02/19/08 ©chincare.com

ChinCare’s Reference Library
(veterinary, scholarly and rancher-authored books, pamphlets and articles)

Note: While we do not condone pelting, and we also do not believe that information gained at the expense of chinchillas during their time on fur farms should be disregarded, it should instead be used for the betterment of pet chinchillas today. Be forewarned that it is, unfortunately, common for books written specifically for pet owners to contain gross misinformation. Our purchase of rancher-authored books did not contribute to the continuation of pelting. These resources aren’t for sale, see this section of ChinCare regarding the availability of book resource lists, search and price comparison.

  1. A Pet Owner’s Guide to the Chinchilla/ Kirkiewicz and Broomhead/ 1998
  2. After 40 Years… Alice Kline Talks About Chinchilla/ Alice Kline/ 1995
  3. An Essential Guide to Owning a… Chinchilla/ Mirella Poli/ 2006
  4. Basic Genetics and History of Mutation Chinchillas/ Alice Kline/ 1992
  5. Breeding and Caring for Chinchillas/ Egon Mosslacher/ 1986
  6. Breeding and Reproduction in Fur Bearing Animals/ E.E. Laberee/ 1953
  7. British Chinchilla Breeding/ Mary Grant/ 1960
  8. Chinchilla Breeding/C.F. Snow/ 1972
  9. Chinchilla Breeding/ C.F. Snow/ 1985
  10. Chinchilla Care/ J.W. Houston and J.P. Prestwich/ 1953
  11. Chinchilla Care/ J.W. Houston and J.P. Prestwich/ 1962
  12. Chinchilla Care/ J.W. Houston/ 1951
  13. Chinchilla Care/ J.W. Houston/ 1952
  14. Chinchilla Diseases and Ailments/ A.H. Kennedy/ 1952
  15. Chinchilla Diseases and Ailments/ A.H. Kennedy/ 1970
  16. Chinchilla Handbook/ Edmund Bickel/ 1987
  17. Chinchilla History. Husbandry. Marketing/ Edwin G. Bowen and Ross W. Jenkins/ 1969
  18. Chinchilla Rancher's Guide/ Bernard Koch/ 1976
  19. Chinchillas as a Profitable Hobby/ Gerhard Schreiber/ 1987
  20. Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine/ Hrapkiewicz, Medina, Holmes/ 1998
  21. Das Grosse Chinchilla Handbuch/ Sabine Cremer/ 2002
  22. Diseases of Chinchillas/ Helmut Kraft/ 1987
  23. Diseases of Small Domestic Rodents/ V.C.G Richardson/ 2000 [2003]
  24. Empress Chinchilla Rancher’s Handbook/ Empress Chinchilla Breeder’s Cooperative/ 1966
  25. Empress Chinchilla Rancher’s Handbook/ Empress Chinchilla Breeder’s Cooperative/ 1969
  26. Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery/ Hillyer, Quesenberry/ 1997
  27. Guinea Pigs & Chinchillas/ Ken Denham/1977
  28. Guinea Pigs & Chinchillas/ Ken Denham/1982
  29. Hello, Test Animals... Chinchillas? Or You and Your Grandchildren/ W.R. Cox/ 1953
  30. History and Handbook of the Chinchilla Industry/ Willis D. Parker/ 1950
  31. How to Care for Your Chinchilla/ Roger Whear/ 2001
  32. Journal of Mammology/ American Society of Mammologists/ Vol 18, No.2, May, 1937
  33. Let’s Go Fur Farming/ Robert G. Hodgson/ 1953
  34. Magazine:American Fur Breeder, Herd Improvement Issue, article: “News of The Chinchilla Association of America”/ Davidson Publication/ June, 1956
  35. Magazine: Popular Science Monthly, article: “Three American Chinchilla Farms Produce Most Costly Furs”/ Popular Science Publishing Co., Inc./ December 1933, Volume 123, Number 6
  36. Modern Chinchilla Farming/ J.D.W Clarke/ 1961
  37. Modern Chinchilla Fur Farming/ Willis D. Parker/ 1982
  38. Modern Chinchilla Pens and Equipment/ Robert G. Hodgson/ 1968
  39. Pamphlet: Allied Fur Industries, Inc, “Why This Little Fellow Is Really Worth His Weight In Gold”/ Form L-49/ no C
  40. Pamphlet: Allied Fur Industries, Inc/ “Your Future In Chinchilla”/ 1952
  41. Pamphlet: Chinchilla Equipment and Gift Suggestions/ Customcraft Industries (Chinchilla Equipment Corp.)/ 1954 Catalog
  42. Pamphlet: “Chinchilla Raising” Leaflet No. 266/ USDA/ 1953
  43. Pamphlet: “Four Imperial Chinchillas living in their air-conditioned Palace- a modern ice refrigerator”/ California association of ice industries/ no C
  44. Pamphlet: “His Majesty Goes To The Fair” (The Imperial Chinchilla)/ Chapman Sales Co./ no C
  45. Pamphlet: “Interesting Facts about the History--- Propagation- Care- and Feeding of the-- Chinchilla”/ Chinchilla Sales Corporation/ 1937
  46. Pamphlet: “Presenting the -mink, guinea pigs, chinchillas, pigeons, rabbits- An Income for Life”/ Keeney Brothers Farms/ no C
  47. Pamphlet: “Royal Chinchillas”/ The Chinchilla Ranch, Inc./ 1948
  48. Practical Chinchilla Keeping/ Jean C. Coulton/ 1989
  49. Practical Chinchilla Ranching/ Greg Riedstra/ 1992
  50. Principles of Chinchilla Ranching/ A.B. Hemmingsen/ 1968
  51. Raising Chinchillas/ Canada Department of Agriculture, Publication 1177/ 1971
  52. Raising Chinchillas for Profit/ G.R. Schwab/ 1952
  53. The Berdux Method of Chinchilla Raising/ Val and Clara Berdux/ 1969
  54. The Chinchilla/ Harold Medow/ 1969
  55. The Chinchilla Handbook/ Sharon L. Vanderlip, DVM/ 2006
  56. The Complete Encyclopedia of Rabbits & Rodents/ Esther Verhoef-Verhallen/ 1997
  57. The Fabulous Chinchilla/ M. & E. Casey/ @ 1958
  58. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Small Animals Principles and Practice/ Christopher Day, MA, VetMB, VetFFHom, MRCVS/ 2005
  59. The Joy of Chinchillas/ Lani Ritchey, BSc. AS; Elizabeth Current Cogswell, RN MS PHN; Roxanne Beeman/ 1999
  60. The Prince of the Andes (The Chinchilla)/ H. Hamilton/ no C
  61. The National Guide to Chinchilla Breeding/ National Chinchilla Breeders of America, Inc./ 1954
  62. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Small Pets and Petcare/ David Alderton/ 2001
  63. Understanding and Breeding Quality Chinchillas/ Empress Chinchilla Breeders Coop/ no C
  64. Your First Chinchilla/ Roger Whear/ 1999