(Warrant vs. Tituba and Sarah Osborne)
Salem febr' the 29'th day. 1691/2
Whereas m'rs Joseph Hutcheson Thomas putnam Edward putnam and Thomas preston Yeomen of Salem Village, in the County of Essex. personally appeared before us, And made Complaint on behalfe of theire Majesties against Sarah Osburne the wife of Alexa' Osburne of Salem Village afores'd, and titibe an Indian Woman servant, of mr. Sam'l parris of s'd place also; for Suspition of Witchcraft, by them Committed and thereby much injury do to Elizabeth Parris Abigail Williams Anna putnam and Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village afores'd Sundry times with in this two moneths and Lately also done, at s'd Salem Village Contrary to the peace and Laws of our Sov'r Lord & Lady Wm & Mary of England &c King & Queene
You are there fore in theire Maj'ts names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith or as soon as may be bring before us the aboves'd Sarah Osburne, and titibe Indian, at the house of Lt. Nath'l Ingersalls in s'd place. and if it may be by to Morrow aboute ten of the Clock in the morning then and there to be Examined Relateing to the aboves'd premises -- . You are likewise required to bring at the same tyme Eliz. parris Abig'l Williams Anna putnam and Eliz Hubert or any other person or persons that can give Evedence in the Aboves'd Case. and hereof you are not to faile
Dated Salem febr' 29 1691/2
*John Hathorne [unclear: ] *Jonathan. Corwin
To Constable Joseph Herrick Const' in Salem
(Reverse) (Officer's Return)
according to this warrant I have apprehended the persons with in mentioned and have brought them accordingly and have mad diligent sarch for Images and such like but can find nonSalem village this 1. march 1691/92
p me *Joseph Herrick Constable
(Summary of Examinations of Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne)
Salem Village March 1'st 1691
Titiba an Indian Woman brought before us by Const' Jos Herrick of Salem upon Suspition of Witchcraft by her Commited according to the Compl't of Jos. Hutcheson & Thomas putnam &c of Salem Village as appeares p Warrant granted Salem 29 febr'y 1691/2 Titiba upon Examination and after some denyall acknowledged the matter of fact according to her Examination given in more fully will appeare and who also charged Sarah Good and Sarah Osburne with the same Salem Village March the 1'th 1691/2
Sarah Good Sarah Osborne and Titiba an Indian Woman all of Salem Village Being this day brought before us upon Suspition of Witchcraft &c by them and Every one of them Committed. titiba an Indian Woman acknowledging the matter of fact. and Sarah Osburne and Sarah Good denying the same before us: but there appeareing in all theire Examinations sufficient Ground to secure them all. And in order to further Examination they Ware all p mittimus sent to the Goales in the County of Essex.
Salem March 2'd Sarah Osburne againe Examined and also titiba as will appear in their Examinations given intitiba againe acknowledged the fact & also accuse the other two. Salem March 3'd Sarah Osburn and titiba Indian againe Examined the Examination now Given intitiba againe s'd the sameSalem March 5'th Sarah Good and titiba againe Examined. & in theire Examination titiba acknowledg the same she did formerly and accused the other two-aboves'd --titiba againe s'd the same
p. us. *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis'ts
*Jonathan. Corwin
(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Tituba)
The deposition of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 25'th of february 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Tituba Mr. parishes Indian woman which did tortor me most greviously by pricking and pinching me most dreadfully tell the first day of march being the day of hir examination and then also most greviously allso at the beginning of hir examination: but senc she confessed she has hurt me but little
(Reverse) Ann putnam ag'st Tittuba Indian
(Examination of Sarah Good)
The examination of Sarah Good before the worshipfull Assts John Harthorn Jonathan Curren
(H.) Sarah Good what evil spirit have you familiarity with
(S G) none
(H) have you made no contract with the devil,
(g) good answered no
(H) why doe you hurt these children
(g) I doe not hurt them. I scorn it.
(H) who doe you imploy then to doe it
(g) I imploy no body,
(H) what creature do you imploy then,
(g) no creature but I am falsely accused
(H) why did you go away muttering from mr Parris his house
(g) I did not mutter but I thanked him for what he gave my child
(H) have you made no contract with the devil
(g) no
(H) desired the children all of them to look upon her, and see, if this were the person that had hurt them and so they all did looke upon her and said this was one of the persons that did torment them -- presently they were all tormented.
(H) Sarah good doe you not see now what you have done why doe you not tell us the truth, why doe you thus torment these poor children
(g) I doe not torment them,
H who do you imploy then
(g) I imploy nobody I scorn it
(H) how came they thus tormented,
(g) what doe I know you bring others here and now you charge me with it
(H) why who was it.
