The Father has been giving me assignments to proclaim His will into the earth for many years now. I hear, I obey, I hear, I obey--thus my relationship with Him has become an intimate partnership, and I am overwhelmed with His precious presence with me as I go to do His will.

He sent me to Jerusalem, so that I might be at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount at the time of the sunset (7:00PM approximately) on the nights of September 11th, 12th and 13th. But, the night of the 12th, going into the 13th, was the great time of transition into at least 18 things that He changed.

In my articles “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition” and “The Smittah Year Prophecy”, I gave about eight things that would happen. But, as true to His form, just before and during the time of my intercession, proclamation and declaration of His will, He gave me ten more things.

As I left my room to go to the Wall, I realized that history was going to be changed forever--that nothing was going to be the same as it was in the past. I realized that from the foundation of the world, the Father knew that this night would announce the time of the coming of His Son back to earth and the coming of His Kingdom onto the earth, a Kingdom that will last forever. (Daniel 7)

The Father—the Ancient of Days—is hovering over this City and this time, for all things prophesied from of old are now ready to be finished.

On the eve of Yom Teruah—the Feast of Trumpets—the Feast of the blowing of the shofar and of shouting joyfully, I was blessed greatly to be in Jerusalem!

“Blessed are the people who know the festal trumpet call! They walk, O Yahuweh, in the light of Your face. In Your Name they rejoice all day long. And they are exalted in Your righteousness”. Psalm 89:15-17

And, oh was blessed as I heard the “festal” shofars blowing, and the shouting!

If you have read the “Smittah Year Prophecy”, you know that I missed my mo’ed—my special appointment—on September 29th, 2000, for I did not go to Patmos on that day to proclaim the opening of the seals. I had returned from Africa with malaria, and thought I couldn’t go. I proclaimed it from Aqaba, Jordan. As I left my room in the Old City to go to the Wall to proclaim the things He’d given me, He spoke to my spirit—“This is your second chance”. It did not dawn on me, that this night the trumpet judgments were opened. I missed going to the cave where John received the Revelation about the seals. I

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did go to Patmos in May of 2001, and the Father blessed it. But, this was indeed my second chance to be on the spot when the trumpet judgments were released.

As I at the Wall proclaiming and interceding for all He was pouring into my spirit, He added ten more things…and I left there knowing that something had happened. I just knew it in my spirit. But…

When I got up the morning of the 13th, Yom Teruah day, I KNEW something had happened! I felt strongly that we were inside the last seven years before Messiah’s return. But, I was also aware that something major had happened in my spirit regarding me. When the Father gives you something to know, you sometimes can’t explain it—you just know so strongly that you’ll lay down your life for what you know. I went to Jordan under orders from the Father, knowing a few Scriptures about Petra—the land of Edom—Southern Jordan—in the last days. I came out of Aqaba—on the Red Sea—eight years later to the day-- knowing the fullness of why He had sent me. Ezekiel 40:4 came to pass.

On the night of the 12th, I knew that I was released also--into the fullness of the ministry He had ordained for me from the foundation of the world, and the position He ordained for me to have, having trained me since age 4 to hear His voice and know Him. Now, we know also that Yahushua’s end-time ministry is released!

Yes, everything has changed, and now you will see things speeding up rapidly for the final fulfillment of His Word. Be aware that His eye is focused on ONE LAND and one only—Israel. Be aware that His eye is especially focused on ONE CITY—Jerusalem. What happens in other places is only a backdrop to His plans for His Land. He will destroy all other “gentile” nations. We are not called to pray for the peace of America, or Britain, or Canada, or any other land—But, Psalm 120:6 says: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”. Isaiah 62:1, 6-7, tell us we are to give Him no rest, until He establishes Jerusalem as a praise in the earth. Don’t get sidetracked by the propaganda and mind-programming of the Western media—and the hearsay reports of the fearful and cowardly, or of the Luciferic community’s mind manipulations. Yahuweh is our Elohim, and He is in charge of all that happens, and the protector, He says, of those who FEAR HIM and who guard HIS COVENANT/HIS COMMANDMENTS. (Psalm 103, and etcetera) The silly, the foolish and the shallow, the fearful and cowardly--those who do not know Yahuweh or Yahushua well enough to trust Him with anything, hear the mind-programming, the reports of hearsay and rhetoric, the “gospel of satan” designed to get people afraid of what he can do, and out of their faith in Yahuweh, and spread fear like Chicken Little, -- sending out e-mail reports that spread deception, lies and fear as if something was true. Tragic and pitiful that Yahuweh’s people are falling for the traps of the enemy. I hope none of you are reading or sending on fear-reports, designed by the Luciferic community to

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paralyze you and thus make you controllable and an easy prey for anti-messiah! Don’t be a fearful coward—for the fearful and cowardly ultimately end up in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8) along with the other sinners. For “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin”. Fear of anyone or anything except Yahuweh is sin!

