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WORK SESSION 6:00 p.m. August 13, 2015

1.  Supervisor Eppolito asked Corey Setzer of Starfall to explain to the Board

the Starfall Music Festival event details. Mr. Setzer said he is working with Greater Buffalo Collective on this event. Their goal is to raise money to start community centers for musicians. Mr. Setzer provided the Board with a packet containing the General Outlook and Festival Overview which included rules, security, prohibited items, guest services. This is a three day music event to be held at the Hogarosa Campgrounds. He has spoken with the local police department, Mortons Corners Fire Department, Boston Fire Department, and East Concord Fire Department. There will be EMTs on site located at a base area. The event will feature different types of music, workshops, yoga, tarot readings, gem collections, craft vendors. There will be food vendors and a networking breakfast provided by Buffalo’s Best. Supervisor Eppolito advised Starfall representatives that the town’s concerns are in regard to the appropriate Health Department permits and the safety of the general public. It appears right now one food truck (Buffalo’s Best) has a valid permit; the second one (Taste of Puerto Rico) will need to obtain a permit from Erie County. There will be bathrooms, showers, porta johns (about 20 of them are owned by Grottenalli for the campgrounds). The ticket price for the event is $45 and as of right now there have only been a small amount of RSVPs to their event. There are 11 presale tickets sold. They would like to have an estimated 300 attendees. That would double the cost of the event. They would put a cap on the attendance total if that become necessary. So far they have paid $2500 for the venue, $600 for insurance and approximately $500 to $600 on promotional costs. Councilman Krezmien asked about security. There will be security on site. They have a security team that is used in the Chippewa club area downtown as well as volunteers who will be communicating with walkie talkies. There will also be an off duty North Tonawanda police officer there. They are hoping that people attending will be self-sufficient and bring their own camping supplies, clothing, food. Councilman Drake asked about alcohol. Mr. Setzer said this is a “Bring Your Own” event. There will be no alcohol sales; no distributor has been contacted by Starfall to sell alcohol. They will be using bracelets identifying those over age 21. Mr. Setzer believes that alcohol consumption “ruins the experience”. They want to create a positive event that people will remember. They will be following the rules and regulations that the Grottanellis use for their campgrounds. Supervisor Eppolito asked about the time frame that music will be played. Mr. Setzer said from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on various mini stages throughout the campgrounds. If the music goes beyond 9:30 p.m., it will be a “silent disco”. There is a company coming with 300 headsets so if music is played after 9:30 p.m., these headsets would be used. Mr. Setzer may see if a local farmer would like to be in attendance with fresh food; keeping it organic. If this could be arranged, Mr. Setzer would check with the health department to see about what permit would be necessary. If there will be swimming, he will follow through with the health department to see what is required by them to allow swimming. Supervisor Eppolito advised that it might also be a good idea to contact the Erie County Sheriff’s Department to let them know about the event.

Mr. Setzer has hosted these types of events in the past. They are looking at hosting another event at the Hub in Hamburg. Next year there is already planned a Camping Party at the Aquatic Center in North Tonawanda. There was discussion about insurance. They already have insurance and he believes it is a three million dollar policy. He will have the Town listed as an additional insured.

The Town will approve this event later tonight with the provisions that Mr. Setzer provide the Town with a copy of the insurance naming the Town as an additional insured; water supply testing for bacteria; if swimming will be allowed by the Health Department provide a copy of that permit; food service/food truck permits; and a copy of the written plan of the event as required by the Health Department prior to their issuance of Sanitary Code permits. Starfall Representative Corey Setzer will provide these documents to Supervisor Eppolito. Once the Town receives all the required documents, Supervisor Eppolito will send Starfall a letter approving the event.

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Supervisor Eppolito advised Starfall representatives that if they wish to hold future events in the Town of Concord, they should contact the Town earlier in the process so that all details can be worked out. Supervisor Eppolito and the Board wished them good luck with their event.

2. Supervisor Eppolito invited Legislator Mills to address the Board during Work Session. There are 15 towns and villages in his district.

a)  Legislator Mills announced to the Board that his Hot Dog Roast to

benefit the Hulbert Library raised $1,488 and he had just presented the check to Librarian Bridgette Heintz.

b)  The County is working on their budget. The Legislature has approved

new hires for the Highway Department. Four of the new hires are going to the East Concord Highway Department. Joseph Donlon, Superintendent at East Concord, is a breath of fresh air. Supt Donlon says Route 240 to Foote Road has been patched; there are no plans to overlay this year. There will be guardrail repair work done yet this month. Discussed the recent storm and drainage issues. The County needs to do more active infrastructure work. Supervisor Eppolito referred to the 2009 flooding and how Legislator Mills started the Watershed Advisory Committee whose goal is to try to alleviate problems like what happened then and again this past week.

Legislator Mills asked if anyone had any questions for him. George Donhauser asked Legislator Mills if the County Highway Department still has a tree crew. He recently saw the County flagging for a private tree company. Legislator Mills advised Mr. Donhauser to call his district office and his name would be put on a list.

George Donhauser asked Legislator Mills if he had any idea when Belscher Road would be repaired. Legislator Mills indicated that he does not anticipate that project being done until next year. Belscher Road is still open with a one-lane/light signal; Ketchum Road in Eden is not open at all. There was discussion about how the Town Highway Department will fit a plow through that section of Belscher Road to plow it this winter. Legislator Mills said that the County has been operating on crisis management for the last several years.

As there were no more questions for Legislator Mills, Supervisor Eppolito and the Board thanked Legislator Mills for his dedication in his involvement with the Town of Concord.

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7:00 p.m.








