Held on Tuesday, 3rd January 2017 at 8.00pm in the

South Hall, New Village Hall, Crawley End, Chrishall.

PRESENT: Cllr Tom Jackson (chairman), Cllr David Thomas, Cllr Steve Parish, Cllr Ian Pitfield, Cllr John Kay, Cllr Stephen Foote,.

Clerk: Belinda Irons

Uttlesford District Councillor Robert Chambers

One Hundred Parishes: Mike Young


17.01 Apologies for absence:

Cllr Jane Holloway, Cllr Derek Ailes, Cllr Tracy Slade

17.02 Other absences: Members absent without offering apologies: none.

17.03 Declaration of Members Interests: (disclosable pecuniary/pecuniary/non-pecuniary)

Cllr Jackson Finance: Clerk’s salary pecuniary

Cllr Foote Property adjoins Jigneys Meadow personal

Cllr Kay Parish Council representative on Chrishall Village Hall Committee

17.04 Minutes of Previous Meetings:1st November 2016.

Minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2016 were agreed as a true and correct record of the meeting and were duly signed

The Chairman invited Cllr Chambers to present his report

Cllr Chambers provided a report on the UDC Local Plan and explained that the Planning Inspector has directed the District Council to provide 100 more dwellings per annum than the Local Plan has provision for. This has meant that more evidence needs to be provided particularly around those sites which need to take the majority of the dwellings. Central Government has directed that development needs to take place along the M11 corridor. UDC believes that development along the A120 is more sustainable. Central Government has also changed requirements and criteria which has caused delays in the production of the plan.

Parish Councillors expressed concern about the lack of infrastructure including Police and schools, and especially the impact of an additional 33,000 homes planned to be built over the next 20 years. Cllr Parish commented that house building is being allowed on land which should be preserved for roads and other built infrastructure.

Cllr Pitfield has attended meetings at UDC specifically on the development of the Local Plan, and reported that UDC officers have stated the Plan must be submitted in March 2017 for inspection otherwise Central Government will step in. Cllr Chambers responded that the Department for Communities and Local Government has been contacted about the issues in Uttlesford and has relented on this time scale. However, the Plan still needs to be submitted in 2017.

Cllr Chambers commented that the development allowed on Windmill Poultry Farm, which he stated is classed as a brown field site, will not enable development on green field sites in Mill Causeway.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Chambers for attending. Cllr Chambers left the meeting at 8.35pm

17.05 One Hundred Parishes: presentation by Mike Young

One Hundred Parishes was registered as a charity in 2012 by David Heathcote who is passionate about this area. The organisation is properly constituted and holds annual general meetings. Its aim is to encourage awareness, enjoyment and appreciation of the area which covers parts of north west Essex, South Cambridgeshire and East Herts. The aim is to promote the area with information on local walks, information boards, and talks. A guidebook is being written by Ken MacDonald.

Councillors felt that this was a worthwhile local organisation to support.

PROPOSAL: That Chrishll Parish Council herewith agrees to subscribe to the One Hundred Parishes organisation with immediate effect. PROPOSED: Cllr Jackson, seconded Cllr Foote. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY.

The Chairman thanked Mike Young who left the meeting at 8.45pm.

17.06 Public Discussion: limited to 15 minutes

Mr Fred Davies reported that the Chrishall Village Archive Group plans to produce a local walk leaflet with historical areas of interested highlighted. The Arts Group will be asked to provide illustrations. It is hoped the leaflet will be available at the official opening which will take place at Easter.

Meeting resumed

17.07 Planning:

Planning decisions:

Permission granted / Windmill Poultry Farm, Mill Causeway
Construction of 1 dwelling, stables and detached garage

The Chairman reported that he had telephoned Cllr Chambers and asked that Cllr Chambers called in the application for a decision by the Development Management Committee if the officer recommendation was for approval.

The Parish Council objection letter had specifically requested that the application be called in for decision by the Development Management Committee if the officer recommendation was for approval.

The Parish Council letter also requested that all permitted development rights be removed should the application be approved. None of this had happened.

Councillors expressed their concern that UDC had failed to take notice of the Parish Council requests and comments. Following discussion, Councillors agreed that a strong letter will to be sent to the Uttlesford District Council Chief Executive Dawn French detailing concerns that the site had been subject to a refused appeal on the grounds of lack of sustainability, but had been approved at officer level. The specific question which will be asked is what material changes occurred between the refusal and the approval? ACTION: CLERK

17.08 Finance

Finance Summary: Balance Brought Forward: £21,324.08 Plus Income £0.00 Less Nov Payment £5,183.40

(less ring fenced £6,050.00

(Pavilion £3,500)

(Burial deposit £50)

(Robert Reed Hall £2,500)

Total available to Council £16,090.68

Budget & Precept: proposal to set the precept at £30,000.

Councillors have received documentation prepared by the clerk, and checked by Cllr Ailes by email. Further consideration has been undertaken.

PROPOSAL: that Chrishall Parish Council herewith agrees the budget and sets the precept at £30,000. PROPOSED: Cllr Kay, seconded Cllr Pitfield. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY.

The UDC precept application was signed at the meeting.

17.09 Essex County Council: school transport issue:

A meeting took place in December but the results are unknown. Parishioners have not reported whether any change has taken place regarding provision of free school transport for children attending Newport.

