CHEM2370.003 (Fall2016)
Lectures:Recitation: / TuesThurs,9:30-10:50amFriday,2:00-2:50pm / (Sage 116)(Sage 116)
Instructor: / Dr.Seare Berhe
OfficeHours:WRF 1:00 –2:00 pm or by appointment
2)Molecularmodelkits,whichareavailableatthebookstoreorfromothersources,suchasMaruzen(see link below)arehelpful,butnotrequired.
CourseObjectives: Learntheprincipalconceptsrelatedto:
New material may be covered during recitation and problems similar to test questions will be worked. Attendance is mandatory for lecture and recitation. Chapter quizzes are given during recitation times!
I highly recommend that youread your text book and printthe lecture power point, placed onBlackboard Learn, andbring to class
ReadingsfromtheTextbookwillbeassignedviathecoursecalendar,whichisincludedinthiscoursesyllabusandcanbefoundontheBlackboardpageforthisclass.Somepracticeproblemsfromeachchapterwillbesuggestedforyourstudy.Problemsfromthetextbook,however,donotgivecredittowardyourgrade.Theyaresolelyintendedtoaidyourlearning.OnlinehomeworkisprovidedthroughtheSaplingLearningwebsite.Twentypracticeproblemswillbeavailableforeachchapter,withunlimitedattemptspermittedtosolveeachproblem.Successfulcompletionof 75% and aboveearns0.5ptaddedtothefinal%gradeforthecourse.
- OfficeHourslistedatthetopofpage1ofthissyllabusareintendedforyoutovisitmetodiscusstheconceptsofthecourseandgooverpracticeexamples/problemstoaidinyourunderstanding.
- Additionally,agraduatestudentTeachingAssistantwillbeidentifiedforthiscourse,andwillholdatutoringsessioneveryweek–theday/timeofthistutoringsessionwillbedeterminedaccordingtothebestfitbetweenthestudents’scheduleandtheavailabilityofstudentsintheclass.
- AnundergraduateSIinstructorwillalsobeavailablewithtutoringsession(s)separatefromthecourseTeachingAssistant.
- TheChemistrydepartmenthasaChemistryResourceCenteronthe2ndfloorofthebuilding(room231),wherestudentsinanychemistrycoursecangoduringanydayoftheweektodiscussthecontentoftheircourseandreceivetutoringassistance.
SINCE ONE IS DROPPED, THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS without a university-approved absence (see Student Handbook. The make-up exams may have a different format from the original exam.
TheFinalexamwillcoverallcontentpresentedinthebothCHEM2370andwillbegivenonThursday,December15,at8:00aminSage 116.
Exam rules:
- Exams (not including the final) are 50 minutes in length.
- No extra time will be provided for tardiness.
- No new exams will be handed out once the first exam has been turned in and the student has left the room.
- No one is permitted to leave the room and return during exams.
- Cell phones are not permitted (may not use cell phones as calculators) and TI Nspire or any other internet-ready device is not permitted during exams.
- Instructor reserves the right to ask you to move to a different seat during the exam.
- Cheating will result in a zero. Any talking, notes that are clearly visible, saved equations on calculators, cheat sheets, etc. will result in an automatic F for all students involved.
Youwillbeallowedtodropthelowestscoresamongthe4 chapterquizzes.
Averageof3bestChapterQuizzes(outof4) / = / 80% / (20%each)Finalexam–comprehensive / = / 20%
Students must report grading errors within a week (7 days) after the return of the quizzes. For the free response questions, answers written in pencil will not be re-graded.
Important Dates
Last day to drop class: October 7, 2016
Last day to withdraw from this semester: November 23, 2016
(Instructor reserves the right to amend this information as necessary.)
ClassSchedule: / (“Rxns”=Reactions,)Date / Activity / RelevantTextbookContent
August30 / Ch 1: The Basics / 1.1–11.10
September1 / Ch 1: The Basics / 1.10-1.17
September 2 / Ch 2: Functional groups / 2.1 - 2.12
September6 / Ch 2: Functional groups / 2.12–2.17
September8 / Ch 3: Intro to Organic Reactions, Acids & Bases / 3.1–3.5
September 9 / Recitation:Chapters1 and 2 / Practiceproblems
September 13 / Ch 3: Intro to Organic Reactions, Acids & Bases / 3.6–3.10
September 15 / Ch 3: Intro to Organic Reactions, Acids & Bases / 3.11–13.14
September 16 / Recitation:Chapters3 / Practiceproblems
September 20 / Ch 4: Alkanes, Cycloalkanes / 4.1–4.5
September 22 / Ch 4: Alkanes, Cycloalkanes / 4.6–4.10
September 23 / Quiz #1 / Chapters 1 - 3
September 27 / Ch 4: Alkanes, Cycloalkanes / 4.11–4.16
September 29 / Ch 5: Stereochemistry / 5.1 -5.5
September 30 / Recitation:Chapters4 / Practice Problems
October 4 / Ch 5: Stereochemistry / 5.6–5.10
October 6 / Ch 5: Stereochemistry / 5.11–15.15
October 7 / Recitation:Chapter5 / Practiceproblems
October 11 / Ch 6: Ionic reactions: SN/E Reactions of Rxns / 6.1–6.5
October 13 / Ch 6: Ionic reactions: SN/E Reactions of Rxns / 6.6–6.10
October 14 / Quiz#2 / Chapters4–5
October 18 / Ch 6: Ionic reactions: SN/E Reactions of Rxns / 6.11–16.18
October 20 / Ch 7: Alkenes & Alkynes: Synthesis / 7.1–7.5
October 21 / Recitation:Chapters6 / Practiceproblems
Date / Activity / RelevantTextbookContent
October 25 / Ch 7: Alkenes & Alkynes: Synthesis / 7.6–7.10
October 27 / Ch 7: Alkenes & Alkynes: Synthesis / 7.11–17.15
October28 / Recitation:Chapters7 / Practiceproblems
November 1 / Ch 8: Alkenes & Alkynes: Reactions / 8.1 – 18.6
November 3 / Ch 8: Alkenes & Alkynes: Reactions / 8.7–8.10
November 4 / Quize #3 / Chapter 6 and 7
November 8 / Ch 8: Alkenes & Alkynes: Reactions / 8.11–8.18
November 10 / Cha 9: NMR Spectroscopy / 9.1 – 9.5
November 11 / Recitation:Chapters8 / Practiceproblems
November 15 / Cha 9: NMR Spectroscopy / 9.6–9.11
November 17 / Ch 10: Radical Reactions / 10.1–10.5
November 19 / Recitation:Chapters9 / Practiceproblems
November 22 / Ch 10: Radical Reactions / 10.1–10.11
November 24 / Thanksgiving Holiday / -
November 25 / Thanksgiving Holiday / -
November 29 / Ch 11: Alcohols & Ethers / 11.1–11.5
December 1 / Ch 11: Alcohols & Ethers / 11.6 – 11.11
December 2 / Quiz #4 / Chapter 8 – 10
December 6 / Ch 11: Alcohols & Ethers / 11.11 – 11.15
December 8 / ReviewSession:Chapters15 - 20PracticeProblems
December 15(8am) / ComprehensiveFinalCh.1–11