Chiltern Edge School

POST: Head of Maths


Salary: UPS + TLR 1(2)


This job description should be read in conjunction with the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and the provisions of that document will apply to the post holder.

The performance of all the duties and responsibilities shown below will be under the reasonable direction of the Headteacher; and the Headteacher, or other Senior Manager if appropriate, will be mindful of his/her duty to ensure that the employee has a reasonable workload and sufficient support to carry out the duties of the post.

This job description will be reviewed at least annually and any changes will be subject to consultation. The school’s Grievance Procedure will be used to resolve any dispute arising out of the job description. Other relevant policies may be the School’s Stress at Work Policy and the Dignity at Work Policy.

General Duties

You will be expected to carry out the professional duties of a teacher as outlined in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document.

Please see job specification and code of conduct for all teaching staff
General Responsibilities

Taking appropriate responsibility for one’s own health, safety and welfare and the health and safety of pupils, visitors and work colleagues in accordance with the requirements of legislation and locally-adopted policies; including taking responsibility for raising concerns with an appropriate manager.

Main Responsibilities

In addition to the duties outlined above, you will be responsible for the following for which a teaching and learning responsibility payment is awarded.

Head of Faculty

Leading and Managing Teachers and their Teaching

  • Line manage all teachers and associated support staff setting expectations and targets for staff and students in relation to standards of student achievement and the quality of teaching.
  • Conduct the Performance Management of staff as required by our Performance Management Policy and use the process to develop the professional effectiveness of the teacher.
  • Develop and enhance the teaching practice of other teachers so that students make effective educational progress by:
  1. Acting as a ‘teacher consultant’ for the dept modelling best practice and securing support and guidance for teachers experiencing difficulty
  2. Work with the Lead Practitioner to develop guidance on suitable choices of Teaching and Learning methods to meet the needs of all students
  • Ensure that statutory requirements where relevant are met.
  • Ensure curriculum coverage, continuity and progression for all students including those with SEND and gifted, aspiring, talented and enterprising (GATE) students
  • Ensure that all practices in marking, assessment, recording, reporting, behaviour management, anti bullying and inclusion follow whole school policy and practice.
  • Manage the departments’ involvement in ITT and the award of QTS.

Student Achievement

  • Promote the progress of Pupil Premium students strategically through promoting regular and effective feedback. Where progress is less than good, identify appropriate support and intervention to reduce and ultimately eliminate the ‘gap’.
  • Liaise with the Strategic Information Manager to establish appropriately challenging student targets based on FFT Aspire, CAT data and baseline testing to ensure that effective monitoring of student progress towards targets is in place.
  • Ensure strategies are in place to share with students their targets and their progress to date (CWA)
  • Ensure student behaviour supports learning across the department and contributes to the whole school policies on managing behaviour and provide support for teachers that may need it.
  • Use data effectively to identify students who are underachieving and where necessary create and implement actions to address the causes of the underachievement. Have clear intended outcomes for these interventions and monitor them rigorously to ensure value for money.
  • Ensure the department contributes to developing students’ understanding of British Values.
  • Provide opportunities for students to participate in work related learning and develop literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.

Strategic Development and Self Evaluation

  • Lead effective self evaluation of the department in line with whole school self evaluation cycle and provide reports for the Headteacher as requested.
  • Lead the strategic development of the department within the whole School Improvement Plan (SIP) and oversee Department Improvement Plans (DIP) which are led by the outcomes of rigorous self evaluation.
  • Monitor the quality of teaching and learning and implement improvement strategies as relevant.
  • Analyse and interpret school, local and national data, research, inspection outcomes to inform policies, practices, expectations, targets and teaching methods.
  • Be accountable to the Governors through the Headteacher for the standards of teaching, learning and student achievement within the department.
  • Ensure all health and safety requirements are in place including risk assessments.
  • Ensure statutory requirements for ICT with in the subject are in place.
  • Prepare for and undertake an annual review of the curriculum area’s progress with the relevant line manager (and link governor).

Resource Management

  • Ensure the effective deployment of learning resources by teachers within the department.
  • Establish staff and resource needs, determine priorities for expenditure and allocate available resources with maximum efficiency to meet school/departmental objectives/
  • Monitor and account for budget spending to Headteacher via LT Link.
  • Manage existing resources and explore the opportunities to develop and incorporate new resources