Attachment No 6
Addendum to the point „Budget, activities, schedule”
- Norwegian sidevisitin Poland - theBeneficiaryin the applicationforesawfunds to coverthe cost ofvisitingthe Norwegiansideof 10 000. PLN. The information in the letter of intentreferring to thecosts of the Norwegian visitcovered from financial resourcesoutside of theprojectwas placed on theNorwegian siderequest. According to theworkingarrangementsNorwegian willbear its own costsi.e. transportto Poland anddiet,while the Polish side using the financial resources in the limit of the project will pay the other costs associated with accommodation, meals and transportation during the visit.
- The conference events –plannedby the Beneficiaryconferenceeventsare to take placein the following order:
a)InauguralConference-costlessactivity. The eventheldat the Centre forVocational Education ofthe Ministryof Finance
b)Conferenceduring the Project, the cost of 15 000. PLN. The eventcombined witha study visitin Poland, and review of the Project (Mid-term Review), presentation of the agreements, the Projectpresentation to the press. (the interest of the Project by mediaisdetermined bythestage ofimplementation of the Project andincreases with theprogressand thevisibleeffects).
c)Closing conference on amount of 15000 PLN.
- Expenditure in the Project
The applicantestimated the cost ofall activitiesbased ontheir own experiencewithtendering procedurescarried outin last yearsand on the basisof commercial offers available online.
The structure ofthe training courses will beas follows
a)Drivinga specialtechnique
number of peopleto be trained / 600number of peoplein the group / 12
number of trainings / 50
number oftraining daysper person / 5
trainingpricefor 1 person / 3800
b)Language training courses
number of peopleto be trained / 320number of peoplein the group / 10
number of trainings / 32
number oftraining daysper person / 5
trainingpricefor 1 person / 1750
The levelof the language courseswill be determinedseparatelyfor each participantwith aplacement test qualifying to an appropriate group.
Estimatedcosts reflectthe gross pricefor the overall implementationof the training coursesincludingtraining materials, equipment used,promotionalmarkings, accommodation and meals forparticipants, conducting surveysand tests/exams– if required.
The Beneficiary is notable to describethe structure of expendituresrelated to salariesfor the Project Teamand collaborating expertsasa wayto rewardwilldepend on thediscretionary natureof theemployee'seffortto the Project.
The Beneficiaryestimates thatthe study visitto Norwaywill attendfivepeople representingvarious areas of activities inthe Polish Customs Service.
The Beneficiaryis capable of acceptinga delegationfrom Norwaywithout the limit on the numberof participants.
As a part of promotional activities the information on the Project will be published in the monthly Customs Messages, on Corintia intranet portal and on the webpage of the Ministry of Finance as well as customs chambers webpages. During the worksof the tender committeewhich will evaluate thetrainingcontractors, alldocuments willbear the logo ofthe Norwegian Financial Mechanism.The samelogowill also beplacedon training materialsthat will be transferredto individualparticipants. Additionally,by the door of the roomsin which thetraining courseswill be carried outthere will be placedadequate informationabout the sourcesof funding.
Additionally, within thispromotional campaignpromotional materialswill be purchased(gadgets promoting the projectand thePolish-Norwegian partnership) as pendrive memory,leashes, pens, paper bags, notebooks, etc.
- Schedule
The Beneficiaryproposes the followingschedulefor training courses:
Drivinga specialtechnique
2015Month / Number of training courses / Number of persons
January / 4 / 48
February / 4 / 48
March / 4 / 48
April / 4 / 48
May / 4 / 48
June / 4 / 48
September / 4 / 48
October / 4 / 48
November / 4 / 48
December / 3 / 36
Total / 39 / 468
Month / Number of training courses / Number of persons
January / 4 / 48
February / 4 / 48
March / 3 / 36
Total / 11 / 132
Language training courses
2015Month / Number of training courses / Number of persons
January / 2 / 20
February / 2 / 20
March / 3 / 30
April / 3 / 30
May / 3 / 30
June / 3 / 30
September / 3 / 30
October / 3 / 30
November / 3 / 30
December / 2 / 20
Total / 27 / 270
Month / Number of training courses / Number of persons
January / 2 / 20
February / 3 / 30
Total / 5 / 50
Promotional events(assumptions schedule):
a)Milestones of the Project(initiation, signing contracts, study visits, the completion of the Project
b)The scheduledepends on theprogress in the Projectas well assetting deadlines fordeterminingactions
c)Information about the Projectis availableat all timessincethe implementation