Goals of Children’s Mental Health Targeted Case Management (CMH-TCM) include:

  1. Enabling the child to improve or maintain emotional/behavioral functioning in order to remain in the family home and community.
  2. Providing case management services to improve child and family functioning.
  3. Assisting the parent/child in obtaining and maintaining medical, social, educational, and other services to address mental health needs.
  4. Obtaining a current Diagnostic Assessment.
  5. Developingand updating of the client IFCSP (Individual and Family Community Support Plan) on a regular basis – coordinate, monitor, and evaluate service delivery for appropriateness, progress, and continued service need.
  6. Completing and maintaining necessary paperwork.
  7. Meeting a minimum of once monthly with both parent and child (in person)
  8. Participating in multi-disciplinary team meetings.
  9. Coordinating services with parent, child and other members of the team.

Parent and Child will:

  • Meet with the case manager in person a minimum of one time monthly.
  • Prior to CM departure, schedule next meeting.
  • Work with CM to schedule additional meetings if other needs are identified for the child.
  • Communicate the child’s needs respectfully.
  • Maintain a safe environment for the meetings.
  • Parent will work with staff to ensure basic contacts that enable the case manager to provide the best possible service for you and your child.
  • If an appointment needs to be cancelled with the case manager, please notify the case manager ASAP.

Case Manager is responsible for:

  • Weekly telephone calls to check in to and to see how things are going
  • Completing appropriate paperwork, to submit to Hennepin County at least 5 days prior to authorization expiration.
  • Updating the IFCSP, with child if appropriate, assessing child’s progress and determining the length of time to continue CMH-TCM services.
  • Reporting abuse, neglect or suspicion of abuse and neglect.
  • Protecting family confidentiality; in most situations, information about the family can only be shared with others when parent/guardian signs permission; information will be given without signed permission if requested by the law (e.g. child protection, police or by an order of the court).
  • Meetingregularly with your child’s school to check in on their progress
  • Organizing team meetings every 6 months. This would involve parent/guardians, school, case manager, other professionals and/or any other people that are important to your child’s development.

Case Manager can do the following:

  • Make referrals for medication management, individual and family therapy, individual and family life skills, Day Treatment or Residential Treatment
  • Assist with locating and accessing resources client and family related to the child’s mental health needs.
  • Assist with resources for health insurance (e.g. medical assistance, TEFRA) HOWEVER, WE CANNOT GIVE LEGAL OR FINANCIAL ADVICE.
  • Assist with school issues (e.g. arranging school meetings and advocating for school programs such as special education).


  • Crisis service
  • Mental health therapy service
  • Social activity service
  • Educational service (e.g. tutoring and homework assistance)
  • Health service
  • Vocational service
  • Transportation service
  • Advocacy service
  • Legal service
  • Volunteer service
  • Therapy, support or treatment service
  • Housing service
  • Financial service
  • Daycare/preschool service
  • Outreach

Case Manager will CLOSE TCM services when:

  • Goals in the IFCSP are achieved and it is determined that no other services are needed
  • Client’s mental health needs are stable
  • Parents miss more than one required monthly meeting
  • Parent chronically fails to follow through with IFCSP and recommendations
  • Client enters residential treatment
  • Client moves out of Hennepin County

In order for services to be provided according to the State guidelines, we ask that each parent read and sign indicating that they understand the expectations of the program.

Parent signature: Date:

Case Manager Signature: Date: