
  1. Appendix A lists all the proposals for review or reduction of provision commissioned by CYPS in 2010/11, future intentions for 2011/12 as known at February 2011, and the equalities impact of each proposal. This includes proposals to terminate, reduce or review contracts as a result of Government reductions in funding to the Council. Some contracts were terminated during the year and others will come to a natural end in March 2011 regardless of the budget cuts, but other proposals remain subject to review.
  1. For those contracts where a reduction in funding will have a potentially negative impact on equalities, we have also indicated the action being taken to reduce the negative impact.

Consultation with third sector organisations

  1. The Acting Executive Director for CYPS wrote to all organisations in December 2010 who have a contract with CYPS to advise them of future funding challenges.
  1. Meetingswere held with a number of individual voluntary sector organisations to discuss changes to funding allocations, including the move from ring-fenced funding to more flexible arrangements and the loss of entire funding streams in some cases. Discussions have taken place in the commissioning and planning groups to plan for these changes and provide ongoing support to the sector, for example to ensure these organisations have considered internal redeployment, re-training, career development and in some cases, consideration of TUPE arrangements where appropriate.
  1. We also discussed the impact of the decommissioning in order to mitigate the impact of budget reductions. This included exploring different delivery models. All organisations affected by a decision to reduce or terminate expenditure were given a 3-month notice period.

Impact of commissioning decisions on the provision of integrated youth services

  1. CYPS intends to maintain a programme of positive activities for young people across the borough delivered by a range of voluntary sector providers. However, the loss of additional funding streams including PAYP (Positive Activities for Young People), the Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) and Youth Crime Action Plan (YCAP) funding will reduce the overall funding available and affect individual contracts. Appendix A sets out plans for extending existing contracts with: Community Links, NCY, the Froud Centre, the Trinity Centre, Ascension Eagles, Conflict and Change, Emmanuel Youth Project and Newham Asian Women’s project.
  1. In order to maintain provision and provide some stability for local organisations, the proposal is to roll forward a number of existing contracts on a month by month basis up to 31 July 2011 at the latest. This is to maintain services until total funding available for youth provision in the future is agreed and a new programme can be implemented. Currently there are plans to terminate existing contracts with some smaller local providers at the end of March 2011, when funding from PAYP and YOF is no longer available. This includes the Small Business Consultancy, youth work provision at the Britannia Village Community Centre, and the Swift Centre.
  1. There are a number of third sector providers who provided summer programmes in 2010. The extent of funding available for summer activities in 2011 is not yet confirmed, so all of the providers identified may be affected and funding for 2011 may be reduced or terminated. For some local organisations including Theatre Royal, Involve, Alternative Trust East, NewhamAllStartsSportsAcademy and East London Skills for Life, the funding allocation is £6,000 and should not affect their overall viability.
  1. Other local organisations currently receive higher levels of funding and withdrawal of this funding might have a greater impact. This includes West Ham in the Community, who received £20,000 in 2010 and Bonny Downs, who received £18,600 in 2010. Funding from PAYP and YOF is no longer available, but both organisations have other funding from Leisure Services and external to the Council.

Impact of commissioning decisions on provision of education and training services

  1. The current contract with Newham Music Trust (NMT) to provide music tuition will terminate at the end of March 2011 due to the withdrawal of the Standards Fund that was ring-fenced for this purpose. This has previously been the main income stream for NMT. Officers have supported NMT to plan to for a sustainable future by marketing their services directly to schools. Following the Henley Review of music education, the Government has just indicated that it will continue to provide some funding for instrument tuition in schools, but it is not yet clear if the funding will be provided to schools, the Council or another body, nor how much will be given to Newham. The Council will review funding for NMT when this is clear.
  1. Various voluntary sector providers, including Docklands Riders and Beckton Activities Centre, offer Foundation Learning courses, City & Guilds courses and Youth Achievement awards. These will continue to be funded via the DSG (Dedicated Schools Grant) and funding is guaranteed until the end of the 2010/11 academic year (31 July 2011). Decisions on funding for future courses/continuation of the second year of two year learning programmes will be made by schools and is dependent on learner demand.
  1. A number of providers, including the Rosetta Arts Centre, APE media, the NCY Trust and Manor Park Education & Training Solutions (METS) offer training courses for 16-19 year olds who are NEET (not in Employment Education or Training) and accredited learning courses. These are fully funded by the Skills Funding Agency or Young People’s Learning Agency until the end of the 2010/11 academic year (31 July 2011). Funding available for the 2011/12 academic year is yet to be confirmed.