Fear cancels faith, and without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him!

(Hebrews 11:6)

In the Word He says, 365 times at least: “Fear Not!” If you override the commands of Yahuweh and Yahushua that many times, you are out of line, and subject to receiving the great deception—that will damn your soul to the lake of fire. Israel is His focus, and yes, great destruction will come to Israel soon. But, to the other nations—they are not His Land or His nations—they will perish under His wrath. This is why He is so emphatic that we get out of the culture of Babel (confusion by mixture of good and evil), fleeing for lives (spirit, soul and body). (Revelation 18:4)

Where were you the night of September 12th? -- Before His face—in prayer, in ministering to others—in the Word, with your family and friends fellowshipping about Him? Were you with a fellowship that knew the “festal call”? I hope so! If so, let me know if the Father has shown you anything about this night. He tells all of His servants what He is about to do—those that live in His presence and know His voice, and obey Him. He does nothing in a corner. But, He does some things in a hidden fashion, away from the eyes of the world and the satanic kingdom, so that only those servants who really know Him will be instructed. What else matters now, but wearing this world very loosely, and focusing on His purposes—so that He can shelter us when we need help. The Psalms provide us with some glorious promises—we should memorize them.


1)The end of Ephraim’s punishment. A remnant of the ten northern tribes are free to return to the Torah and Yahuweh, to His Covenant, and to His Kingdom, and to His Land as He directs His timing for His set-apart ones. The Bridal remnant from these tribes are released to join with the house of Judah for the end-time exploits.

2)The end of Judah’s punishment. The veil is being taken off of a remnant of the house of Judah that they might see the Messiah Yahushua as their Messiah—the “Suffering Servant” and soon-coming King. That the beginning of Zechariah 12:10 through 13:1 may begin for those set-apart ones that He has foreknown.

3)The “smittah” year of Yahuweh’s release began. This is the seventh year of a seven-year cycle, in which Yahuweh releases debt as we release our debtors, and the land is to lay fallow and rest. It is the year of the release of His remnant—the release of their sins, their

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debts to Him, and anything that would hold them back from being set

into their position for the final 7 years.

4)Yom Teruah: The day of the return of the Messiah—to take His Bride

and His Kingdom. It will be the day of the wedding of the Messiah

and His Bride—the day of the Coronation of them as the King and the

Queen. It is the most significant day in human history for those end-

days chosen ones. They are now ready—they have made themselves

“virgin”—pure and blameless, for they “follow the Lamb wherever He

goes.” The new moon was declared at sunset—Tishre 1 began.

5)Thus, this is the day of the release of the prepared Bride for her work for Him before His coming, so that at His coming, she may rest from her labors, and enter into the fullness of His presence. The Bridal

marking and sealing has taken place—ended. Because the

sealing is over, the Bride is released to join together with the two

witnesses of Revelation 11 and to go throughout the earth in the

power of His might to do His will during the darkest of days without

dying. (Revelation 3:7-12; 7:1ff, 14:1-5; 22:3-5; Ezekiel 9:1-11)

6)Because the marked Bridal remnant has been marked and now sealed

for protection, the trumpet judgments can now be loosed. You will see the sealing of this remnant (144,000s—an approximate number, a plural) in Revelation 7:1ff, Judah is one tribe—among this remnant of the whole house of Jacob. In Revelation 9:4, we see that the trumpet judgments are so intense that only the marked/sealed Bridal remnant will escape them. Thus, as the eighth chapter of Revelation reveals the trumpet judgments, we see that they are catastrophic—mostly cosmic or nuclear in proportion.

7)The beginning of the final fulfillment of Ezekiel 37—the uniting of the

house of Israel and the house of Judah together as one. For we know

that during the time of the tribulation (3 ½ years), the whole house

will join together against the “prince of Greece”—the world system,

and overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their

testimony because they have loved not their lives even unto death—

Revelation 12:11. (Isaiah 11:12-14; Hosea 9:13)

8)The beginning of the end of the time of the fisherman – the time of

the hunters has come (Jeremiah 16:14-16). Individuals can be

“fished”—brought to safety in the Land, or fished to the Torah, to

Yahuweh and to Messiah Yahushua, but the time of the freedom to

generally fish as usual is coming to an end. “Night” is coming!

