Chemistry 2017-2018 Syllabus - Roebuck

Kasey Roebuck – Charles Akins High School

Phone: (512) 841-9992



(or just google “Kasey Roebuck Akins High School”)

**Tutoring: Before school, FIT, and after school by appointment!**

Course Objectives

This class is designed as a secondary level science class for high school students. This class is meant to prepare students for future science classes, standardized tests, and college and/or postsecondary fields of science. Students will also be able to practice safe and effective laboratory skills, as well as apply chemistry to everyday life.

General Course Expectations

Students in Ms. Roebuck’s Chemistry class are expected to:.

·  Be respectful of the classroom, the teacher, other students, and themselves.

·  Be prepared everyday with classroom notebook, charged laptop, writing utensil, and completed assigned homework.

·  Practice safe and effective laboratory skills.

·  Work hard to achieve at the highest level, exceeding all expectations.

·  Be positive; science is a challenge made easier by optimism!

Daily Class Protocol

This class will follow the layout described below:

·  Students will be in their assigned seats when the bell rings working on warm-up.

·  Students must be prepared for lab every day, following all safety precautions.

·  Students must clean their tables, lab stations, etc. before leaving class.

·  Students must leave cellphone in class while issued a hall pass.

·  Students must be in their assigned seats at dismissal.

·  Students must keep an organized classroom notebook in class.

Course Evaluation

Chemistry will use Standards Based Grading! Research shows and we believe it is vastly better for learning and for students than traditional methods – please see the additional pages for a description about what this means… We will work closely with students as we move forward to ensure they understand what is expected of them in this regard and how they can best capitalize on this opportunity!

50% - Supporting Assessments (Exit Tickets, Quizzes, Labs)

50% - Power/Summative Assessments (Major Tests, Major Labs)

Course Notebook

Students will be required to keep a notebook to organize topics studied throughout the course. Notebook will need to be left in class daily for class activities, notes, and labs; students may take pictures of their notebook to build a digital copy to take home.

Required Materials:

·  Pencil/pen

·  Notebook (or loose-leaf paper in dedicated 3-ring binder)

Make-Up Work Policy

Should a student miss class, he or she has needs to make up daily work prior to the Unit test. He or she will find the missed daily work in the prescribed folder or on the course website and an in-class notebook. It is the student’s responsibility to find their make-up work.

Academic Honesty

Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated. If two people turn in identical or clearly copied work, both will receive a zero for the assignment. Do not let others see your work because you will be penalized if someone copies from you. Talking during a test is also considered cheating and will result in a zero. Copying papers from the internet or other sources is illegal act called plagiarism, and it too will result in a zero. Please remember that a zero on a major grade can mean the difference between passing and failing the six-weeks. Do not do anything that can be viewed as cheating.

Please note that cell phones will be taken up at the beginning of each examination to preserve academic integrity.

Lab Safety

Safety for all students is of the utmost concern, especially when we are doing laboratory activities. All students and their parents/guardians must sign a lab safety contract in order for the student to participate in laboratory activities. Students without signed safety contracts on file will not be allowed to participate in the labs and will receive a zero on every lab assignment missed. If a student violates a safety rule during a laboratory activity, he/she will be removed from the lab and receive a zero for that lab assignment.

Mr. Tucker’s Chemistry 2017-2018 Expectations:

·  Your work will be thorough and complete. You will complete all the work that is assigned to you, to the best of your ability. Answers must be in complete sentences. They must answer the entire question.

·  Your work will be turned in on time.

·  Your makeup work will be completed in a timely manner. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. This does not mean interrupting the teacher in the middle of the class; find an appropriate time to speak to the teacher individually, or ask another student in the class. If you are absent on the day of a test, you should be ready to take the test the day you return to school in the morning before school or after school.

·  Your work will be your own. Cheating of any sort will not be tolerated. If two people turn in identical or clearly copied work, both people will receive a zero for the assignment. Do not let others see your work because you will be penalized if someone copies from you. Talking during test is also considered cheating and will result in a zero. Copying papers form the internet or other sources is an illegal act called plagiarism, and it too will result in a zero. Please remember that a zero on a major grade can mean the difference between passing and failing the six-weeks. Do not do anything that can be viewed as cheating. Please note that cell phones will be taken up at the beginning of each examination to preserve academic integrity.

·  Your work will be something to be proud of. Sloppy, rushed, incomplete work will not be accepted. You will be asked to redo anything that is unacceptable.

I have read and understand the above guidelines.


Student signature Student printed name


Parent/Guardian signature Parent /Guardian printed name


Parent/Guardian phone number Parent/Guardian email address