Immaculate Heart of Mary School

Child Care Center Handbook


Immaculate Heart of Mary School

1951 Plymouth, SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Child Care ~ 241-4633 ext. 204


Principal: Mr. Michael Thomasma ~ 241-4633 ()

Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Lori Brecken ~ 241-4633 ()

Immaculate Heart of Mary School~ 241-4633

IHMS Child Care Director (since 2008): Mrs. Lynda Davis

Contact options:

  1. Email: (best choice)
  2. Google Voice Number to text or leave a message: 616/389-0377
  3. Early Childhood Building Phone #241-4633 ext. 204

Table of Contents

Mission Statement and BeliefsPage 3

About IHMS Child Care Center3

Hours/Days of Operation4


Attendance Policies: Admissions4

Policies cont.: Scheduling, Drop-Off/Pick-Up, Signing In and Out5

Policies cont.: Withdrawal, Removal6

Requirements of Staff and Volunteers6


Dress Code7

Emergency Procedures7

Student Care

•Snacks, Lunch, Nutrition7

Preschool and Y5s

•Daily Needs8

•Preschool Rest Time8

Health Policies

•Illness Exclusion Policy8

•Medication Policy9


•Clean Health Policies10

•Infectious/Contagious Diseases10

Full Day Schedule11

Half Day Schedule12

Community Resources13

Our School Mission Statement

Immaculate Heart of Mary School, immersed in the teachings of the Catholic Church, is dedicated to providing excellent spiritual and academic formation in the development of well-rounded individuals centered in Christ.

Our Beliefs

We Believe In...

  • Preparing children to live their Catholic faith by nurturing their love for Christ.
  • Assisting them in understanding their unique God-given talents and gifts.
  • Encouraging children to develop their talents and self-esteem based on Catholic values and academic excellence.
  • Nurturing each child's desire to continue learning beyond the classroom.
  • Cultivating student's awareness and respect for all members of the global community.
  • Developing collaboration among students, parents, staff and the parish community.
  • Motivating students to value and participate in Catholic Ministry as a way of life.

About IHMS Child Care Center

The IHMS Child Care Center serves Immaculate Heart of Mary School families who need a fun, safe, structured environment for their children before school, during the school day, and/or after school. The IHMS Child Care Center is located in the center room of the Early Childhood Building. The Early Childhood playground is used daily (weather permitting) and the school playground is used on occasion.

We provide an atmosphere where children are encouraged to grow socially, creatively, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and physically. Teacher-led and child-led activities include: Story Time, reading, language games, dramatic play, creative arts, crafts, sensory exploration, experiments, Manipulatives and building, computer (for a limited amount of time), board games, and more.After school homework assistance is available, if needed.The children play together indoors and outdoors. However by 3:30, the children can alternate between indoor and outdoor play since more teachers are available to supervise both areas. When the weather is too harsh for outdoor play, we have Ping Pong, hopscotch, dancing, and bean bag toss, stilt cups, balloon play, obstacle courses and more. For the basic daily schedule, please see page 11.

Hours/Days of Operation

The IHM School Child Care Center is open Mon. – Fri. 7am to 6pm on all full and half days that IHM School is in session (see latest school calendar). When school is closed, child care is closed unless a sufficient number request care in advance. When school is cancelled due to inclement weather, child care is also cancelled. When school is delayed, child care is delayed an equal amount of time unless the morning teacher can safely arrive earlier. A late fee will be charged for children picked up after 6pm: $10 for every 15 min. or fraction thereof.


Annual Registration - $10

First child - $4 per hour

Each additional child - $4 per hour

$1 for each quarter hour after the first hour

•Parents will be charged $10 for every 15 minutes (or fraction thereof) when their child remains at the Center after 6:00 PM.

•Invoices will be sent home via Kid Mail every two weeks. Payment for the days and times indicated will be made within two weeks of invoice unless other arrangements are made with the school administration. A late fee of $5 will be charged after one month and every month thereafter.

Attendance Policies

Admission Policy

Attendance at The IHMS Child Care Center is limited to those students currently enrolled in IHM School: Preschool through 8th Grade. Every child is expected to be a minimum of 3-years-old and toilet trained upon enrollment. Children admitted into the childcare program must have the followingforms completed and on file with the director prior to enrollment (Regular school forms and fees must also be complete and up-to-date.). All forms must be updated annually:

  • Registration (including $10 annual fee)
  • Child Information Record (for each child)
  • Parental Written Statement Regarding theHealth Well Being of Child (for each child)
  • Written Information Packet Documentation--- signed after reading the Parent Handbook. The Parent Handbook is available at Or families may request a hard copy.
  • Sibling Release (optional)

Please Note: If any information changes, the director should be notified prior to your child’s next attendance.

