Within a framework prescribed by the school and in accordance with the aims and policies of the school, undertake a specialist role to be the lead person for all pastoral and safeguarding work. The postholder willwork with staff, families, children and external agencies to assist children in overcoming barriers, attend school and achieve their full potential.

1 / Within a framework prescribed by the school, prepare, plan and implement individual, and small group programmes across the whole school, working alongside and in conjunction with the SENCO and staff.
2 / Implement agreed support programmes for individuals/groups discussed and identified within our Protecting Every Child team so that the needs of pupils are met. Meet regularly with teachers of vulnerable children children to update them on progress and gain updates/
3 / Manage the behaviour, of pupils whilst they are undertaking their work to ensure a constructive environment, and pre-empt/ deal with situations arising in accordance with school policies and procedures. REMOVE
4 / Analyse, observe, track and monitor,individual pupil progress through a range of assessment and monitoring techniques. This will provide information/data for the compilation of Behavioural Reports, assessment information, updatingpupil and school records and to appropriate feedback for pupils and staff.
6 / Access, maintain and update a range of pupil and school records to facilitate assessment of pupils’ progress.
7 / Ensure that pupil’s health and safety is maintained in, around and for out of school educational visits including supervised use of specific tools, equipment and learning materials to ensure pupils’ safety and facilitate their physical and emotional development in accordance with the school’s managing behaviour strategies.
8 / Display and present the pupils’ work so that it enhances the classroom/school environment and celebrates achievement. This will include reference to whole school displays on PSHCE.
9 / Prepare and maintain Inclusion/pastoral support resources, and provide advice and guidance to staff on their use.
10 / Liase with other professional staff, parents and outside agencies to ensure effective communication concerning the maintenance of pupils’ well being. To arrange and lead meetings with parents regarding pupils’ social and emotional wellbeing.
11 / To work with outside Agencies including: Social care, ESAT, CAHMS, School Health, EWO and Educational Psychologists and Police. To act a lead professional, liaising with the HT and SENCO,to complete TAFs when appropriate, attend core groups, Child in Need and Child Protection Conferences, Child in Care meetings, and to refer cases to Social Care, Police, EWO, ESAT and other specialist support agencies.
12 / To provide support and mentoring for EYFS/KS1 and KS2pupils who have social and emotional needs.
13 / To work with the SENCo and be the Inclusion Liaison with the other local cluster schools.
14 / Attend staff and other meetings, open evenings for parents/carers and participate in staff training development work and induction of new staff referenced to Safeguarding, PSHCE and Pastoral Lead work.
14 / Coordinate management of MDAs across the school, including conducting induction and staff reviews as required.
15 / Be the named person for parents to speak to with regard to pastoral concerns. Signpost parents/carers to appropriate agencies to provide additional support and help.
16 / Actively encourage and support school and parent partnerships eg.. through organisation of family learning activities, parents/carer information sessions, links with pre-school, Link Club and Nursery,
17 / To provide appropriate reports on request for HT, SENCO and Govenors referenced to areas of work and attend relevant Governor meeting.
18 / In HLTA role provide supervision for whole classes of pupils to maintain continuity of pupil’s learning.
Notwithstanding the detail in this job description, in accordance with the School’s/Council’s Flexibility Policy the job holder will undertake such work as may be determined by the Headteacher/Governing Body from time to time, up to or at a level consistent with the Main Responsibilities of the job.