Meeting to be Held on Thursday 19th November 2015 at Barnham Broom Hotel (Bickerston Suite), Barnham Broom, Norwich, 9.00am for 9.30am


Chris Ball Geoff Ray Susan Spoerer Dee Hebron David Standerwick

Julian Snowling Emma Murray Kay Watkinson Sharon Gardner

Caroline Stelle

Also Attending

Tony Dean (Chief Officer), Lauren Seamons (Deputy Chief Officer), Charlotte Bowles (Support Officer), Michele Hulme, MAPharmT, HSCIC

1.  Apologies for Absence

Matt Labaki, David Hopkinson, Andrew Magem

2.  To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting

Proposed Susan Spoerer, Seconded Dee Hebron.

GR in Bens absence he raised problem with NHS net.

TD NHS England have said there is a problem and are looking into this.

3.  Matters Arising (not dealt with elsewhere)

GR previous meeting to set up a catch up with Ian Small. Positive meeting with Chris and Ian a list of switches set up. Big pressures to save costs and the CSU have a big adjustment to make. Outcome of the meeting new level of switches to be implanted January and both Chris and Geoff will meet with Ian before this to go through any issues before this goes out. The list will be available in December for Chris and Geoff to look through and make other suggestions to save money.

DS very positive that these meetings are happening. How do these changes get actioned in the practices. Is there any way in which we can help GP’s to communicate these messages to people about drug changes. Bag stuffers, standard letters.

GR yes that is good

CB we mentioned that the sooner the pharmacies know about this they can start to not only communicate these but control stocks also.

SSP also the other benefits of changes for NMS and patient interactions.

TD when these changes come into practice could we work on a joint communication to go out to pharmacies to inform them of these changes.

LS we can promote the Norwich Norfolk website.

TD can we have a password protected area of the website to host CCG information and updates etc.

LS yes will look into this.

DS the Great Yarmouth and Waveney forum was interesting the early detection of cancer was a great communication.

GR North Norfolk communication about analgesics.

TD Great Yarmouth and Waveney are the first CCG to get co-commissioning strategy. Conversations going on to look at treatment of minor UTI and other minor schemes will update when more information available.

GR all CCG’s are now looking at stopping prescribing GF products.

TD practice based pharmacists bids have gone in and we will look to work with these. Refer to pharmacy is also still progressing works going on with funding of pilot sites.

4.  Declarations of Interest

The committee were reminded that the folder was available and should be updated over lunch if needed.

Action Section

5.  NHS England Update

TD National audit data will be available this week concerns for Great Yarmouth and Waveney as the restructure will affect them. David Barter will be responsible for Great Yarmouth and Waveney patch and Tony will contact him in the New Year. This will be a new relationship to build. Tania and Tony will work together if any concerns are raised. IG toolkit needs revisiting before end of month and this time we are not exempt from business continuity planning. A big thanks to all as 100% compliance with CPAF again as did Suffolk and Cambridge. NHS England are issuing notices about noncompliance to update changes in superintendents.

6.  Planning Session

Last meeting we looked at the Contractor Survey and PSNC Self-Evaluation Toolkit and briefly reviewed our Business Plan. Though useful, we now wish to provide Members with some time to discuss the operation of the LPC, our priorities and perhaps what you’d like to see more or less of, plus priorities for LPC-delivered training around services etc. For this session the Committee will split into a couple of groups, in which the Officers will only be involved by request to answer any questions. We’ll then come back together and discuss output and hence plans.

The committee split into two groups and discussed the way forward and made suggestions onto how they would like the LPC to work and what to focus on over the upcoming months.

DS LPC that gets things done and organized, internally and externally. Also the respect that the LPC team have with external bodies and the committee is also good. Public Health good working relationships like a partnership. Service development a good range of services and we haven’t lost any services EPS support has been good don’t change anything. The committee feel that if they could support the LPC in another way would the LPC feel happy to delegate to them. Does the LPC feel they get enough support from committee.

LS if the committee could provide us with a list of interests for things that they would like to be involved with the individual could then be contacted.

TD it always seems to be the same people that will communicate or respond back to communications. The more people that can respond to show a united front or full response would show better communication and support.

DS promotion and PR growth in awareness about the website. Continued sign ups to the E news and a QR code should be available at meetings and forum events to capture people. Initiatives and MECC. Must not forget the core contract and daily dispensing.

SG support that is given to independent contractors, multiplies get lots of support and guidance from head office. Should we look at providing extra support with contractual requirements.

TD happy to support any contractual requirements that may be needed.

GR maybe a day event about supporting this.

KW with a day event this would help to engage contractors with EHC services, safeguarding and who to refer to and introduce some faces.

LS public health are looking at some training events for safeguarding.

KW feels that a lot of the areas that we want to work on or as a work stream the LPC team are already working on these.

TD provided information on conversations with Clare Daly and looking into providing CPPE event on sexual health areas of concerns.

SSP engaging with locums also how do we capture these and keep them informed on current work streams.

SG service engagement and development of services that already exist.

CB with our website is it worth having a core contract section. A locum section on the members’ only area.

TD do we also put in this area and opportunities of local work in the area eg practice based pharmacists/ IC24 vacancies.

