be of great benefit to your children and grandchildren, because this will help guarantee the future of our Parish. The legal name of our parish is UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC PARISH OF SS PETER AND PAUL, NORTH MELBOURNE.

  • Enclosed with this letter and our Christmas Greetings are the Christmas envelopes for the repairs and maintenance of our cathedral and parish buildings, for the upkeep of our Church and for your Christmas donation, which will be your gift of love to our Clergy who are solely dependent upon your generosity as their only source of income. Therefore every donation no matter how small will help your clergy to serve you.
  • We ask all youth to participate in the “Great Compline with litya" (Christmas Evening service) on Sunday 6th January 2012 at 4.30 PM.
  • On Sunday 20th January 2013 following the 9.30am Holy Liturgy we will hold the ceremony of Blessing of the Waters. Following we will hold a Parish Family day where you will have the opportunity to meet with your parish family over a nice lunch, drinks and other pleasantries. There will be surprises for young and old. Please encourage your friends to attend with you and let us celebrate together in a great atmosphere in our Church surrounds. From the following day our clergy will commence the traditional house blessing with the Holy Water of Jordan.
  • Please bear in mind that the Lenten Fast will commence next year on Monday 18th March and that Easter will take place on Sunday 5th May 2013.

Порядок Різдвяних Богослужінь (16.12.2012-20.01.2013)

Order of Christmas services (16.12.2012-20.01.2013)

/ North Melbourne / Noble Park / Wodonga / Newborough / Ardeer
Every Sunday
Liturgies / 8, 9:30 & 11:30 am / 10 am / Every 2nd Sunday of month @ 9:30 / Contact Cathedral parish / 9 am
16.12.12: Неділя. Sunday. Св.Миколая для дітей. St. Nicholas day for parish children. / 8, 9:30 & 11:30 am / 10 am / 9am
19.12.12: Середа. Wednesday. Св.Миколая. St. Nicholas day. / 10 am
7 pm / 10 am / 9am
22.12.12: Субота. Saturday. Непорочне Зачаття Пресвятої Богородиці. Immaculate Conception of Mother of God / 10 am
7 pm / 10 am / 9am
23.12.12: Неділя. Sunday.
Різдв’явний Базар. Family Day! Christmas Market / 8, 9:30 & 11:30 am / 10 am / 9am
25.12.12: Вівторок. Tuesday. Різдво Христове (Григоріянський календар).
Nativity of Jesus Christ (New Calendar) / 10 am / 10 am / 9am

06.01.13: Неділя. Sunday.

Навечір’я Різдва Христового (Строгий піст).

Christmas Eve. Fast.

/ 8, 9:30 & 11:30 am
5 pm
Велике Повечір`я / 10 am
6 pm
Велике Повечір`я / 5 pm / 9am
6 pm
07.01.13: Понеділок. Monday.
Різдво Господа Бога і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа
Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ / 8 & 10 am / 10 am / 9:30 am / 11 am / 10 am
08.01.13: Вівторок. Tuesday.. Собор Пресвятої Богородиці. Synaxsis of Blessed Virgin Mary / 10 am
7 pm / 10 am / 9 am
09.01.13: Середа. Wednesday. Св. Первомученика Стефана. Feast of St. Stephan / 10 am
7 pm / 10 am / 9 am

14.01.13: Понеділок. Monday. Обрізання Ісуса Христа, Св. Василія Великого, Новий Рік

New Year. St. Basil the Great. / 10 am
7 pm / 10 am / 9 am

18.01.13: П’ятниця. Monday

Навечір’я Богоявлення (Строгий піст) Eve of Theophany of Lord / 6 pm / 6 pm
19.01.13: Субота. Saturday. Святе Богоявлення Господа Бога і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа. Theophany of Lord / 10 am
свячення води
blessing of the Water / 10 am
свячення води
blessing of the Water / 11 am
свячення води
blessing of the Water / 9 am
свячення води
blessing of the Water

20.01.13: Неділя по Богоявлені і урочисте свячення води. Sunday after Theophany and solemn blessing of the Water

/ 8, 9:30 am
свячення води
blessing of the Water / 10 am / 9:30 am
свячення води
blessing of the Water / 9 am
свячення води
blessing of the Water

Просимо мати на увазі, що в катедрі не буде правитися Свята Літургія о годині 11:30 дня у неділю 16-го грудня 2012 та в неділю 20-го січня 2013 року.

Please notе there’s no 11:30 am Liturgies in Melbourne on following Sundays: 23rd December 2012 and 20th January 2013.

Служащі / Altar services

У понеділок 7-го січня 2013 року на день Різдва Христового, під час урочистої Літургії о годині 10 рано просимо наступних осіб до служіння:

The following people are invited to serve during solemn Christmas Divine Liturgy on Monday, the 7th of January 2013 at 10 am:

Вітають Владику / Greeting the Bishop: Peter and Antonina Laba

Tримають Хрест / Cross Holder: Michael Hruszowski, Michael Popowycz

Свічконосці / candle bearers: Nicholas & Maria Kohut, Murray & Christine Duma

Церемоньєри/ Masters of Ceremonies: B. Herczniwski, M. Zylan, N. Kostrabi.

Служаці / Servers: Adrian Semcesen, Alexander Wenhrynowycz, Daniel Wenhrynowycz, Jeremy Moros, Daniel Makohon, Julian Levkut, Teresa Makohon, Christina Makohon, Anna Kopistinski, Lidia Kopistinski.

Хоругви тримають / Banner Holders: Усі дівчата присутні в церкві. All young ladies present in the church.

У неділю 20-го січня 2013 року, під час урочистої Літургії о годині 9:30 рано, просимо наступних осіб до служіння:

The following people are invited to serve during solemn Divine Liturgy on Sunday, the 20th of January 2013 at 9:30 am:

Вітають Владику / Greeting the Bishop: Alex, Melanie & Omelian Dechnicz

Tримають Хрест / Cross Holder: Paul Ledney, Andrew Hruszowski

Свічконосці / candle bearers: Paul & Olenka Pap, Michael & Simone Dudij

Церемоньєри/ Masters of Ceremonies: B. Herczniwski, M. Zylan, N. Kostrabi.

Служаці / Servers: Michael Hassett, Davyd Vitaly, Andrew Mykhaylyk, Claudio Sikora, Michael Herczaniwski, Tomas Gembarovski, Symon Herczaniwski, Daniel Senek.

Свічконосці під час Водосвяття / candle bearers during water blessing: Oleksa Derkacz, Miron Kmiec, Aleksa Laba.

Хоругви тримають / Banner Holders: Усі дівчата присутні в церкві. All young ladies present in the church.