Consultant in Anaesthetists, 1.0 wte
The Appointment
Applications are invited for the post ofConsultant in Anaesthesia at the RoyalNationalOrthopaedicHospital, Stanmore, Middlesex.
10 Programmed Activities will be offered – 7.5 Direct Clinical Care and 2.5 Supporting Professional Activities. The opportunity to deliver an 11th PA exists and is the standard practice within the department. The successful applicant will participate in the consultant on call rota.
Job plans will be developed in partnership between the needs of the department and the successful applicant. It is expected that the initial job plan will be reviewed after 3 months service. Job plan can be changed to accommodate where possible the specific requests of the candidate and the needs of the department, however this is the proposed timetable of fixed commitments:
Consultant / AM / PMMonday / Flexible (ITU/ major spinal or tumour surgery
Tuesday / SPA*
Wednesday / SPA*
Thursday / Theatres (Paediatrics or spinal surgery)
Friday / Theatres (Major Joint Replacements)
On call 1: 16
*Non fixed commitments
The non fixed commitments include:
- To join the team of consultant anaesthetists who provide anaesthesia for the Trust.
- To provide pre and post operative care.
- To be on call (1:5 PAs).
- To join in the teaching of trainee anaesthetists and others.
- To participate in postgraduate meetings of the anaesthetic department and audit and training meetings.
- To attend consultant administrative departmental meetings.
- To take part in the running of the department.
- To participate in audit and clinical governance.
- To undertake research.
The RNOH Trust
The RNOH is a centre of musculo-skeletal medicine and a postgraduate teaching hospital for orthopaedic, anaesthetic and rehabilitation/rheumatology trainees. It is located in north London, on the edge of the green belt, close to the M25 and M1. There are 220 beds with 8 operating theatres and a 12-bed ITU/HDU.
Elective surgical units are involved in the management of spinal deformity, spinal injury, bone and soft tissue tumours, paediatric orthopaedics, brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injuries, revision joint surgery, customised prosthetic replacements and shoulder surgery as well as general orthopaedic surgery. The medical units are involved in the management of sports injuries and metabolic bone diseases, as well as rheumatology, rehabilitation, chronic pain, paediatrics and neurology.
Our main hospital site at Stanmore is located in extensive grounds set amongst green belt countryside. There is easy road access from the M1, the A1(M) and the A41. We are within easy reach of London. There is a free bus service to and from the two local tube stations.
We have sports facilities on site. In addition to the staff swimming pool, the ASPIRE National Training Centre was opened on the Stanmore site in 1998. Built with a National Lottery grant this houses facilities such as a swimming pool, gym and a dance studio, all of which are used by both able bodied and disabled patrons.
The Postgraduate Medical Education Centre has facilities which include the Charles Lack Lecture Theatre which can seat up to 100 people, a large seminar room capable of seating 50, a learning resource room with the latest IT, and extensive audiovisual facilities. The Postgraduate Medical Education centre also houses the Trust’s Medical Library.
The Future
For a number of years the Trust has been striving to achieve support to redevelop its services and facilities. NHS London has now endorsed this strategic vision and invited the Trust to submit a business case for redevelopment on site. Emphasis will be on:
- continuing to retain its identity as a national and international centre of excellence for patients requiring treatment of neuro-muscular and spinal conditions.
- developing the use of multi-disciplinary working and cross boundary collaboration.
- The patient being at the centre of all interventions, therefore providing a patient focused approach in the delivery of our care.
- Partnership working with University College London to provide a strong programme of translational research.
The Trust is committed to continue to provide outpatient services from Central London and redevelopment of the central London facility at Bolsover Street is well underway.