Impact of commissioning decisions on provision of Aiming High, support for carers, advocacy and youth crime provision

  1. Newham Community Renewal Programme currently runs Newham Carers Network which provides information, advice and support for carers of adults, carers of disabled children and young carers. The 2010/11 contract was funded by the carers’ grant to the tune of £229,000, with the overall remit for carers being managed by Adult Services. There is a national priority to support initiatives such as this one and CYPS will continue to work with Adults Services to ensure this service continues to meet the needs of carers, including young carers. It is expected that a programme will be maintained in 2011/12 and be funded as part of the Early Intervention Grant (EIG) but the nature and extent of the programme will be reviewed.
  1. There was previously a ring fenced grant which funded contracts for Aiming High short breaks for disabled children. It is expected that a programme will be maintained in 2011/12 and be funded as part of the Early Intervention Grant (EIG) but the nature and extent of the programme will be reviewed.
  1. As part of the Council’s savings programme, a decision has been made to terminate the contract with NACAAP (Newham African Caribbean and Asian Advocacy Project) from 31 July 2011. This contract is for £76,000 for advocacy for these communities who are involved in the child protection process. It represents the bulk of NACAAP’s funding and will therefore have a significant effect. NACAAP have been advised of this decision and officers will be meeting with them to discuss appropriate exit strategies.
  1. Newham’s Family Intervention Programmes (FIP) and Intensive Intervention Programmes are currently delivered by Crime Reduction Initiatives (CRI), a national charity. The total contract was for £1,067,000 and the plans are to terminate the contract as of 31 October 2011. CYPS is exploring alternative service delivery models. CRI runs a number of programmes nationally so viability should not be affected.

Action Plan

  1. Responsible officers to consider equalities impact when reviewing contracts, particularly those due to end in July 2011, and where possible, consult stakeholders, e.g. Disabled Children’s Forum.