MICHAEL A. BARONE, Deputy Town Atty

JOHN J. MILLS, Erie County Legislator

KARL SIMMETH, Community Liaison, DiPietro Office








Legislator Mills addressed the Board during the Work Session earlier this evening.


a)  Work Session – 7/9/15 – Motion by Councilman Krezmien,

seconded by Councilman Salzler, to approve the minutes as presented. Councilwoman King, Councilmen Krezmien, Salzler & Drake; Supervisor Eppolito, voting aye. Carried.

b)  Town Board Meeting – 7/9/15 – Motion by Councilman Krezmien,

seconded by Councilwoman King, to approve the minutes as presented. Councilwoman King, Councilmen Krezmien, Salzler & Drake; Supervisor Eppolito, voting aye. Carried.


a)  George Donhauser asked Supervisor Eppolito about the Right to Farm

Signs. These signs were received but as of yet are not installed. Supervisor Eppolito will follow up with Hwy Supt Dains.

b)  George Donhauser questioned the fees being charged by CEO Pirro.

CEO Pirro charged $50 for one pool permit and incorrectly charged $30 for another. Supervisor Eppolito stated that CEO Pirro is learning his new job and asked Mr. Donhauser to be patient.

c)  David Haettich, a member of the Springville Traveler’s Motorcycle

Club, stated that the Club had received notice regarding their club house and the campers on the premises from CEO Pirro. Supervisor Eppolito advised the Motorcycle Club that CEO Pirro was following up with a complaint he received. CEO Pirro researched the matter and it has been resolved. This notice had nothing to do with the fact that the Town has a new CEO; he was just following up on a complaint. Mr. Haettich noted that the club members keep their premises looking good and want to the support the community. The Club just recently donated money to the local Warm the Children fund.

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Motion by Councilwoman King, seconded by Councilman Drake, to close

Public Comment. Councilwoman King, Councilmen Krezmien, Salzler & Drake; Supervisor Eppolito, voting aye. Carried.


Motion by Councilwoman King, seconded by Councilman Salzler, to approve the Monthly Reports, Items a-l. Councilwoman King, Councilmen Krezmien, Salzler & Drake; Supervisor Eppolito, voting aye. Carried.

a) Code Enforcement Officer – July 2015

b) Dog Control Officer – July 2015

c) Nutrition Site – June 2015

d) Nutrition Site – July 2015

e) Judge Gibbin – June 2015

f) Judge Frank – June 2015

g) Supervisor – May 2015

h) Supervisor – June 2015

i) Town Clerk – June 2015

j) Town Clerk – July 2015

k) Van Report – July 2015

l) Fire Department – none

m)  Highway Superintendent Report. Hwy Supt Dains had filed his

written report.

1) Hwy Supt Dains had submitted a request to the Board asking for authorization to fabricate an 8’ snow pusher that would be mounted to the Department’s John Deere 410 – 4 Wheel Drive rubber tire backhoe/loader. This piece of equipment could be used at both the Town Hall and Library for plowing and stacking snow until his Department could clean out and hall away any excess snow accumulations. It would also be used at the new Senior Center. Councilman Salzler noted that now Hwy Supt Dains has to use a regular truck and then bring the loader down. Payment for this piece of equipment could be from the use of surplus equipment revenue at the highway department that will be sold in the near future or a portion of the FEMA reimbursement from the storm last November. Motion by Councilman Krezmien, seconded by Councilwoman King, to authorize this purchase. Councilwoman King, Councilmen Krezmien, Salzler & Drake; Supervisor Eppolito, voting aye. Carried. Hwy Supt Dains will discuss with Bookkeeper Denise Ciszak which budget line payment should be made.

2) Hwy Supt Dains had submitted a request to the Board to declare the following as surplus equipment: (This surplus equipment would be put up for auction with Auctions International and sold online)

(1)  2002 International Cab and Chassis

(2)  2003 Fore F-550 Dump/Plow Truck

(3)  2004 Ford F-550 Dump/Plow Truck

(4)  2004 Mack CV713 Dump/Plow Truck which will be taken out of service upon the arrival of the new 2015 Western Star Dump/Plow Truck

Councilman Krezmien has no problem declaring Items (2) and (3) above

as surplus but would like to table Items (1) and (4). Discussion about the mileage on the vehicles, the cost of switching the box back and forth; is it better to have the 10 wheel as a back up than the single engine; and the cost of repairing the transmission leak on 13 and acceleration issues on the Mack. Items (1) and (4) will be tabled for discussion with Hwy Supt Dains. Motion by Councilman Krezmien, seconded by Councilman Salzler, to declare Items (2) and (3) as listed above surplus equipment. Councilwoman King, Councilmen Krezmien, Salzler & Drake; Supervisor Eppolito, voting aye. Carried.

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a) Audit of the Bills – Supervisor Eppolito stated that these bills were

audited by Councilman Salzler, and reviewed by the Board.

General Fund A, abstract 8, bills 773-838 & 932; $40,795.35

General Fund B, abstract 8, bills 839-850 & 883; $2,317.36

Library Fund, abstract 8, bills 851-854; $357.47

Fire Protection, abstract 8, NONE

Joint Van, abstract 8, bills 855-858; $1,560.38

Joint Youth, abstract 8, bills 859-869 & 933; $23,754.01

Craneridge Lighting, abstract 8, bill 870; $1,873.81

Craneridge Sewer, abstract 8, bills 871-876; $8,774.42

Highway DA, abstract 8, NONE

Highway DB, abstract 8, bills 877-905; $130,799.41

Kissing Bridge Water, abstract 8, bills 906-908; $479.24

Kissing Bridge Sewer, abstract 8, bills 909-912; $2,496.02

Trevett Rd. Water, abstract 8, NONE

Cattaraugus Street Water, abstract 8, NONE

Trust & Agency, abstract 8, bills 913-916; $6,259.95