Scheduling Policy

Parents must keep the director informed of their scheduling needs by doing the following:

  • keeping a consistent schedule, OR
  • emailing the director with their schedule at least one week in advance and preferably two or more
  • emailing the director regarding any changes to their planned schedule ASAP
  • committing to completing their own attendance forms (with variable schedules) at least one week in advance when the number of families with fluctuating schedules is high during any given school year

Please note: the IHMS Child Care Center is unable to function as a drop-off center. When in need of a new or varied schedule or last minute care, please check with the Child Care director to verify that space is available. We will do our best to accommodate you. However, in order to maintain a legal teacher: child ratio that may not always be possible.

Please be courteous: If you have a change of plans and decide not to utilize the Child Care’s services on any particular day or at any particular scheduled time, please let us know ASAP. Your child’s absence could coincide with someone else’s last minute need for child care.

Drop-off/Pick-Up Policy

We require that all parents bring their child(ren) into the building and see that s/he is (or they are) under supervision before leaving the premises. This contact with the teachers not only ensures the safety of the child, but it provides a time for communicating any special needs a child might have for the day. A sign will be posted on the main door when the staff and students leave the child care room for the elementary school playground or building.

We also require that all parents come inside to personally sign in/out their child. Notification is requested if anyone other than the normally scheduled person will be picking up the child. We cannot release your child to a new pick-up person unless the pick-up person is listed on your Child Information Record or we have been notified, via a signed note or email by a parent. Please inform this new pick-up person that we will requiretheir picture identification before opening the door to them and before releasing the child to their care.

Signing in and out

When dropping off your child at Child Care or picking up your child from Child Care, a recording of your signature and actual drop off/pick up time is required. (If your child goes directly to Child Care from school, the childcare teacher will sign him/her in.) Signing in and signing out is required for your child’s safety and for billing purposes.All attendance sheets are alphabetized by last name and kept in the Attendance Binder. Your planned schedule will be on the attendance sheet. Next to your plans (projections), there will be spaces for your signature and the actual time that you drop off/pick up your child. Staff are eager to assist, if there are any questions.

Withdrawal Policy

Parents are free to withdraw from IHM Child Care at any time. A minimum two-week notice is appreciated. An Exit Interview may be conducted with the withdrawing family to determine where IHM Child Care might improve service.

Removal Policy

If a family’s Child Care account is not kept in good standing, a child’s attendance at Child

Care may be limited or barred.

Removing a child from the IHM Child Care Center is enacted by the IHM School administration in consultation with the Child Care staff and Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish when there is a repeated, prolonged, and open disregard for center rules or authority, or where circumstances of crime, scandal, morality, safety, or disruption necessitates this extreme disciplinary action.


IHM Child Care Center is a state licensed center providing care for enrolled students per the provisions of the Michigan Administrative Code. Our staff is trained in CPR and First Aid. All staff members are screened with Central Registry Checks and fingerprinting before having contact with children in the care of IHM CCC. No person having been convicted of child abuse/neglect and/or a felony involving harm or threatened harm to an individual will be hired. Screening documentation shall be kept on file and Central Registry Checks updated every two years. The director has a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. Each staff member has been carefully screened for their love of children and their ability to positively interact with children.


All volunteers of IHMS Child Care Center (IHM CCC) must be screened with criminal background checks and Central Registry Checks before having contact with children in the care of IHM CCC. No person having been convicted of child abuse/neglect and/or a felony involving harm or threatened harm to an individual will be accepted as a volunteer. Screening documentation shall be kept on file and updated, if applicable, every two years.


Children function best in an environment that is loving, supportive, and stable. The staff employs methods of discipline which encourage self-control, self-direction, and self-esteem. Our staff will keep a consistent daily schedule and an orderly classroom. Simple limits will be set for the child's safety and will be explained and enforced. When a child's behavior becomes unacceptable, he/she will be told why and encouraged to change it. If a child's behavior could hurt someone, damage something in the room, or continually disrupts the class it may be best to remove him/her in order to think about the behavior displayed. The child is then welcomed back to the group to join in the present activity. Appropriate parent contact will be initiated by the staff following discipline issues and students may be referred to the principal or other administrator. Students will be reminded that the School Discipline Policy and procedures also apply at the Child Care Center.

Dress Code

Students in grades 1 through 8 are expected to follow the IHM School dress code (listed in the Family Handbook and on the school website). Exceptions may be made in warm weather periods and school break periods. Parents and students will be notified of any exceptions. Preschool and Kindergarten are expected to follow their classroom guidelines for dress code. Children may change into play clothes (following school guidelines)after school hours at the discretion of the Child Care Center staff.