(g) I doe not know but it was some you brought into the meeting house with you
(H) wee brought you into the meeting house
(g) but you brought in two more
(H) Who was it then that tormented the children
(g) it was osburn
(H) what is it that you say when you goe muttering away from persons houses
(g) if I must tell I will tell
(H) doe tell us then
(g) if I must tell I will tell, it is the commandments I may say my commandments I hope
(H) what commandment is it
(g) if I must tell you I will tell, it is a psalm
(H) what psalm
(g) after a long time shee muttered over some part of a psalm
(H) who doe you serve
(g) I serve god
(H) what god doe you serve
(g) the god that made heaven and earth though shee was not willing to mention the word God her answers were in a very wicked, spitfull manner reflecting and retorting aganst the authority with base and abusive words and many lies shee was taken in.it was here said that her housband had said that he was afraid that shee either was a witch or would be one very quickly the worsh mr Harthon asked him his reason why he said so of her whether he had ever seen any thing by her he answered no not in this nature but it was her bad carriage to him and indeed said he I may say with tears that shee is an enimy to all good.(Salem Village March the 1t 1691/2
Written by Ezekiell Chevers
Salem Village March the 1t 1691/2)
(Complaint v. George Burroughs, Lydia Dustin, Susannah Martin, Dorcas Hoar, Sarah Morey, and Phillip English)
Salem Aprill the 30'th 1692
There Being Complaint this day made (Before us) by Capt Jona- than Walcot and Serj't Thomas putnam of Salem Village, in behalfe of theire Majesties, for themselfes, and also for Severall of theire Neighbours Against George Burroughs Minester in Wells in the pro- vince of Maine Lydia Dasting in Reading Widow Susanah Martin of Amesbury Widow Dorcas Hoar of Beverly Widdow, and Sarah Murrell of Beverly And phillip English of Salem Merchant for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft done or Committed by them Upon the Bodys of Mary Walcot. Marcy Lewis Abigail Williams Ann putnam and Eliz Hubert and Susanah Sheldon (Viz) Upon Som: or all of them, of Salem Village or farm[es] whereby great hurt and dammage benne donn[e] to the Bodys of s'd persons above named therefore Craved Justice
Signed by Both
the Complainers
aboves'd {
*Jonathan Walcott
*Thomas Putnam
The abovs'd Complaint was Exhibited before us this 30'th aprill
*John Hathorne
*Jonathan Corwin {
(Death Warrant for Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth How, and Sarah Wilds)
To: To Georg: Corwine Gent'n High Sheriff of the County of Essex Greeting
Whereas Sarah Good Wife of William Good of Salem Village Rebecka Nurse wife of Francis Nurse of Salem Villiage Susanna Martin of Amesbury Widow Elizabeth How wife of James How of Ipswich Sarah Wild Wife of John Wild of Topsfield all of the County of Essex in their Maj'ts Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Att A Court of Oyer & Terminer held by Adjournment for Our Soveraign Lord & Lady King William & Queen Mary for the said County of Essex at Salem in the s'd County on the 29th day of June [torn] were Severaly arraigned on Several Indictments for the horrible Crime of Witchcraft by them practised & Committed On Severall persons and pleading not guilty did for their Tryall put themselves on God & Thier Countrey whereupon they were Each of them found & brought in Guilty by the Jury that passed On them according to their respective Indictments and Sentence of death did then pass upon them as the Law directs Execution whereof yet remains to be done:
Those are Therefore in thier Maj'ties name William & Mary now King & Queen over England &ca: to will & Comand you that upon Tuesday next being the 19th day of [torn] Instant July between the houres of Eight & [torn] in [torn] forenoon the same day you Elizabeth How & Sarah Wild From their Maj'ties Goal in Salem afores'd to the place of Execution & there Cause them & Every of them to be hanged by the Neck untill they be dead and of the doings herein make return to the Clerke of the said Court & this precept and hereof you are not to fail at your perill and this Shall be your Sufficient Warrant Given under my hand & seale at Boston the 12'th day of July in the fourth year of the Reign of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady Wm & Mary King and Queen &ca:
*Wm Stoughton
Annoq Dom. 1692 --
Salem July 19th 1692
I caused the within mentioned persons to be Executed according to the Tenour of the with [in] warrant
List of all Persons Accused of Witchcraft in 1692
Name / Town / DateNehemiah Abbot / Topsfield / May 28
Nehemiah Abbot, Jun. / Topsfield / April 21
Capt. John Alden / Boston / May 31
Daniel Andrew / Salem Village / May 14
Abigail Barker / Andover / Sept.8
Mary Barker / Andover / August 29
William Barker, Sen. / Andover / August 29
