Burscough Parish Council Meeting
held at the Grove Community Centre on Wednesday 13th December 2017 starting at 7pm
Cllr Kennedy
Cllr Taylor
Cllr Atherton
Cllr Bailey
Cllr Crawford
Cllr Dereli
Cllr Hardisty
Cllr Makin
Cllr Mackerell
Cllr Reade
Cllr Warrilow
Mrs Maguire / Chair
Vice Chair

174. Apologies

Cllr Sutherland and Mrs Reddington / Received and accepted by the Councillors.
196. / Welcome
The Chair welcomed all Councillors to the meeting; he thanked all members for their kind donations to mark the retirement of Clerk - Mrs Reddington. Arrangements would be made to meet Mrs Reddington early next week to make a presentation.
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and Non Pecuniary Interest
Cllr Warrilow informed that he had an interest in item 5, by knowing Mr Thom Flood candidate for the Stanley Ward.
Comments from the Public
No comments were reported from the public. Although Cllr Hardisty informed that residents who had raised comments regarding rat infestation in Coulbourne Close were still no further on in solving the problem. Cllr Pope from Borough Council informed that he would look into the matter.
Previous Minutes of 8th November 2017
It was resolved the minutes of the previous Council Meeting dated 8th November were approved as a true record and were duly signed by the chairman as being an accurate and true record.
Stanley Ward Vacancy
Cllr Warrilow declared a non pecuniary interest at stayed at the meeting during proceedings. The public were asked to leave the meeting and an interview was held in private. It was resolved that Mr Thom Flood be co-opted to the Burscough Parish Council as a member of the Stanley Ward. This was proposed by Cllr Hardisty and seconded by Cllr Taylor with a unanimous vote from Cllr’s.
Police Report
Cllr’s received a copy of the report prior to the meeting; the Chairman noted that figures were slightly down from this time last year. The Police did not attend the meeting and there were no further comment noted.
Reports from Borough and Country Council
Cllr Pope informed Councillors that Junction Lane would close due to maintenance road works. He also informed that the public Library would remain open and will be extending its hours of opening. Additional capital funding received from Bourough Council will enable the service of disabled toilets to be built on the Library premises. Councillors noted the comments and were concerned that traffic would move to some of the side road and cause traffic blocking the roads.
Action: -Cllr Crawford to organise an agenda for a meeting with Rachel Crompton (Flood Risk Manager LancashireCounty Council) Cllr’s felt strongly that the meeting would be Chaired by Burscough Parish Council Chairman and Cllr’s Bailey and Crawford would be in attendance.
The Minutes of the Finance Working Party held on 27th November 2017 were noted.
  1. It was resolved that the bank reconciliation to 31st October 2017 be accepted.
  2. It was resolved to have a Petty Cash float for sundry items up to a value of £100.
  3. It was resolved that the Cil report be approved.
  4. It was resolved to approve the banking authority for new Clerk.
  5. it was resolved to award grants to the following: - Nifty Fifties £1,000.Sporting Challenge £125 and Time Savers £150.
  6. it was resolved to approve the costs for the Royal British Legion of £500, Booths £250 and sound engineer cost for both events for the recent Armistice Day of remembrance.
  7. The budget was considered with all councillors having the opportunity to have any input and look at the projected figures for the next financial Year.
  8. It was resolved that the following items be approve for payment.
Youth of Burscough (YOBS)
Cllr Reade provided a report highlighting achievements for the month of November 2017 including a survey available on the website, for young people to complete regarding the proposed Skatepark to enable comments to be made and collated. Cllr Reade informed that 136 young people completed the survey this equated to 70% in favour of the Skatepark. Young people in the audience commented that consideration should be taken into having a gate and fence around the park, which should be locked at night to stop vandalism another view was noted to have an area with a roof and seating to be able to ‘hang out and chat’ Comments from the young people were noted as being very valuable, councillors thanked them fro their attendance. It was noted that Amanda had met with the group to offer help and advice regarding what’s available on the job market, offer training – interview skills and support applications. Councillors felt strongly that this would be supported and Cllr Makin offered some of her previous skills working with unemployed adults to support the initiative. It was noted that Mr Flood and Mr Pratt would sit on the Management Committee.
  1. It was resolved to allow access to the Grove Community Centre other accommodation rooms, on either the first or second Wednesday of the month to enable the Youth of Burscough access to a meeting room.
  2. Cllr Makin and newly co-opted Cllr Flood was nominated as a member of the Parish Council to support the Youth of Burscough.
Proposed Bridge
