K-State Research and Extension –Bourbon County Data

Southwind Extension District

1. Pasture Rental Rate:

What is the average rental rate paid per acre or per animal unit for pasture you own or lease?

·  I don’t rent any pasture.

Rent Per Acre ($23.31)

·  $27.00

·  $25.00

·  $25.00

·  $17.00

·  $25.00

·  $17.50

·  $20.00

·  $30.00

Rent Per AUM:
(1 animal unit is defined as a 1000 pound beef cow with a calf less than 4 months of age postpartum. An animal unit month (AUM) is the amount of forage required for 1 animal unit for 1 month.)

·  $4-5

2. Impact of 2014 Weather Conditions upon Pasture Leasing Arrangements

Do you expect to increase, decrease, or not change the grazing pressure on your pasture in 2015? (Select one)

Increase XX Decrease No change XXXXXX

3. Pasture Grazing Period:
During what period of time is leased pastureland grazed during the year?

Typical Year: Beginning Date: ______Ending Date______

·  Jan-Dec

·  Jan-Dec

·  March –March 12 Mo.

·  May 1st – July 20

·  May 1 – Nov 1

·  5/15 – 10/15

·  Year around lease

·  3/1 – 11/30

4. Livestock Stocking Rate on Pastures:

What is the stocking rate for pasture you own or lease?

For Cow-Calf enterprises

Number of acres per cow/calf pair (3.16)
·  4
·  504 (total acres?)
·  4-5
·  3
·  4 if pair, 2-3 on ??

·  3 ½

·  3

·  2 ½

·  4

Mature Weight of Cows (if Cow/calf pairs) (1210)

·  1250

·  1020

·  1400

·  1400

·  1200

·  1250-1400

·  1200

·  1000

·  1100

For Backgrounding or Stocker-Feeder enterprises

Number of Acres per Calf
·  6 (500-700lbs)

·  4 (400 -800/900)

·  4 (200-600)

5. Livestock Water Supply

In what form is water available to drink for livestock? (Check all that apply)

Transported to Site Pond XXXXXXXX Stream X Well
Other X Rural Water

Who is responsible for maintaining the livestock water supply during the Grazing season?

Tenant XXXXX Landowner XXXX

6. Maintaining Fences

Who furnishes labor to maintain the fence?

Tenant XXXXX Landowner XXX Both, Both

Who supplies materials to maintain the fence?

Tenant X Landowner XXXXX

7. Weed Control

Who is responsible for controlling weeds in the pasture(s)?

Tenant X Landowner X Both, Both, Both

Do any special arrangements exist for weed control if persistent noxious weeds are present in the pasture(s)? Yes XX No X

If yes, then please explain:

·  I brush hog the pastures

·  Talk over with owner

8. Physical Location and Type of Pastureland

In which county is the pastureland located?

All respondents answered Bourbon County.

9. Other Comments on Pasture Leasing Arrangements

Do you have any other general comments or observations about pasture leasing arrangements in your area?

·  No

·  Very hard to get because of hunters and there contracts. No Livestock Period.

·  Have worked hard last several years to divide pasture and rotate on timely basis. Can see a noticeable increase in quantity & quality of grass.

10. Hunting Leases (Please describe any hunting lease arrangements)

·  I have two farms with walk in hunting. I have for farms that I have a 5 year cash lease.

·  Terrible to work with.

·  None

11. Tree Clearing (Please describe any tree removal practices or burning that has been done.)

·  I have app. 40 acres that was cleared 20 years ago. Sowed fescue that it will supply grass for 40 head.

·  We have done lots on our own land then some on leased ground then lost to hunters. 720 Ac.

·  Cut sprouts as they appear in pasture. Require checking pasture 4 or 5 times during growing season.

·  Burn every other year.