DS when we are doing things for pharmacies can we ensure that it doesn’t cause extra work for pharmacies. Feel like MSS has caused extra workload for pharmacies.

7.  NPA GPhC Training Offer

You were copied with an offer to the LPC from the NPA to host an event around GPhC standards inspections etc. Previously the Committee has expressed an interest in running such an event. It may be possible to combine this with input from NHS England to also cover learning points from CPAF/Contract visits. To discuss.

GR fantastic thing to be doing but cautious that this may be a branded event.

SSP talked about this being part of an event.

DH involved in supporting with standards but not all their own resources.

8.  Flu Service Update

TD has recently sent out a report on activity so far, but will provide a more up-to-date report now. TD and LS presented current data around the flu service.

LS a few places have mentioned that they are now winding down the service. However pharmacies should be now starting to really push the service. This will tie in with the warm and well service and local campaigns.

GR may be worthwhile now looking at other local services for vaccinations

9.  Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Service Commissioning

Norfolk County Council has recently instigated a commissioning process for a single provider of the above. The direct service contracts with primary care providers will remain. LS will explain the process, discussions so far, the implications for our services and how the LPC is engaging to ensure this is a positive development for our pharmacies.

LS Both Lauren and Tony met with a company Optum they are looking to merge to provide these services. Conversations with Optum were very positive with regards to previous work streams. They are in the final three for the Suffolk contract. All involved have attended meeting and put in bids. Then they will look at current bids and take it down to three providers. Conversations with Public Health to protect the service within pharmacy and to look at the funding surrounding the services. March or April time will be when a provider should be announced. Will feed back information once more is available.

10.  Local Services Update

LS will provide an update on local service activity and issues/plans for development. To include a discussion of training needs if not covered in 6).

LS Weight maintenance service training now postponed until January. Smoking meeting with smoke free Norfolk a few issues with the voucher service but will be looked into on the individual basis. Data shows over 1000 supplies through the level 3 voucher scheme. Referral scheme to pharmacy has come up against a few issues. New referral process should be call pharmacy, then fax details then pharmacy contacts patient, makes meeting and feeds back information to the service. If 3 referrals are not actioned then there will be a removal of the referral process. Sexual health will be covered in the CPPE evening events. NHS Healthchecks four training sessions have been held and questionnaire will be sent around. Look into equipment training needs across the area.

CS Chlamydia treatment and non-supply. Also interaction with patients when handing out treatment and timing of pharmacy closures. Sometimes people presenting with symptoms that should have been picked up at screening.

LS public health have booked supplier relations evenings. These will be used to discuss changes to contracts one will be coming up around chaperones for EHC and maybe chlamydia.

11.  EPS Update

CB will update Committee on progress so far, and immediate plans in Norwich. We held a Contactor event as requested at last meeting on 9/11/15, so feedback from that would be helpful. There are also now discussions with South Norfolk CCG and West Norfolk CCG around progress there, and some recent interest from North Norfolk. This will have significant impact on LPC resources, so we need to discuss LPC responsibilities, events required, and also the responsibilities of our Contractors.

CB the contractor evening was well attended and there were fantastic presentations given by NEL CSU, HSCIC, RA team and LPC. Lots of positive response from the evening and engagement in the room discussions. Pleased to say that pharmacies seem to be more prepared now and teams engaging more with EPS. Highlight that going into next year there are lots more kick off (KO) and business change meetings (BCM) happening and would advise that if pharmacies can only attend one then it should be BCM. Try to engage all team members and send as many as possible to different surgery meetings. Look at the EPS calendar on LPC website and plan staffing (holidays etc.) dates for the whole Norwich CCG roll out are available.

12.  PSNC Regional Representative- Anil Sharma MRPharms

Did not attend

13.  Summary Care Records- Michele Hulme MAPharmT, HSCIC

Firm plans for roll-out of SCRs will be made in December, but TD and Michele

have agreed that early contact and mutual understanding of what may work best

in Norfolk would be beneficial to all. Michele will provide an overview of SCRs

and discuss implementation with Committee.

Recommendations from the presentation are to ensure that all staff have smartcards that are working and certificates are in date. This will be available for registered pharmacist and technicians and they will need to complete CPPE training and need a privacy officer in each pharmacy. There will be a one off payment for each pharmacy upon completion of all of this.

14.  HealthWatch Update- Andrew Magem unable to attend postponed until next meeting.

15.  Funded Emergency Supplies

TD will provide an update on commissioning, discussions etc.

TD awaiting confirmation from West Norfolk. IC24 have endorsed the scheme in Norfolk. Norwich and South have agreed. Once the agreement is reached if this is without all CCGs then the service will be rolled out with all those in agreement.

SG is this ongoing service.

TD end of March 2016 but will look to continue service with IC24.

16.  Early Detection of Cancer

A new training resource is now available for pharmacies. This was introduced at the GY/W forum on 11/11/15 by Dr McCall. Plans/possibilities for further dissemination will be discussed.

TD plans in place to arrange meetings to look at pilot sites and how to approach this project.

17.  Health &Wellbeing Board Medication Task and Finish Group

This has been set up to look at the prescribing and supply of drugs with anti-cholinergic burden, which may result in adverse effects such as development of Dementia. TD is sitting on this group, and there may be implications for advice to pharmacies around OTC sales, MURs/NMS etc.