- Choose a topic of interest to you. Topic must be approved by your teacher.
- Your goal, depending on your topic choice, is to either reinforce course material or introduce us to something new, but science related.
- Format Options:
- PowerPoint Lesson
- Prezi
- Board Game
- Digital Game (ie Jeopardy)
- Art
- Essay/PowerPoint
- Class Activity (Lab/Demonstration)
- Video
- Song
- Models
**All options will be presented in Class**
- Individual/Group Work:
Depending on your topic choice, you may either work individually or in groups of 2. Those working in groups will be expected to produce a larger volume of work
Presentation Length: 5 -7 minutes for individuals, 10 -12 minutes for groups.
- Evaluation:
Project value = 10% of your final mark.
5% Application
5% Communication
NOTE: Projects will NOT be marked without a proper reference list
You will be evaluated on the depth of content coverage, clarity of information, neatness/effort, creativity, and value to the class (did we learn something from your work/did it effectively reinforce course material).
IN CLASS WORK PERIODS: Fri. Dec. 8, Mon. Dec. 18. You will have access to Chromebooks during these periods.
Due Date: Thursday January 11th.
Visual / Relevance- visuals are irrelevant and take away from presentation, or there are no visuals at all / Relevance- some visuals are relevant and contribute a small amount to the presentation / Relevance- most visuals are relevant and greatly contribute to the presentation / Relevance- all visuals are clearly relevant to topic and significantly contribute to the presentation, each in a different way / /3Adequate Explanation- no explanation accompanies visuals / Adequate Explanation- little explanation of visuals, or comments are not relevant to topic / Adequate Explanation- gives complete explanation of visuals and shows how they relate to topic / Adequate Explanation- gives complete explanation of visuals and their relevant, as well as offers personal insight on them / /4
Total Marks:
/10 / Appearance- no agreement between font and background; information almost impossible to read and font is too small / Appearance- there is some contrast between font and background, but information is still difficult to see / Appearance-there is good contrast between font and background so that the text is clear and stands out; font size is appropriate / Appearance- font is clear and appropriately sized, background and style shows innovation, everything is well organized and in proportion / /3
Total Marks:
/5 / Clarity-there is great difficulty in understanding what the speaker is saying / Clarity- shows a fair degree of clarity in speech, but there is some difficulty understanding / Clarity- communicates with a high degree of clarity and there is little or no difficulty understanding; some practice is evident / Clarity-displays a high degree of clarity and communicates in a way that it is easy to understand what is being said; shows clear signs of practice, avoids time filling words (ummm, ughh, ect.) / /5
Total Marks:
/15 / Originality- no originality, boring, no class involvement / Originality- little creativity used in presenting information / Originality- interesting, presented in a fairly new way, relevant, / Originality- very interesting, unique, related to topic, promotes class participation, extremely relevant / /5
Content / Mechanics- several grammar and spelling errors / Mechanics- few grammar and spelling errors / Mechanics- no spelling or grammar errors / Mechanics-proper use of language, relevant and supports argument / /5
Topic- topic is not stated, nor are the main points / Topic- topic is not stated but main points are briefly mentioned / Topic- Topic is stated / Topic- topic is stated and an in depth explanation is included / /5
Argument- are illogical and do not relate to the topic. Arguments display a lack of research / Argument-are somewhat logical in relation to the topic. Shows moderate degree of research / Argument-are logical and relate to the topic. Shows large amount of research / Argument- all arguments progress in a logical manner directly related to the topic, and supports it from a multitude of angles. Arguments clearly show an extended amount of research. / /10
Total Marks:
/ 25 / Conclusion- topic and main points are not restated or proven / Conclusion- topic is restated but not proven / Conclusion- topic is restated and proven / Conclusion- topic is restated and further explained to prove it, using main points / /5
Knowledge and
Total Marks:
/10 / Speaker has little to no knowledge of what is being presented; displays this by reading off of smartboard or notes / Speaker has limited knowledge of the topic; displays this by referring to notes often / Speaker has proper knowledge of topic being presented; displays this by rarely referring to notes / Speakers exceeds required knowledge of topic they are presenting; displays this by making no reference to notes / /10
Total Marks:
/5 / Coherence- arguments show a lack of unity and are presented in an illogical manner, so that the audience has trouble following / Coherence- arguments show a fair amount of unity but some are out of sequence / Coherence- arguments are all unified under thesis and presented in a logical sequence / Coherence- arguments are unified and presented in a way that facilitates the audience’s understanding / /5