17.10 Chrishall Halls: update

Licences and agreements: Derek Ailes has provided an emailed update for the meeting:

Licences with both the Village Hall Committeeand pre-school have been signed and all parties are happy with the arrangements. Any change in the ownership of the pre-school is some way off and requires a lot of research from the Charity Commission, Education department etc. If there is a change of ownership the school are happy to take over the existing lease. There is no action required by CPC at this point of time.

Chrishall Pre-School: request to erect shed on Parish Council land

The clerk met with a representative of pre-school in December, and advised that a formal request with a detailed plan of the site, the type and construction of the shed, and any other important information would need to be submitted for consideration by the Parish Council. The clerk has not received this documentation to date.

Councillors expressed concern that the area around the school has a number of buildings including storage sheds, and it is becoming unsightly. Further concern was expressed concerning ownership should pre-school change ownership, related insurance, and the position of the school on a building which would be accessed from school land. The clerk will contact the school.


17.11 Jigneys Meadow, pavilion & play area: update: Cllr Ailes by email

Jigneys Meadow is now owned by Chrishall Parish Council.

Hastoe Housing Association. Update: Cllr Ailes by email:

Public meeting: 15th November update

Hastoe were pleased with the November village meeting and I am told there was a lot of interest from local people

Hastoe will be taking up applications for the properties at the end of January.

The building should be finished during March for occupation.

The new entrance/roadway will be completed before any occupation begins.

The roadway up to the new gate entrance to Jigneys Meadow will be finish with asphalt

Councillors expressed concern that there could be significant water run-off from the hard surfaced roadway, which could lead to further surface water issues into Chambers Pond, particularly as it is home to a number of protected Great Crested Newts, and any chemicals used could enter the newt habitat.

The clerk will contact Hastoe. ACTION: CLERK

Further report from Cllr Ailes:

One small hiccup on Jigneys. The Uttlesford planning department has sent out an email relating to the numbering and road naming, using an incorrect site plan with the boundaries between Hastoe and ourselves being incorrect! There will be no real problem as our Land Transfer contract matches Hastoe'sLand Transfer contract. The only people who have the wrong information are the UDC planning department. Surprising as the agreed the original plans and supplied the Section 106 agreements which both show the right site lines. I have not received a satisfactory answer from Sharon Speller of UDC Planning (who only works on a Monday and Tuesday) so I have spoken to Simon Pugh who heads up UDC legal team as well as sending him an email with the correct plans and he has promised to come back to us.

Councillors agreed that it was vitally important to have this issue resolved, as it could lead to a change in the status of the land in the future.


Extension of use and building regs: update

Maintenance update

Pavilion: official opening Easter 2017

Rename: Brand pavilion


Windows: ordered

(Phone & broadband connection


Access to Jigneys Meadow from houses: update: ongoing.

Play area: Cradle swings replacement cost: £2,490

Other maintenance costs: £1,160

The clerk will resend the quotes for the Councillors consideration.


17.12 Highways issues:

Cambs County C: A505: discussion with CCC to improve safety:

The clerk will write to the CCC Chief Executive to express grave concern

regarding the Cambridgeshire section of the A505 which has very poor road

white lining, poor signage relating to side roads and access. Further concern

was expressed that the A505 is a single carriageway joining two duel

carriageways with drivers frequently exhibiting duel carriageway driving which

may have contributed to the recent fatalities. ACTION: CLERK

Church Road: drain blocked: scheduled for major works

The clerk will contact Cllr Lodge, as officer requests for information and action have not received a response. ACTION: CLERK

(Note to minutes: re-reported: 2500491)

Dark & Park Lane: Suggestion to obtain road planings and a local farmer has offered to distribute free of charge, with the assistance of volunteers.

The clerk will seek further information from the farmer and the Rights of Way officer. ACTION: CLERK

Palmers Lane pothole opposite school exit: 2483915



Last updated:05/09/2016 - 11:00

The clerk will chase action. ACTION: CLERK

(note to minutes: re-reported: 2500488

Abrams Lane Protected verge signs 2455490:

Added to Highways Rangers list

Royston Road bridge over brook: Rights of Way update: due for completion by April 2017.

Mill Causeway: damage to triangle 2485580. Clerk to chase.


(note to minutes: Highways: not classified as requiring immediate work. To be reviewed on a regular basis)

17.13 Superfast Broadband: update

Cllr Parish reported that EU legislation dictates that BT cannot compete with a commercial company. Gigaclear has expressed an intention to provide superfast in Chrishall, which now prevents BT upgrading Cabinet 1 just off Mill Causeway.

17.14 Speed, parking and traffic calming:

Residents have again contacted the Parish Council with complaints about cars parked dangerously on the bends and junctions at the centre of the village. The Police have not offered assistance.

The Chairman commented that other areas have encouraged children to become involved in monitoring car parking and speed issues to great effect.

The Parish Council again commented that it wanted to positively engage with the school to resolve this issue.

17.15 Policing in Chrishall

Criminal activity

The Police will be invited to attend the Annual Parish Meeting.


17.16 Correspondence

UDC street naming ‘Langford’: map anomaly: see 17.11

Volunteer mentoring training

Essex CC: bus route safety pruning

Chrishall Village Hall: part loan repayment: £500

Mr Smart Hedge cutting: Abrams Lane

Mrs A Jeffery Dog fouling & car parking: the clerk will respond.

Dog fouling will be on the Annual Parish Meeting agenda.

17.17 Date of next Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday

7th February 7th March 4th April 2nd May

6th June 4th July 5th September 3rd October 7th November

Annual Parish Meeting: Tuesday 16th May

Chairman’s Signature...... 7th February 2017