December 10, 2017

Christmas Greeting Friends,

"1In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God,

and the Word was God.
2He existed in the beginning with God. 3God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
4The Word gave life to everything that was created,and his life brought light to everyone.
5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." (John 1:1-5 - NLT)

This powerful message from the opening of John's Gospel offers great comfort at a bleak moment in the history of God's people. Not only as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, but everyday, this is an important message to remember . . . The Light of the World still shines! Despite any form of darkness we may experience in our lives--personally, nationally, globally--the darkness can NEVER extinguish the Light! As Christmas nears, may we all seek the Christ who is the Eternal Light and the Giver of Hope and Peace within all our hearts . . . the One who always leads us through any difficulty or "storm" we encounter. He may not stop the storm or remove the difficulty, but always guides us through and fills our hearts!

It sounds so easy, "Just keep you eyes on the Light," but we all know it's not so simple. NO ONE escapes the storms and darkness! That's why the Servant Song family is here--and we know that's why it's often important to seek something "extra" to help make the journey over some of that rough terrain life presents. We are here to make that journey with you according to your needs. The December program listings offer a glimpse of what is available. Also included is a personal testimony from Dr. Keith Rieder who, a few years after this experience, joined our ministry team and also later became a board member.

For your seasonal soul-nourishment and respite, we offer the "Come to the Quiet" Advent Retreat Day on December 14th, as a Christmas preparation program. Likewise, private and group retreats can be scheduled according to availability. See program listings/website at for more information.

We will host a New Year's Eve Watch Night Service & Celebration, beginning 9-9:30 p.m. again thisyear. It isa joyful celebration with friends, food, laughter, games, and song as we await the New Year. At 11:40 p.m., Rev. Don Wilson will lead us in a prayer service of thanksgiving for 2017 and prayers and blessing of the New Year as we welcome 2018. Long-distance friends are invited to be our overnight guests too! See the attached invitations for more details.

On behalf of our board, staff, and all who come to Servant Song, I want to express our tremendous gratitude to all of you and the many ways you support God's work here, including you who have generously given your time and energy to pray, minister, or volunteer in any way! Finally, we know great need is everywhere! We thank God for you who have chosen to share your financial blessings with us. Nonprofits are struggling, especially this year--many have closed. God continues to provide through your generous hearts--we could not survive without your help! Gifts of any amount are always deeply appreciated and tax-deductible.* You can be sure your gifts are always used wisely as together, we "prepare the way for the Lord" in our work here. May you all be blessed a thousand-fold!

A reminder: If you need a birthday or Christmas gift for that special someone in your life who has everything, see the enclosed "Special Gift" form.

All of us at Servant Song—Peter, Nancy, Mary, Cynthia, Keith, Larry, Marie, and me—wish you all Christmas Blessings of God’s Joy, Peace, and Love—today and every day throughout the coming year!

Pray for us—we always pray for you!


Donna M. Koller


Enclosures - Dec. Program Listings & Invitation, Testimony - Dr. Rieder, "Thoughts to Ponder - Advent," Special Gifts Form

Servant Song Ministries is a PA Non-Profit Corporation and IRS 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization
*Donations are tax deductible to the full limit of the law