Cherokee Falls Homeowners Association
Monthly Board Meeting
August21, 2012
Board Members Present: Terry Collins, Anita Ashcraft, Avert Bumpers, Bonnie Carrigan, Glen Clardy, Susan Collins, Robin Maloy, Larry Olsen, & Don Simmons
Members Present: Laurie Davis & Garland Stewart
The meeting was called to order by the President, Terry Collins.
Anita Ashcraft read the minutes of the June meeting. Larry Olsen made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Sue Collins seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report & Dues
Due to the absence of the treasurer, Roseanna Lamont, Terry Collins asked for a motion to dispense with the presentation of the Treasurer’s Report. Bonnie Carrigan made the motion and Avert Bumpers seconded it. The motion was passed. In the last two months only normal monthly expenses have been paid and only one dues payment has been received. Non-paying members will be sent letters notifying them that liens will be filed if dues are not paid or payment plans are not set up. Bonnie Carrigan will research whether once the liens are filed if liens need to be reported to credit report companies as well.
Tennis Courts
Although the money has been approved, the cameras at the tennis courts are not yet installed. The lock on the door at the back of the tennis court is missing a key. Garland Stewart and Larry Olsen volunteered to replace the lock.
Removal of Trees at Dam
Laurie Davis will email Arbor & Sage about completion of the work at the dam.
Directory & Printing
Bonnie Carrigan reported that the directory had been updated and that ID cards for the swimming pool had been sent to the homeowners. The cost to complete both projects had come in around $624 under budget. Bonnie will try to get email addresses from any HOA members that did not provide them when the directory was updated. This list will be for internal use only in order to update members about current news and activities.
Web Site & Facebook Account
Terry Collins called and emailed the webmaster about the website but has not yet received a response. Glen Clardy knows the webmaster personally and will check with him about updating the website and getting invoices for work not yet billed to HOA. Bonnie Carrigan has offered to do updates to the website, if we can get access to it.
Signs & Bulletin Board
Any signs taped to the new stop signs need to be removed. The tape causes stickiness and peeling of the paint. Board members were encouraged to remove any items found taped to the new signs.
Sixes Road Association
Terry Collins was contacted by email about a meeting that was planned for the Sixes Road Association. However, the meeting was cancelled and has not yet been rescheduled. Terry will keep us informed. A new commissioner has been elected and needs to be encouraged to continue the maintenance that was done under the old commissioner. A landscape contract is still in effect, but may not be renewed when the contract runs out.
Sue Collins talked about plans for a party in December. The Falls of Cherokee will rent their facility to us for the party. The association decided to use the date of December 15, 2012. Sue will talk with Stephanie Ryan about caterers, and she will also send out save-the-date notices.
Compliance Covenants
Compliance covenants regarding fences, mailboxes, Bermuda grass, and no trailers or boats were mentioned. Glen will make a list of the original homeowner covenants to be discussed at the next meeting.
Glen Clardy moved to adjourn the meeting, Don Simmons seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.