9)The beginning of the 70th week of Daniel (Daniel 9:24-27). There are

three levels to this prophecy’s fulfillment. (Refer to the article: The Three Levels of Daniel 9:24-27) The final level—the last seven years

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before Messiah’s return, has begun. We have entered the last seven years before Messiah comes! All that is included in these final seven years will take place. The great “falling away” has begun, the apostasy that will damn most of the so-called believers in “Jesus” or “Yeshua”, for they do not know Him personally well enough to trust Him with their lives through the times of horror.

10)The release of Daniel’s 4th beast—and the “seventh” and the “eighth”

Beast--Daniel 7; Revelation 13 and 17--the combination beast of all the Kingdoms that have come against Israel from Egypt onward. The last beast is a combination of all of them, but is especially the revived Rome (Vatican/Jesuits/Illuminati) and its partner—head of the world government (established May 1999, publicly on CNN and BBC Europe)—America—end-time Babylon! (For articles on these subjects, please ask) Thus, the release of the anti-messiah spirit, too. This includes the release of the ten toes/ten horns of Daniel 2, Revelation 17, which are the ten economic regions of the earth. This includes the release of the world religion to ensnare the world’s people, as Constantine used religion to unite His Empire under Christianity—so the beast of the Vatican is now using Christianity to unite the world into one religion, with Jerusalem as the headquarters of the world religious empire. Beware of the “Noahide laws!”

11)The release of “Kadima”—the forward east wind of destruction

(Genesis 41:15-32 – verse 27 “east wind” is kadim”) -- the ruling

party in Israel--to do their dirty work of destroying Israel along with

the help of America, Russia, the E.U. and the U.N. Right now,

Kadima is blowing, under Prime Minister Olmert, and destruction is

indeed near as Kadima joins with the President of America to push the

Palestinian state through, thus making Israel totally defenseless and

surrounded by her deadly enemies. Russia waits silently in the

Mediterranean, and in backing Syria and Iran and terrorist

organizations, to attack (Ezekiel 38). Yahuweh’s City is being betrayed!

12)We began 2008 from Creation. I know that the Jewish calendar

in this behalf dates from captivity in Babylon. But, Nimrod indeed

knew when creation began. Noah was alive until Jacob was a child. It

has been carefully calculated that creation was at the time of the

Feast of Trumpets--which marks the return of Messiah. Messiah’s

birth was also near the time from creation. The signs in the heavens

on day 1 of creation are known—and being repeated. By many signs

we know that we are within the 7-thousandth year from creation. It

has been known since before Messiah’s first coming that the Messiah,

King of the Universe, would come to bring His Kingdom within the first

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years of the 7-thousandth year from creation. Genesis 6:3 tells us

that mankind was given 120 “Jubilee” years: 50 X 120 ) 6,000 years.

Now the six thousand are finished. II Peter 3:8—“be not ignorant…of

this one thing, that a day with Yahuweh is as a thousand years, and a

thousand years as a day”). Hosea 6:1-3, speaking of the time-period

between Messiah’s two comings—“in the third day, He will raise us up

to live in His sight”.

Yahushua was born in 3BCE, at the beginning of the 4th day.

Pray about all these things, and let the Spirit of Yahuweh lead you into

all truth! He speaks to our spirit by His Spirit! Line everything up

with the whole of the Word, and lean not to man for your

understanding! (John 16:13; I John 2:27, and etcetera)

13)Noah and his family were sealed into the Ark for their protection seven

days before the deep broke up and the earth began to be flooded.

Messiah said: “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the

coming of the Son of man”. We are definitely “in the days of Noah”.

The Biblical principle is a day for year in prophetic writing…as

Numbers 14 sets precedent, and Ezekiel 4 regarding Judah, and the

70 weeks of Daniel – each seven being a heptad (7 days = 7 years).

Therefore, a remnant is sealed for preservation—both a Bridal

remnant that will be mobile until the last set of “moed’im”—one year—

and a remnant that will be kept safe in Edom for the whole 3 ½ years

to do His work there.

14)The release of the two witnesses will come when anti-messiah makes

his appearance on an Abib 10, 3 ½ years into the last seven years--

riding into Jerusalem in imitation of Yahushua, four days before the

beginning of Passover to declare his “deity” and demanding that

all worship him. He will sit on the Temple Mount “on the sides of the

north” taking his place on the throne of Elohim. (II Thessalonians 2)

15)The uniting of the Bridal remnant with the house of Judah, together

weeping for the coming of the King of Kings. As Judah cries for

Messiah to come, so does the Bride. John 11 tells of Mary (who

symbolized the Bride—always at His feet in adoration) weeping at the

feet of Yahushua because Lazarus has died. The Jews are weeping