Raise the percentage of children achieving age related expectations by the end of the year by:
Ensuring maximum impact of Pupil Premium funding.
Expected Outcomes/Success Criteria:
- Accelerated progress for identified groups to increase the percentage of children at /above ARE (Age Related Expectations)
- Tighter focus of teaching assistant time
- Children in identified groups to close the gap in attainment
- Improved attendance for identified children and reduction in persistent absence
- Improved lunchtime experiences and behaviours
Governor link reporting to full Governing Body
Data tracked by KP and RO 4x a year
Quality of TA intervention monitored by RO
Main priority for performance appraisal for entire school
Use of case studies
External review of existing provision
Actions 2016 - 17 / Who/When / Resources
Identify children attracting Pupil Premium, including those accessing Nursery provision, and ensure all staff are aware of them (Provision maps).
Provide for FSM for all Nursery children.
ExtendLearning Mentorhours to meet the increased needs of attendance work, social care cases and behaviour.
Developthe provision of quality Nurture time, including providing for a dedicated space
Provide foradditional teaching hours for children not at ARE/achieving fullest potential/needing to make accelerated progress by offering tuition outside of school hours, additional teaching time for Upper KS2 children, Level 2 TA time (x2) to deliver small group and 1:1 programmes in Reading and Talk Boost and TA booster additional to school hours for reading in KS1.
Identify and informparents ofchildren on FSM who require additional support (financial or otherwise) to access residentials, extra curricula activities and holiday schemes.
Allocatebudget funding to support parents with financial cost of before and after school care where need is identified by staff or social care.
Class teachersto regularly review provision maps to ensure all FSM, LAC, EAL, Service children are identified and quality personalised provision provided, if required.RO to QA and track impact of additional support for PP children.
Additional staff training for class teachers and TAs who have LAC and PP children in classes and for teachers new to the school: focus on attachment disorder, emotional wellbeing, and impact of emotional difficulties on attainment.
Support the work of Mellow Nest around developing quality of provision for CLA (Trust and Leeds City Council funded project)
Additional Contributions to the Trust Budget to support a parent support worker and CAMHS worker, and to appoint additional attendance officer hours.
Funding (Fulltime) of TA to support child with severe EBD (funding unavailable from Leeds City Council because of funding systems that they have in place).
Establish better lunch provision for those children who have difficulties accessing social times
Maintain use of Scrap Shed resources to engage children in more purposeful play that develops quality of language, cooperation and problem solving skills.
Maintain an SLA to account for the increased difficulties being experienced with higher speech and language needs and meet the National Health Care cutbacks.
Maintain additional lunch time member of staff as good impact on KS1 playground
Maintain gardening club to support children who need additional adult time over more challenging social times.
Review of existing provision for Pupil Premium by external specialists to improve quality of provision. / KP/RO – information provided by July 16 and refined as the year progresses.
KP/JL Sept/Oct 16, then for January intake if needed
KP supported by TH (from April2016)
Learning Mentors
KP supported by senior leaders and SENCO, from Sept and then ongoing as needs identified.
KP/LM/ Office staff: Throughout year as visits happen and opportunities arise.
KPsupported by LM and office staff Throughout year as needed.
RO lead supported by senior leaders
KP/THJune Oct 2016
Learning Mentor link
KP / Resources subcommittee
SENCO/Learning Mentors throughout the year
KP supported by lunch team and learning mentors
SENCO Ongoing from last year
KP, supported by MU
SENCO line manages, supported by KS1 lead
KP supported by RO and SP / £3 300
£10 700 (additional to £17 000 already funded for LM time)
£950 to support refitting of a room and furnishings
Teacher time £22 600, TA time £6 000, Level 2 TA time £28 000, Tuition time £4000. £800 volunteer reading helpers.
£5 500 to fund visits/residentials
£ 2000 ring fenced in extended services budget
£12 000 for release time, 6 x £670 for staff meeting time and £2000 for training day
Costed within staff contracted hours and provided free of charge by Leeds City Council. EP training day £800
£ 20 000 external funding for EP and emotional wellbeing worker time funded by Leeds City Council.
£8 600 (0.5% budget contribution) with additional £ 9000 of pooled resources from LCC that are diverted to Trust activity.
£12 000 salary cost.
Costed in salaries and in set up of nurture room
2 x scrap sheds £ 5 500
SLA with speech services to support SLT difficulties/delay £9000 – 1 day/fortnight
£2 800 salary
£3000 Gardening club staffing, £ 200 Gardening club resourcing
£18 000 (costed previously in plan with addition of external review).
October ‘16, December ’16, March ’17 and July ’17 Key dates for data – children focussed on to have narrowed/closed gaps in attainment and to have made more progress than in previous year.
Targets for performance appraisal in place for Oct 30th at latest
Action Plan in place following external review by end of September ‘16
Pupil Premium information on school website for Oct 1st
Report of activity undertaken and on achievement in this area available to Governors by November ‘16.
Report on and recommendations for development of better provision completed by Oct half term and staff development plan in place for January 2017.