EECS 4160/5160/7160

Advance Microsystems DesignTotal Credits:4hrs

Spring 2005

Course Description: Design Concepts of Microcomputers and Microcontrollers at the system level. Functional Hardware components of a Microcontroller. Techniques to interface Microcontrollers with a variety of external devices. The role of embedded microcontrollers in modern society. Communications Systems-Multiple Serial Interface. Software and hardware requirements for inter-processor communications. Laboratory experiments and projects.

Textbook:Daniel J. Pack and Steven F. Barrett, “68HC12: Microcontroller Theory and Applications” , Prentice Hall, 2002.

References:1. Motorola’s Manual on 68HC12EVBU.

2. Ted VanSickle, “Programming Microcontrollers in C”, High Text Publications, P.O. Box 1489, SolanaBeach, Ca, 92070,1994.

ISBN 1-878707-14-0.

3. Gene H. Miller, “ Microcomputer Engineering” Prentice Hall, 2004.

Course Goals:To understand state-of-the-art microcontrollers and related design methodologies for real time system applications.

Prerequisites by Topic: Microsystem Design & Assembly Language.

Major Topics Covered in the Course:

1. Micro-controller’s General Architecture

2.Bus Concepts and Modes of Operation

3.Cross Assembly and Program Development

4.Main Timer and Real Time Interrupt

5.Pulse Accumulator

6.Analog-Converter Subsystem

7.Synchronous Serial Peripheral Interface

8.Asynchronous Serial Communication Interface

  1. Interfacing Concepts

Computer Bus Structures

  1. Parallel input/output
  2. Real time Programming

Implementing Sequential Machines

Digital Signal Processing Applications

  1. Advanced 32 bit Micro-controllers with CAN protocol
  2. Sample Design of real time applications
  3. Flash memory and Dual Port Memory.
  4. Programming Micro-controllers in C.
  5. Parallel Processing with Micro-controllers.


Exam 120%

Exam 220%

Exam 320%


Home Work 10%

Laboratory projects (specify number of weeks on each)

Estimate CSAB Category Content


Data Structures______Computer Organization and Architecture______

Algorithms______Concept of Programming Languages______

Software Design______

Oral and Written Communications

Every student is required to submit at least _____ written reports (not including exams, tests, quizzes, or commented programs) of typically _____ pages and to make _____ oral presentations of typically _____ minutes duration. Include only material that is graded for grammar, spelling, style, and so forth, as well as for technical content, completeness, and accuracy.

Social and Ethical Issues

Please list the topics that address the social and ethical implications of computing covered in all course sections. Estimate the class time spent on each topic. In what ways are the students in this course graded on their understanding of these topics (e.g., test questions, essays, oral presentations, and so forth)?

Theoretical Content

Please list the types of theoretical material covered, and estimate the time devoted to such coverage.

Analysis and Design

Please describe the analysis and design experiences common to all course sections.