DeMario 2014-2015
Physics Syllabus
Course Focus- centers on the study of mechanics, electromagnetic energy and modern physics. Students will develop their ability to identify relationships involving forces, motion, and energy using equations and graphical analysis.
- Mathematics and Measurement
- Linear Motion
- Projectile Motion
- Statics
- Newton’s Laws
- Momentum
- Centripetal Force and Newton’s Gravitation Law
- Energy
- Static Electricity
- Electric Current and Electric Circuits
- Magnetism
- Waves and Energy Transfer
- Sound, Light, and Refraction
- Modern Physics
Projects- Students complete one 2 paged research paper
Supplies need
- Scientific or graphing calculator
- Notebook
- Binder or folder for handouts
- Pens/ pencils
- Red pen
Physics Grading Policy
Quarterly Grade
10% Class participation (participation, wise use of class time, prepared)
65% Test/ Midterm/Quizzes/ Graded Assignments
25% Labs/ Lab Practical
Final Grade
Average of the four-quarter grades and the Regents Exam
- Corrections
- Due 1 week from the day test is returned to student
- Each correction accompanied with the correct explanation written in complete sentences improves grade by 1/3 of the points lost. No credit will be given for corrections without explanation.
- Late test corrections will not be accepted even if you are sick on the date due or fail to remember to turn in corrections.
- Homework assignments must be complete on the day returning to school. All assignments will be posted by 3:00PM on (Choose high school tab on top, then choose homework hotline on side menu.)
- Makeup quiz and test will be taken within one day of return except in the case of a long illness or a long excused absent.
- If arrangements cannot be made or are not made to make-up a quiz or test within one day of date missed during a study hall or after school, the make-up will be scheduled during the next class period.
- Lowest lab grade per quarter will be dropped.
- All labs must be completed.
- If you miss a lab class, lab make-up dates will be schedule once in a 5 week period. Failure to attend the make-up date may affect your right to sit for the state exam in June. Therefore, it is imperative that students attend all lab days. Please schedule appointments around the lab schedule.
- Lab write-ups due during student’s lab class on date given by teacher.
- Failure to hand in lab on time results in a 10% deduction and student will receive a school detention.
- Rewrites are allowed until passing grade is received. Students will receive ½ credit for corrected portions of lab.
Class ______Section ______Date ______
I have read and understand the grading policy for this Chemistry/ Physics Course.