Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the

Chobham & West End Joint Burial Committee Parish Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Station Road, ChobhamWednesday 8th April 201519:30 p.m.

Present:Cllrs Mr Taylor (Chairman), Mr Bentall, Mr Dredge and Mrs Tedder

In Attendance:Miss C Wright (Clerk)


  1. Apologies for absence:Received from Cllrs Mr Bell and Mr Medhurst
  1. Declarations of interest: None heard
  1. To approve the minutes of the meeting of 14thJanuary 2015

RESOLVED The Chairman signed the Minutes of the Meeting as a correct record on provision that three grammatical errors were corrected.

  1. Interments & memorials
  2. Members noted the following interments since the last JBC Meeting:
  3. K168 Swarbrigge 15th January 2015
  4. K146 Mr &Mrs James 22nd January 2015
  5. A22 Mrs Wilder 28th January 2015
  6. L37 Partridge 30th January 2015
  7. P5 Baby Jackson 4th February 2015
  8. K145 Anne Eyers 5th February 2015
  9. A31 W Smith 25th February 2015
  10. P3 Mr Clark 13th March 2015
  11. K144 Mr Kennett 25th March 2015
  12. K142 Mr Cull 26th March 2015
  13. A37 Mr G Penfold 28th March 2015
  14. L20 Mr D Smith 30th March 2015
  1. Members noted the following booked interments, taking place after thismeeting:
  2. K139 Mrs Ivy Panther 9th April 2015
  3. P6 Mr Stewart 11th April 2015
  1. Members noted the following pre-approved memorials:
  2. A31 Winifred Smith
  3. P6 Mr D Stewart
  4. P7 M Pemberton
  5. K168 Swarbrigge
  6. P5 Baby Jackson
  7. A67 N Jamieson
  8. P3 Clark
  9. L112 Barnett
  10. K151 Fitzgerald
  11. M72 Holdaway
  12. N96 Outram
  13. A37 Penfold
  1. Membered noted the following plots purchased for ‘future use’:
  2. K141 Dr & Mrs Papavergos
  3. K143 Master Kennett
  4. K140 Sarah Huntley-Peck
  5. K138 Sarah Huntley-Peck
  6. K139 Arthur Panther .
  7. Members noted the ownership transfer:
  8. M55 Barbara Searle
  1. Members were informed there were no further interments or purchased to be noted.
  1. Clerks Report – To note and consider:
  2. Receipt of Audit Notice – Clerk informed Members that the BDO External Audit Notice had been received and that the Audit Committee had notified the office that the Committee would no longer be subject to External Audit.

Members noted that the Committee should continue to be audited independently.

  1. Cemetery Car-Park Signage– The Clerk expressed a wish to erect a sign at the entrance to the Cemetery lane informing drivers that the car-park is only for use of visitors to the Cemetery. There have been on-going issues with funerals due to the number of cars parked.

Committee all agreed – Clerk to ACTION.

  1. Future Use Purchases

Clerk to cease future use sales until further notice.

Discussion then moved to the allotment space and the Clerk was asked to locate a 1950s plan of Allotment area.

  1. Discussion about the succession planning and handover for the next Council/ Committee –approach to the Allotment space – commissioning and starting works on the grounds.
  1. Financial statements and payment of accounts

Clerk to review Maintenance Contract – when is it up for renewal?

Chair to inform Chobham and West End Parish Councils that there is imminent expenditure for the Committee in writing.

  1. Burial Ground: To review burial ground condition and raise any issues, including:

Entrance track into the Cemetery is in bad condition with several potholes – Clerk to approach Highways/ SCC to request repair.

Members all noted that the grounds were in good condition.

Hedge under the entrance sign needs to be maintained more.

Memorial Bench (Edward King) is in bad condition, Clerk to contact family.

Fencing on Western border needs replacing. Clerk to define ownership.

Notes for forthcoming Committee – define perimeter of land, passed brick shed and fencing.

  1. Allotment Area: What next?

Chair and Clerk to make handover notes for the new Committee (post-Election).

What happens if items are not removed?

  1. Matters to report and minor matters: To receive an update on actions since the last meeting not already covered as agenda items, and raise any other minor matters.

Clerk informed Members that an FOI request had been received.

Cllr Tedder proposed that we re-approach the Glebe Land issue and the ownership/ lease issue.

  1. Agenda planning: To propose items for future Agendas.
  1. Date of next meeting: 1st July 2015.

Part One completed at 20.30pm