Cllr’s considered the purchase of the School Lane land, it was noted that an independent valuation had resulted in a lower that asked for purchase price. Consideration was discussed regarding a contribution from West Lancashire Borough Council (S106 Monies approximately 42K) It was noted that Cil money cannot be used to purchase land but can’t be used for equipment provided. Cllr’s agreed to wait until the final report was received from the design consultants NRE.
It was resolved this Parish Council purchase land at School Lane as detailed subject to a contribution from West Lancashire Borough Council S106 monies being available and to successfully negotiate a price for the land along with terms of the sale.
Royal British Legion Centenary Fields Project
Cllr’s considered naming the School Lane Field as a Centenary Field. It was noted that Borough Council had not offered any support for any Centenary Fields.
It was resolved that Cllr Bailey investigate the idea and feed back at the next Parish Council Meeting. This was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Atherton.
Neighbourhood Planning
The Minutes of the Neighbourhood Planning Working Party held on 5th December 2017 were noted. Action from the meeting involved Cllr Crawford making an addition to a couple of items (Completed).It was resolved to remove the last paragraph in the plan due to a conflict of policies. The timetable of submissions was noted. It was resolved to pay three outstanding invoices submitted from CASS.
Street Scene
The Minutes from the Street Scene Meeting held on 28th November 2017 were noted.
  • It was proposed by Cllr’s to look into a Trophy to be given as an award to a Local Football club to commemorate Cllr Bullen’s work at the Parish Council. This was proposed by Cllr Hardisty and seconded by Cllr Makin. Clerk to look into possibilities and report back to the next meeting, Cllr’s to consider alternative ideas to report back at the next meeting.
  • Cllr’s considered the provision of a bus shelter at RingtailParkand asked the Clerk to look into if the route is expected to continue and look at costing’s.
  • It was resolved to renew the Christmas Decorations contract for 2018 for a further 12 months following an agreed quotation from P & R Electricals. Clerk to oversee the arrangement.
  • Cllr’s disagreed to go ahead with Winter Bedding in the planters around the village, this was due to the fact that Cllr’s felt in was too late in the Season.
  • To consider working with the Community Farm to trail a small selection of barrier baskets and hanging baskets. Action:- Cllr Reade contact the Community Farm and discuss options to be reported at the next Council Meeting.
  • It was resolved to go ahead with quotation from Ian Yates, for the refurbishment of benches and new bin at Mere Ave.
Outside Committees
  • Burscough Business Network had not met recently, noted nothing to report.
  • Cllr Bailey reported that he had attended the Lancashire Area Committee Meeting on 19th October 2017 and had been duly elected as Vice Chair of the Committee. He reported that Cllr Keith Iddon newly in post promised to clean up areas in Burscough ready for Armistice Memorial’s which he arranged. VAT had been removed for defibulator charges and it was reported that all consideration to all zebra crossings in the Town could be up graded to pedestrian crossings.
  • It was resolved to organise a meeting with Local Developer Mr D Crompton. Action Clerk to organise a meeting early in January 2017.
Planning Application 2017/0158/ARM – Abbey Lane (Residential Properties)
  • Cllr’s considered the amended and original plans; Cllr’s agreed they preferred the new plan and site for the proposed crossing. It was resolved to ask the Planning Office for a condition of the development that the crossing be put in place before the start of the development. (Note - road had recently been resurfaced and should have been marked on the road surface at that time) Action:- Clerk to contact the Planning Office to ask for consideration, (note closing date to any comments 19/12/17)
MeadowBrook Planning Application complaint
Nothing further to report, awaiting responses.
Victoria Park
Cllr’s resolved to declare an interest of the Asset of Community Value Application at Victoria Park and to be treated as a potential bidder for the Asset. This was proposed by the Chairman and Seconded by Cllr Bailey with a unanimous vote for Cllr’s. Action:- Clerk to write to Borough Solicitor to declare an interest.
10pm Cllr Reade was excused from the meeting.
Appointments to Committees and Working Groups
Cllr Dereli requested to be on Street Scene and Finance Working Party’s. Cllr approved her request.
Allowances and Expenses
Cllr had already reported their views and this item was noted.
Fair Trade Refreshments
It was resolved that Fair Trade Refreshments for meetings be available. Action:- Cllr Dereli to make arrangements.
Personnel Working Group
  • The Minutes of the Personnel Working Group of the 23rd November 2018 were noted.
  • It was resolved to sign both the contract of the Finance Officer and Clerk in line with Personnel Working Group recommendation.
  • It was resolved to approve the Clerk’s membership to SLCC.
The meeting closed at 10:10pm.

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