Children’s Social Work Service
Foster Carer Supervisory / Statutory visit.
Name of foster carer:Date and time of this supervisory visit:
Date of previous supervisory visit:
Household Composition at time of visit:
Names / Relationship / status / Involved in visit / Date of CRB
Last Supervisory Visit:
Progress made and any issues outstanding from last visit
Safe Care
Is an up to date Safe Care Plan in place?
In the light of any new placement, or change of circumstances (e.g. bedroom sharing in the household) what changes need to be made to the Safe Care Plan. Who will do this?
Have there been any accidents, incidents involving foster children, including restraint. Has the Accident / Incident sheet been completed?
Does a risk assessment need to be undertaken?
Placement issues:
Foster Carer support
Social worker liaison
Children in placement
Contact issues re child
Education issues
Child / young person’s
care plan
Identity / cultural issues
Placement Issues /Action Required and Timescales:
Supervising Fostering Officer / Foster Carer
Practical Issues:
Financial support
Health and Safety
Action Required and Timescales:
Supervising Fostering Officer / Foster Carer
Training and development:
Supervising Fostering Officer and foster carer to discuss progress on Personal Development Plan (PDP) :
Is the PDP being progressed? Is the foster carer attending support groups and has appropriate training been booked? Is progress being made to meet CWDC standards? Do the discussions at this visit evidence any of the standards? Are the Payment for Skills Tasks, Skills and Competency requirements being met by the foster carer? Does NVQ 3 need to be started?
Action required and timescales:
Supervising Fostering Officer / Foster Carer
Can be used for additional or detailed recording on any issues raised in the supervisory visit
Signed: foster carer(s): / Date:
SupervisingFostering Officer: / Date:
Leeds Foster Carer Supervision: Recording Sheet
Guidance Notes
The foster carer supervisory recording form should be used to record statutory supervisory visits
( minimum three times per year plus review ), but can be used as a supervisory tool more frequently if this is helpful.
There is a blank recording sheet on the back for any detailed recording required.
Household Composition
Household composition should record who is in the household, including any new members and their CRB status. Are all CRBs in date? Are the foster carers working within their registration status? Any new partners which require the household to be reassessed? Have any adult children returned home and need to have a CRB? Is there any person who has regular unsupervised contact with the foster child/ren and needs a CRB?
Safe Care
There should be a discussion around Safe Care issues. This should include:
Is there an up to date Safe Care Plan in place (reflecting current registration, people in the household and foster children placed)?
Have there been any developments which mean the Safe Care Plan should be updated? (e.g. new children placed in the household, new household members, bedroom sharing, children whose behaviour is challenging). Ensure the safe care plan is discussed and agreed with the child’s social worker and that they have a copy.
Are their any medication issues in relation to children placed. Do any of the children require nursing procedures? Has the medication and medical treatment policy for foster children been followed?
Has any child in the household been retrained? Has the Policy and Guidance on the use of Discipline, Sanctions and Restraint been followed? Has the Accident/ Incident form been copied for the file and a copy to the Fostering Manager and child’s social worker?
Have there been any other accidents/incidents involving foster children and have these been recorded?
Do any children in the household require intimate care, and is this recorded in the risk assessment and Safe Care Plan?
Are there any new risks identified in the household? Does a risk assessment need to be completed or updated in relation to any of the children in placement or bedroom sharing situations?
Are their any new pets in the household? Pet risk assessment completed?
Placement Issues
A discussion should be held around placement issues and strategies used by the carer. Each foster child should be discussed (detailed recording can be done on the recording sheet). Discussion should focus on the 5 outcomes and how the carer is meeting these.
The foster carer should hold the LAC paperwork on the child, and should have copies of updated Care Plans. The foster carer should be aware of the child/young person’s Care Plan and this is an opportunity to ensure that the plan is being followed.
There should be a clear recording of any action required in relation to the child, who is going to do this and when.
Practical Issues
A discussion should be held around practical issues. Are there issues re finance or equipment? Is the Health and Safety Plan in place? Has there been any incident or occurrence which means this needs updating? Are any transporting arrangements safe? If holiday cover is required for the child is this a safe arrangement which is within numbers, etc. Any changes in the family household / circumstance.
There should be a clear recording of any action required who is going to do this and when.
Training and Development
Have issues been discussed in the course of this supervision which will help the carer evidence their CWDC requirements and mandatory training requirements for Payment for skills? The foster carer needs to complete a recording or reflective learning log to evidence training attended.
Has the CWDC Induction Handbook been completed? (if applicable).If it is in progress what support does the carer require with this?
Is the foster carer’s Personal Development Plan (PDP) progressing for this year? Does the carer require any further support to meet this? Are they attending the required number of training sessions? Are they attending the required number of support groups? Are their any barriers to this and if so how can they be removed? Is the carer completing the Progress Plan after attending training or support groups?
Are the requirements of Payment for Skills level being met? If not what support does the carer need with this? What do they need to do to achieve this?
Is the carer keeping their Personal Development Portfolio up to date?
Recording Sheet
This should be used for any detailed recording which needs to take place as part of the visit. It can be used to expand on any of the previous areas covered.
When the supervisory visit has taken place the foster carer and the supervising social worker should sign this. The foster carer should retain a copy and the supervising fostering officer should put a copy on the foster carer’s file.
March 2012