Application form for appearing as a Private candidate in the All India Trade Test under the Apprentices Act, 1961


Regional Director,

Regional Directorate of Apprenticeship Training,

Ramanthapur, Hyderabad- 500 013.


I request for permission to appear in the Trade Test to be held in the month of …………………………….… 20……… as a Private candidate in the following trade. I have noted the rules and Regulations concerning the said Trade Test and I agree to abide by the same.

Name of the Designated Trade :- ……………………………………………….

My personal details are as under

1.  Name in Full
(in block letter with surname)
2.  Father’s Name
3.  Residential Address with Pin code
4.  Date of Birth and Age (Enclose true copy of school leaving certificate or SSC certificate)
5.  Education qualification (Enclose true copy of certificate from Educational Authority concerned. For trades where SSC Examination passing with Maths & Science is essential, Enclose true copy of the statement of marks of that examination)
6.  Name of ITI & year from which the NTC under CTS passed and name of trade (Enclose true copy of the certificate)
7.  Name and Address of the establishment/Industry where working at present and its Government Registration No.
8.  Present Designation period of employer and nature of work/operations carried out during the last 3 years (Enclose certificate in original from the present employer to this effect).
i)  Designation
Period of employment from
Work/operations carried out
During the last 3 years
(Use separate sheet)
9.  Details of past experience pertaining to trade indicating post held, period etc after passing NTC Examination
10.  Whether appeared Trade-Test previously. If so how many times? State the month and year. (Enclose statement of marks of last test) / ………………………………………………………………………….

I certify that the application has been filled by me and the statements made therein are correct and complete.

Yours faithfully ,

Date:- ……………………………

Signature of the applicant


The application shall be rejected if:-

i)  It is not filled in properly or if the information given is incomplete or false

ii)  Attested Xerox copies of certificates as required vide item Nos. 4, 5 , 6 and 10 are not enclosed

(Original certificates if sent shall not be returned)

iii)  It is bit accompanied by the certificate from the present employer

iv)  The candidate is not presently employed or experience is less

v)  The establishment where the candidate is presently working is not registered with Government under the Factories Act, Compulsory Notifications etc.

Certificate from employer

This is to certify that Shri/miss ______son/daughter of ______is on our pay roll. He/She is a full time worker presently working as ______. His/Her salary is Rs. ______. The trade in which he/she desires to appear for the trade test is ______. I undertake to allow the representative of the App. Adviser to verify the records in our establishment relevant to the period of employment, nature of duties, etc of the above candidate as and when desired. His/Her photograph and signature are attested below and it is recommended that he/she may be allowed to appear in the All India Trade Test.

Signature of the Officer

In charge of Training and Seal

Passport size Photograph

Seal & signature of the Employee:-


Government Registration No.:-

N.B.:- Application will not be entertained unless the above Certificate is produced.