HQ Food Safety in Catering Level 3 Award

Who needs this qualification? / Why is training important? / Learning outcomes
In line with the National Occupational Standards reflecting sector-specific needs, these qualifications provide a thorough understanding of food safety procedures emphasising the importance of monitoring staff and controls.
Managers and supervisors in catering businesses.
Particularly relevant to those who have to develop or monitor HACCP-based food safety management procedures and systems. / Anyone working in a supervisory position in the food business is not only responsible but also accountable for food safety.
It is therefore vital they are equipped with both the knowledge and confidence to do their job effectively. /
  • Ability to implement and supervise a food management system
  • Understand the
· food safety procedures
· concept of food hazards & risks
associated with them
· terminology with respect to
supervising food safety
· techniques involved in controlling
& monitoring food safety
· role temperature has to play in the
control of food safety
  • Appreciate the risk linked to cross-contamination & the importance of supervising high standards of cleanliness in food premises

Facts:Courses held at Wycombe District Council Offices, Three Day Course, Multiple Choice Examination,Ofqual Accredited Ref. 500/5475/2,
The tutor is an experienced food safety inspector & will endeavour to address
issues raised by any candidate
How to book a course: / Fee / Course Dates 2018
Telephone Environment Service on 01494 412247or email
reserve a place.
Complete this form & return with cheque payable to Wycombe DC or call above number to pay by credit/debit card.
Once the payment has been received, confirmation will be sent to the correspondence name and address given on the form.
Please note:
Training is only provided in English
The Candidate must be able to understand spoken & written English / The cost is £275VATexempt, includes exam fees, training materials, refreshments & certificate for successful candidates.
Lunch is NOT provided.
An additional £10 is charged if you are outside Wycombe DC area.
Fee must be paid two weeks prior to course date, if not received the place will be offered to another candidate.
Premises within Wycombe DC are not obliged to undertake training provided by the council. They can use any other accredited organisations to meet their statutory duties. /
Thursday 8th February
Thursday 15th February
Arrive at 09:15
for aprompt 09:30 start
Finish at 17:00 after examination on last day
PHOTO IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED ON THE COURSE DAYin the form of Passport, Driving Licence, Bus Pass, Work IDCancellations will not be accepted less than 48 hours prior to the course.

Please complete the form over and return to Wycombe DC with payment, Thanks

Pre-course Questionnaire & Enrolment

Please ensure the candidate completes the middle section. When completed return it to:

Environment Service, Wycombe District Council, Environmental Health, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 1BB or

Course title: / HQ Level 3Supervising Food Safety in Catering / Course Date:
Candidate name:
Correspondence name:
Company:(if applicable)
Post Code:
Telephone: / Fee enclosed / £
How did you hear about this training course?
If you are currently employed, please state where you work and what type of work you do.
Have you had any other training similar to this course?
Are you undertaking this training course for a particular purpose? E.g. to help you in your job role.
What are you most looking forward to in attending this course?
What are you not looking forward to in attending this course?
Please give details if you require additional support as a result of a disability, medical condition, or specific learning need, such as dyslexia. Additional support can also be given if you speak English as a second language. Please contact Di Chapman on 01494 421093 if you have any queries or wish to discuss requirements confidentially.

For office use: COST CODE CDED01 M217

Date received: / Date passed to trainer: / Trainer name:
Reasonable adjustment form details / notes:
Pay Method/Amount/Date: / Card Chq / £ / Receipt No.