William Barker, Jun. / Andover / August 29
Sarah Basset / Lynn / May 21
Bridget Bishop / Salem Village / April 18
Edward Bishop / Salem Village / April 21
Sarah Bishop / Salem Village / April 21
Mary Black / Salem Village / April 21
Mary Bradbury / Salisbury / April 26
Mary Bridges / Andover / July 28
Sarah Bridges / Andover / August 25
Hannah Bromage / Andover / July 30 (examination)
Sarah Buckley / Salem Village / May 14
George Burroughs / Wells, Maine / April 30
Candy (slave) / Salem Town / June 1
Hannah Carrell / Salem Town / September 10
Martha Carrier / Andover / May 28
Andrew Carrier / Andover / July 21
Richard Carrier / Andover / July 21
Sarah Carrier / Andover
Thomas Carrier / Andover / July 21
Bethia Carter / Woburn / May 8
Elizabeth Cary / Charlestown / May 28
Mary Clarke / Haverhill / Aug. 3
Rachel Clenton / Ipswich / March 29
Sarah Cloyse / Salem Village / April 4
Sarah Cole [I] / Salem Town / September 10
Sarah Cole [II] / Lynn / October 3
Elizabeth Colson / Reading / May 14
Giles Corey / Salem Village / April 18
Martha Corey / Salem Village / March 19
Deliverance Dane / Andover
Mary DeRich / Salem Village / May 23
Rebecca Dike / Gloucester / November 5
Elizabeth Dicer / Gloucester / September 3
Ann Doliver / Andover / September
Lydia Dustin / Reading / April 30
Sarah Dustin / Reading / May 8
Rebecca Eames / Andover / August 19
Mary Easty / Salem Village / April 21
Esther Elwell / Gloucester / November 5
Martha Emerson / Haverhill / July 2
Joseph Emons / Manchester / September 5
Philip English / Salem Town / April 30
Mary English / Salem Town / April 21
Thomas Farrer, Sen. / Lynn / May 14
Edward Farrington / Andover / September 17
Abigail Faulkner, Senior / Andover / August 11
Abigail Faulkner, Jun. / Andover / September
Dorothy Faulkner / Andover / September 17
Captain John Flood / Rumney Marsh / May 28
Elizabeth Fosdick / Malden / May 28
Elizabeth Fosdick [Jun.?] / Malden / June 2
Ann Foster / Andover / July 15
Nicholas Frost / Manchester / September 5
Eunice Frye / Andover
Dorcas Good / Salem Village / March 23
Sarah Good / Salem Village / February 29
Mary Green / Haverhill
Elizabeth Hart / Lynn / May 14
Sarah Hawkes / Andover / September 1
Margaret Hawkes / Salem Town / June 1
Dorcas Hoar / Beverly / April 30
Abigail Hobbs / Topsfield / April 18
Deliverance Hobbs / Topsfield / April 21
William Hobbs / Topsfield / April 21
Elizabeth How / Topsfield / May 28
John Howard / Rowley / August 5
Francis Hutchens / Haverhill / August 18
Mary Ireson / Lynn / June 4
John Jackson, Sen. / Rowley / August 5
John Jackson, Jun. / Rowley / August 5
George Jacobs, Sen. / Salem Town / May 10
George Jacobs, Jun. / Salem Village / May 14
Margaret Jacobs / Salem Town / May 10
Rebecca Jacobs / Salem Village / May 14
Abigail Johnson / Andover / August 29
Elizabeth Johnson, Sen. / Andover / August 29
Elizabeth Johnson, Jun. / Andover / August 10
Rebecca Johnson / Andover / January 7, 1693
Stephen Johnson / Andover / September 1
Mary Lacey, Sen. / Andover / July 20
Mary Lacey, Jun. / Andover
John Lee / April 1 (testimony)
Jane Lilly / Malden / September 5
Mary Marston / Andover / August 29
Susanna Martin / Amesbury / April 30
Mary Morey / Beverly / May
Sarah Morrill / Beverly
Rebecca Nurse / Salem Village / March 23
Sarah Osborne / Salem Village / February 29
Mary Osgood / Andover
Elizabeth Paine / Charlestown / June 2
Alice Parker / Salem Town / May 12
Mary Parker / Andover / August
Sarah Pease / Salem Town / May 23
Joan Peney / Gloucester / September 20
Hannah Post / Boxford / August 25
Mary Post / Rowley / August 2
Susanna Post / Andover / August 25
Margaret Prince / Gloucester / September 3
Benjamin Proctor / Salem Village / May 23
Elizabeth Proctor / Salem Village / April 8
John Proctor / Salem Village / April 11
Sarah Proctor / Salem Village
William Proctor / Salem Village / May 28
Ann Pudeator / Salem Town / May 12
Abigail Roe / Gloucester / November 5
Wilmor Reed / Marblehead / May 28
Sarah Rice / Reading / May 28
Susanna Roots / Beverly / May 21
Henry Salter / Andover / September 7
John Sawdy / Andover / September [?]
Margaret Scott / September
Ann Sears / Woburn / May 8
Abigail Soames / Salem Town / May 13
Martha Sparks / Chelmsford
Tituba Indian / Salem Village / February 29
Jerson Toothaker
Mary Toothaker / Billerica / May 28
Roger Toothaker / Billerica / May 18
[Daughter of Roger Toothaker] / Billerica / May 28
Job Tookey / Beverly
Hannah Tyler / Andover / September 16
Martha Tyler / Andover / September 16
Mercy Wardwell / Andover
Samuel Wardwell / Andover / September 1
Sarah Wardwell / Andover / September 1
Mary Warren / Salem Village / April 18
Sarah Wilds / Topsfield / April 21
Ruth Wilford / Haverhill / August 18
John Willard / Salem Village / May 12
Sarah Wilson, Sen. / Andover / September 17
Sarah Wilson, Jun. / Andover
Mary Withridge / Salem Village / May 14