Exemplary Early Career Teacher Award

This award recognizes excellence in teaching and educational leadership, and is presented by the Apple Federal Credit Union Education Foundation.Eligible nominees are currently employed, full-time, Fairfax County Public Schools teachers with 1-3 academic years teaching experience. Nominees must also be a graduate of a degree or licensure program of George Mason University’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD).

All parts of this application are required. Incomplete applications and additional materials will not be accepted. For assistance or questions, email: .


2016Nomination Form

A.Nominator information





Relationship to teacher nominee:

B.Teacher information


Home address:

Home phone:


C.School information

Name of school where teacher is employed:



D.Principal information




E.College information

Year in which the teacher graduated from George Mason University’s CEHD:

Name of the degree or licensure program from which the teacher graduated:

The following information should be typed double-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch page margins.

F.Statement by the Nominator

This section may be a maximum of three pages. Within the three pages you may also include information, comments, or remarks from other individuals who know the teacher. Please prepare separate responses for each of the topics below. Include the topic title at the start of each response.

1.Characteristics of the teacher that make her or him exemplary.

2.Incidents or examples of the teacher’s work with students.

3.Incidents or examples of the teacher’s work with colleagues or in the profession.

4.Other noteworthy aspects of the teacher’s early career.

G.Statement by the Teacher

This section may be a maximum of three pages. Please prepare separate responses for each of the topics below. Include the topic title at the start of each response.

1.Your philosophy of teaching.

2.How your education at CEHD has influenced your teaching.

3.How any particular CEHD faculty member influenced your teaching.

4.A success or successes you have found in your early career (what you consider exemplary).

5.Areas you are seeking to learn about and grow professionally.

6.Further interactions you would like to have with CEHD.

H.Statement by the Principal

This section may be a maximum of one page.

The principal may submit only one nomination per year.

How has your nominee demonstrated exemplary behaviors?What exemplary practices relate to his or her work with students and their learning?What types of exemplary collaborations are evident with colleagues, the community, and families?What are his or her greatest strengths?


Completed applications are due no later than Monday, February 29, 2016.

Applications will only be accepted via email. Send to: .

All materials must be submitted at one time. All parts of this application are required. Incomplete applications and additional materials will not be accepted. For assistance or questions, email: .

The winner of the Exemplary Early Career Teacher Award will be selected in March 2016 and presented in May 2016.

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