Teacher Dispositions/Attributes Rubric
Disposition / Unacceptable / Satisfactory / Proficient / ExemplaryCollaboration / Resistant to suggestions of others and makes no meaningful contributions in planning / Is hesitant or resistant to being part of a team effort / Works well with others / Is an equal partner in developing ideas making helpful contributions
Honesty/Integrity / Not forthcoming and open; deceptive / Sometimes less than forthcoming with themselves / Honest with others / Completely trustworthy with themselves and others.
Respect / Shows no respect for colleagues and students. / Sometimes disrespects colleagues or students / Shows respect for colleagues and students / Makes an effort to help and show consideration for the feelings and ideas of others.
Reverence for Learning / Makes no effort to learn new information or try new approaches / Will sometimes make an effort to verify information / Researches new material before presenting to students / Models enthusiasm for learning new things and cultivates curiosity in others.
Emotional Maturity / Self-centered and uncaring. Easily agitated. May take frustrations out on others / Can become frustrated but attempts to control outward appearance. Can be distracted by frustrations. / Remains calm in intense situations and is aware of the feelings of others / Projects a professional demeanor in intense situations and shows genuine concerned for the feelings of others.
Reflection / Believes any failure is due to outside conditions or the actions of others. Does not think about personal interactions after the fact. / Some concern for cause and effect but mainly focused on outside conditions or the actions of others / Regularly reflects about planning and student engagement. / Consistently analyzes positive and negative aspects of lessons and student interactions and makes plans to elicit student curiosity and build on student engagement
Flexibility / Believes they are always right and sees no need to change. Unable to alter direction once a plan has been set in motion. Unwilling to take constructive criticism. / Somewhat defensive and takes suggestions with some difficulty or hesitancy. / Open to suggestions and willing to try new things when plans seem to not achieve the desired goal. / Eager to look at situations from multiple viewpoints and easily shifts directions when a better idea presents itself.
Responsibility / Waits to be told what to do. Often puts things off to the last moment. Regularly unprepared for the day. / Hesitant in planning or taking the lead. Sometimes puts things off until the last moment. / Plans far enough ahead to be able to dialogue with others on points of concern. Can be counted on to be prepared to teach the lesson / Consistently proactive, organized, and able to take charge. Often takes initiative in planning new things and extracurricular activities.
Punctual / Lesson plans, reports, and other materials rarely turned in on time / Lesson plans, reports, and other materials sometimes turned in on time / Lesson plans, reports, and other materials turned in on time / Lesson plans, reports, and other materials turned in ahead of time