Department of Anaesthesia
Dr M CooperClinical Director
Dr R FoxITU, Spinal injuries, domiciliary ventilation
Dr J. BermanChronic pain
Dr D. SeingryPre-operative assessment
Dr G. EdgeBlood transfusion
Dr M FennellyITU
Dr V TaylorBone Tumour and revision joint
Dr M ChandraShoulder and regional anaesthesia
Dr K YauPaediatrics and Spinal deformity
Dr R Gad-ElrabAcute pain
Dr K. AgyareITU, Resuscitation, Lead Clinician Anaesthesia
Dr J. Barcroft
Dr D GoldhillITU, long term vascular access
Dr F SalimITU, long term vascular access
Dr M HetreedAcute Pain
Dr R SharmaCollege Tutor
Mr J Cernovsky
Dr R ZarnegarChronic pain
Dr M. GrundyJoint appointment UCLH
Dr H. FalkAssociate Specialist
Trainee Anaesthetists
Specialist Registrars Years 2 to 5
All trainees are appointed to approved rotational training posts within the Royal Free/UCLH School of Anaesthesia and the Imperial College School of Anaesthesia.
Pain Services
The Acute Pain Service is run by two consultants along with two specialist practitioner pain nurses. Two consultants are involved with the multi-disciplinary Chronic Pain Team.
The Intensive Care/High Dependency Unit/Outreach Service
The ITU/HDU is currently run jointly by five consultants. The ratio of ITU to HDU beds varies dependent on the patient workload, and we can staff up to 4 category I beds. The majority of the work is from elective major surgery in complex patients, with aproportion being the acute management of spinal cord injured patients. Many of these patients require ventilation at the time of injury and subsequent surgery, with a small number requiring long term respiratory support.
We have initiated an outreach service for the identification and management of at-risk patients within the trust. These patients include those who have been discharged from HDU in the preceding days as well as those causing concern on the wards. This service, which may form part of the responsibilities for this post, is supported by extra nursing staff, physiotherapists and clerical staff.
Long-term venous access service
There is a central venous catheter placement service for home administration of antibiotics in patients with infected prostheses.
The Spinal Injuries Unit
The Spinal Injuries Unit has 35 beds and manages patients from admission through surgery and rehabilitation to discharge. An increasing proportion of patients need long term respiratory support and one of the consultants manages the domiciliary ventilation service, along with support and assessment of inpatients helped by a respiratory specialist practitioner nurse.
Departmental Meetings
We have weekly educational meetings and teaching sessions, including a journal club. There are regular morbidity and mortality meetings, as well as departmental and hospital wide audit meetings. Continuing professional development is actively encouraged by the Trust.
A research interest in highly desirable and there is ample opportunity for the successful candidate to pursue this.
The RNOH has a well established Board of Clinical Studies and a local Research Ethics which has a remit to manage the research endeavour of the Trust and to ensure that all research carried out adheres to agreed criteria and is of a high standard.
General Information
Conditions of Service
This post is subject to the terms and conditions of service as agreed by the Hospital Medical and Dental Staff Whitley Council.
Annual Leave/Study Leave
The annual leave is 30 working days per annum. Study leave consists of 30 days over a three-year period in line with the 2003 consultant contract..
Health & Safety
It is a compulsory condition of acceptance of employment that on appointment the applicant is tested for Hepatitis B status. A medical examination may be required.
This job description can change in line with the service, teaching and research needs of the Trust.
Supplementary Information – Use of Ionising Radiations
Under the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 the Trust is obliged to maintain a register of all persons entitled to act as PRACTITIONERS or OPERATORS (ie to justify or to carry out a medical exposure) and to keep records of their training).
If your post includes the responsibilities of either Practitioner or Operator as defined by these regulations you must provide the Trust with evidence of training. This should include evidence of completion of an approved training course plus details of practical experience.
Please note that if, during the course of your duties, you refer a person for a medical exposure you are obliged to provide sufficient relevant clinical information to the Practitioner who justifies the use of ionising radiation. You are expected to follow any guidelines for such referrals which the Trust provides.
The appointee will be required to live within thirty minutes from the main unit. His/her private residence must be maintained in contact with the public telephone service. Assistance may be given with the cost of installation and rental charges.