APPENDIX A: CYPS Commissioning 2010/11 and 2011/12 EQIA Impact Analysis

Ref. No. / Provider Organisation details / Award 20010/11 vs 2011/12 / Notes / Potential negative impact if any, and group(s) affected. Evidence source. / Mitigating action to reduce negative impact
Connexions LECP Contract - Careers Advice in schools, LDD Careers advice, progression from UNKNOWN and NEET to EET, data co-ordination and reporting. / £939,255
£313,085 / Continue till 31st July 2011 (end of academic year) then terminate as responsibility for careers advice is transferring to schools. / No negative impact identified at present as provision continues until July 2011. Should the Early Intervention Grant be available no impact at all. If the grant is not available and the service ceased completely then there would be a negative impact on young people with Learning Difficulties/ Disabilities. / Resources requested from the Early Intervention Grant to enable provision to continue until it becomes the legal responsibility of schools.
Choice 136 ConnexionsShop,
NCY Connexions Shop,
Emmanuel Youth Project - Connexions Shop
Universal IAG and support to progress from UNKNOWN and NEET to EET / £155,040
Reduced to £0
Reduced to £0
Reduced to £0 / Terminate contracts. A decision not to renew these contracts was made as part of Customer Access savings programme. / Potential negative impact on young people who are less able to travel, due to disability or caring responsibilities, as the service has reduced from delivery at five locations to two. The provision was for all young people although within the primary NEET, Unknown and EET targets there was a focus on equalities groups. This service engaged with 34% of the looked after children, 28% of the teenage parents and 25% of the pregnant young women it contacted. / Alternative provision is being made available, through additional staffing levels, at Stratford and East Ham Connexions Shops that will target these groups. Also these will continue to be key target groups for the service.
Connexions LECP - Information system Local Authorities legally obliged to ensure that IAG providers maintain an accurate Client Caseload Information System (CCIS) capable of tracking all young people in the area. This contract fulfils that duty. All London East boroughs use Core Plus and gain economies of scale as well as improved data sharing. The contract is held with LECP / £58,000 / Under review / Potential negative impact if it is no longer possible to monitor if service is successful in supporting young people from vulnerable groups, e.g. LAC, young parents. / Contract will continue if Early Intervention Grant bid successful.
Manor Education & Training Solutions - Youth activities in the South East Quadrant including taster and recruitment events that lead to the delivery of 4 courses for NewCEYS units; and appropriate accreditation that includes LDA related Recorded and Accredited Outcomes. / £16,000
Reduced to £0 / Terminates 31 March 2011
Positive Youth Work Activities, PAYP, YOF and YCAP funded / Potential negative impact. CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families. / This project being included in the overall IYSS redesign. The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision will be locally available.
SouthCanningTown Detached Youth Project - A full time youth centre in south CanningTown. The £19,000 covers core costs. In addition IYSS provides a full time centre manager and up to £16,000 of session youth work hours. / £19,000
Reduced to £0 / Terminates 31 March 2011
Positive Youth Work Activities, PAYP, YOF and YCAP funded / Potential negative impact. CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families. / This project being included in the overall IYSS redesign. The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision will be locally available.
Community Links Youth work provision at five youth projects - ASTA, Hudsons, Centre Point, New Canteen and Queens Terrace; additional resources to deliver additional hours and provision at Outdoor in the City, Arc in the Park and Youth Street Action Teams and Summer programme / £206,900
£66,640 / Proposal to roll current contracts forward on a month by month basis up to a maximum of 1 term (4 months), but with a £56,900 reduction related to the additional PAYP, YOF and YCAP resources available in 2010/11. Also reduce to 2008 levels of provision, i.e. five centres delivering a term time programme with no outreach. / Potential negative impact. CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families. / The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision will be locally available.
The service will continue to support organisations by circulating alternative sources of funding, via Newham Youth Providers Partnership, with follow up support available if requested.
  1. .
/ NCY Youth work provision, with additional opening - New Choices, plus young Parents Group and Summer programme / £42,400
£13,320 / Proposal to roll current contract forward on a month by month basis up to a maximum of 1 term (4 months), but with a £12,400 reduction related to the additional PAYP and YOF available in 2010/11. With an anticipated reduction to 2008 term time delivery hours and no special projects. / Potential negative impact on the YOF funded Young Parents Group, £2,710 for time limited additional activities. At present no alternative provision is in place.
CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families. / The new IYSS Commissioning criteria include a wider range of universal and targeted youth work that could include such a group within the bid.
The service intends to support a grants programme, led by Leisure Services, that will make small grants available to such projects.
The service will continue to support organisations by circulating alternative sources of funding, via Newham Youth Providers Partnership, with follow up support available if requested.
The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision will be locally available.
Froud Centre Youth work provision, with additional opening and a Special Needs/Hard to Reach Young People special project and Summer programme / £53,600
£13,320 / Proposal to roll current contract forward on a month by month basis up to a maximum of 1 term (4 months), but with a £12,400 reduction related to the additional PAYP and YOF available in 2010/11. With an anticipated reduction to 2008 term time delivery hours and no special projects. / One of the target groups for this organisation was youth provision specifically for young people with disabilities and learning difficulties. This funding ceases on 31/03/11 and no alternative provision exists at this time.
CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities.
. / An interim offer is being made to fund ongoing provision once a month so that they can put together a funding bid in relation to the new commissioning round.
One of the commissioning streams is specifically focussed on Specialist Youth Provision which includes young people with disabilities and learning difficulties as a specific target group.
The proposed commissioning structure is based on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternatives will be locally available.
  1. .
/ Trinity Centre Youth work provision / £25,000
£11,040 / Proposal to roll current contract forward on a month by month basis up to a maximum of 1 term (4 months). No anticipated impact on delivery levels / CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families.
. / The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision will be locally available.
  1. .
/ Ascension Eagles - additional youth work related provision and opening, achievement and volunteering plus an additional YOF 'be inspired' achievement programme. / £45,500
£11,320 / Proposal to roll current contract forward on a month by month basis up to a maximum of 1 term (4 months), but with a reduction of £20,000 in relation to the additional PAYP and YOF available in 2010/11. Anticipated reduction in delivery hours and breadth of programme. At present it is not clear where this project fits within the reshaped Young Newham priorities. / CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families. / The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision that fits within the reshaped Young Newham priorities will be locally available
  1. .
/ Conflict and Change - youth work provision, training and volunteering opportunities related to the 2020 project and peer led provision / £25,000
£11,040 / Proposal to roll current contract forward on a month by month basis up to a maximum of 1 term (4 months). No anticipated impact on delivery levels, however not clear where this project fits within the reshaped Young Newham priorities. / CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families. / The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision that fits within the reshaped Young Newham priorities will be locally available.
  1. .
/ Emmanuel Youth Project - Youth work provision and training / £30,000
£13,320 / Proposal to roll current contract forward on a month by month basis up to a maximum of 1 term (4 months). No anticipated impact on delivery levels, however not clear where this project fits within the reshaped Young Newham priorities. / CYP from low income families less likely to be able to afford other positive activities. No data available to determine if these services were used more by CYP from low income families. / The proposed commissioning structure is focussed on Newham’s Community Forum Areas to ensure that alternative provision that fits within the reshaped Young Newham priorities will be locally available.