Preparing for the future

1. Go to

2. Click on I want to be…

3. You will have a few choices here, you will be able to browse occupations by:

· Alphabet-This is a list jobs in alphabetical order.

· Interest-Here you will choose jobs that fit into certain categories.

· NOC Code-Don’t worry about this one

· Work Prospects-Don’t worry about this one either

· Not sure? Take our Quiz-If you have no idea what you would like to do for a career then take the quiz.

These are all ways we can search for jobs, but for today we are going to take the quiz.

Once you have taken the quiz you are given a wide range of choices, choose a job that you would like to do for a career.

For each job you will be presented with a lot of information,

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the average hourly earnings?

2. Average unemployment for this job?

Look below to More information...

Under At work

3. Where They Find Work — Top Occupational Areas

Under Education training and experience

4. What You Need?

5. Useful Experience/Skills

6. Useful High School Subjects

Under Work Prospects

-What are the work prospects?

-Preparing for the Competition

Under Important Facts

-What you can expect to make.

7. Write down the hourly wage for all three age groups.

8. What do you notice about the amount of pay as you get older? Why do you think this is?