Emergency Procedures

Fire, tornado, lock-down and evacuation drills will be practiced throughout the school year. In the event of severe weather, we advise parents not to pick up their children until the severe weather has passed. In the event of an emergency, we ask that you follow these procedures:

  • Turn on your radio or television. We will try to keep the media informed of emergency information.
  • Please do not call school. Our telephone lines must be kept open to respond to the emergency. We will contact you with any change in the time/location of pick-up.
  • Please do not come early to pick up your child unless you are requested to do so.

Student Care

SnacksThe children enrolled in IHM Child Care bring their own snacks for the morning, afternoon, and after school – depending upon what times they are enrolled to attend.

LunchChildren staying for lunch must either bring their own sack lunch, or purchase a hot lunch.Hotlunch and/or milkis provided by Grand Rapids Public Schools Nutrition Center. Hot lunch (including milk) is $2.75. Milk purchased alone is 50 cents. The IHMS office can give you your child’s student number. Student numbers are needed in order to make payments at inform the Child Care staff about your daily orders before 9am.

NutritionWe encourage healthy food for healthy child development. Please send fruits and vegetables in place of candy and high sugar or “sugar free” treats.

We encourage healthy drinks for healthy child development. The children have free access to a drinking fountain at all times. However if you would like to send a drink, please send water, fruit-flavored water, 100% juice, or milk instead of pop and other drinks with food coloring and sugar or “sugar free” additives.


  • If looking for ideas, we recommend googling images, “healthy lunches for kids”.
  • Please supply your own utensils and napkins for sack lunches.

Preschool and Young 5s Children

Daily Needs:

  • A change of underwear, pants, shirt, socks (Please label everything!)
  • A morning and/or afternoon *snack if attending between 9 to 10am and 2 to 6pm
  • A lunch, if attending the lunch hour. Lunch begins at 11:30.

Seasonal Needs:

For winter weather, please bring the following snow clothes in a canvas tote bag: boots, snow pants, coat/jacket, hat, mittens. Please label everything!

Preschool Rest Time:

A quiet rest time will take place between 1:30 and 2:30 for 45 minutes. The actual start time may vary because of activities and needs taking place on any given day. Soft music and picture books will be provided.Each preschooler will be required to either sit or lay down quietly on his/her cot for 45 minutes without disturbing others. If children fall asleep, they will be allowed to sleep until 3pm unless a shorter nap is requested.

If your child will stay for rest time, please bring the following bedding in a canvas tote bag. The bedding can be kept in the Child Care Center during the week. The bedding will be sent home to launder every 1 to 2 weeks depending on how many days per week your child rests. Please label everything!

  • crib sheet,
  • blanket,
  • small pillow,
  • stuffed animal

If your child is not a napper, you are welcome to send a special Quiet Bag with their bedding. Please label everything.A Quiet Bag may include anything that is quiet. For example:

  • Favorite books
  • Felt books
  • Sticker books
  • Coloring books (if a crib sheet is included to protect the cot)
  • Cloth toys
  • Lacing cards

Illness Exclusion Policy

If your child is running a fever or is ill with a cold or flu, it is not in his/her best interest to be in school or child care that day. If a child becomes ill in Child Care, a parent will be contacted. If the parent is unreachable, another emergency release person will be notified. Some symptoms requiring pick up include but are not limited to:

•**If a child has a fever over 100 degrees F.

•If a child has more than one episode of diarrhea on any given day.

•Vomiting for any reason.

•Any undiagnosed rash.

**Please keep your child home until he/she is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.

Please note that staff too are discouraged from remaining in the center under the same criteria.


Medication may be administered to a child in the Child Care Center only by the lead teacher, and only if the authorized medication form* has been completed and signed by the child's physician or parent/guardian. All medication must be sent to school in its original container with the child’s name on it. All prescription medication must have the pharmacy label indicating the child's name, date, doctor's name, medication name and strength, and complete instructions for administration. All medication must be given to the lead teacher in the Child Care Center immediately upon the child’s arrival. All medication must be stored out of reach of children and according to the original container’s instructions. All medication shall be returned to the parent or destroyed when the parent determines it is no longer needed or it has expired. All medication shall only be given according to the instructions on the original container unless the child’s physician gives a written order to do otherwise. A medication record shall be kept for the child on the authorized medication form* indicating the date, time, amount given, and signature of lead teacher administering the medication (This form will be permanently kept in the child’s files.). *

Topical non-prescription medication requires written parental authorization to be updated annually. Topical non-prescription medication includes, but is not limited to: • Sunscreen. • Insect repellent • Diaper rash cream. • Antibiotic ointment. • Rubbing alcohol. • Hydrogen peroxide.Topicalnon-prescriptionmedicationdoes not include: • Hand sanitizer. • Hand or body lotion, including petroleum jelly based products such as Vaseline®. • Lip balm.