- Getting Started
- Choose your topic/problem
Title, Problem, student name, and brief write (on back) of how to execute the project. / Begin to discuss any immediate needs for your project.
For Example: Lab time, materials needed, etc. / Library trip or internet search to look for sources.
**Your project must fall into one of the following categories found on this list**
/ Due: September 29, 2017
This is an important deadline!!! Do not miss it!
- Research your topic/ problem. Complete research in science binder under project tab.
Keep record of your sources and take notes on the information you find in your binder. / Find at least 3 Non-internet sources.
Take good notes! You will need them later.
This is where you will record your data / Due: October 13, 2017
- Create your hypothesis.
- Design your experiment
**Answer the questions on this forms wizard and it will tell you what forms to fill out and submit to me. **
**If you have volunteers under the age of 18 participating in your experiment, you must have their parent or guardian fill out the form giving permission for them to participate** / Due: TBD
- Conduct your experiment
**Take pictures of your experiment to use in your power point presentation. / See me if you need help!
Your experiment must be completed by Thanksgiving break, unless you speak with me first. / Due November 27, 2017 (Or Sooner)
- Analyze your results.
Please share your data and analysis with me as they are generated. We may need to perform some statistical analysis to be sure that your results are in the proper form. / Use color on your graphs and be sure that the font is easily readable from 15 feet. Label all axes and provide appropriate titles and legends where needed. / Due: November 27, 2017
**Project must be completed with speech by December 11, 2017 or sooner if you wish. **
- Compose/Finish speech.
Time will be strictly enforced!
Your speech must be accompanied by a Power Point presentation.
**Remember if you decide to enter PJAS and make it to the state competition, you may have to convert your power point to transparencies. ** / Be sure to practice your speech as much as possible (in front of family/friends, in the mirror, etc.)
**No animations, music, or transitions between slides. The Power Point must be simple with easy to read colors and fonts (some of the judges may be sitting significantly far from where you are presenting if you go to PJAS.)** / Project Due: December 11, 2017
Presentations begin December 12, 2017 and commence December 19, 2017
- Attend PJAS competition.
Bring your note cards and flash drive (flash drive should have only your presentation on it saved as a pdf file).
Do not bring any visual aids, handouts, or laser pointers. / Consider going!
It is not required but you should go!!! / TBD (Usually the first Saturday in February.)
- Register for State competition.
PJAS state registration, abstract, and medical release forms with signatures. / Deadlines for registration to come at
- Attend state competition.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is the Science project schedule. Please go over the dates and deadlines with your child. Remember students are NOT required to enter into the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science competition but all 7th and 8th grade students must complete a science project based upon this schedule and Mr. Annis’s guidelines. Students should keep this schedule in their science binder at all times. Please sign below and return to Mr. Annis as soon as possible.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______