Chemical resistance of C/S Acrovyn
The outstanding chemical resistance of C/S Acrovyn makes it particularly suitable for a wide range of applications in which this property is of primary importance.
Chemical plant constructed from C/S Acrovyn shows remarkable chemical resistance and is accepted as an attractive material for the construction of safe and durable plant equipment. The rigidity of the material is a useful feature in this application as is the Class 0 Surface (as defined by Building Regulation Approved Document B). C/S Acrovyn is however a thermoplastic material and will soften and degrade when subjected to excessive heat. For this reason, a maximum continuous working temperature not exceeding 60C (140F) is recommended.
The majority of the chemical resistance data contained in this document has been obtained from short-term immersion tests carried out in the laboratory. These tests involve the qualitative assessment of the effect of a reagent on the surface of a specimen and it is difficult to use these results to accurately predict the performance of C/S Acrovyn (or articles fabricated from it) in service. Attack of the surface of the specimen is recorded because it will probably be observed in practice, e.g. as a change in surface appearance, but it does not necessarily follow that the material is unsuitable for use in contact with that reagent. Even when chemicals actually dissolve or degrade the specimens, or cause marked swelling, other factors, such as concentration of the reagent, miscibility of the reagent with other liquids present and the conditions of service have their effect. Only by trials on C/S Acrovyn under actual or simulated service conditions can the suitability in a specific application be ascertained.
Chemical Resistance
The type of behaviour to be expected for C/S Acrovyn on the basis of laboratory tests is summarised in the following paragraphs with additional information based on the practical experience for the fabricated articles being given in some instances. It should be noted that as C/S Acrovyn is not normally recommended for use above 60C (140F) the tests quoted were not carried out above this temperature.
Water and dilute solutions
At elevated temperatures C/S Acrovyn absorbs water and this causes slight swelling. The effect is reduced if the water contains a solute. This slight swelling does not constitute unacceptable attack and no failure has been observed due to contact with water or aqueous solutions for C/S Acrovyn. Allowance must be made for this slight swelling which occurs as a result of absorption of water.
C/S Acrovyn is highly resistant to strong acids, although some oxidising acids in high concentration attack it. Hydrochloric acid can be used at all concentrations at temperature up to 60C (140F). Sulphuric acid at less than 90% concentration has no effect at temperatures up to 60C (140F) but acid of 90-95% concentration should not be carried at temperature is excess of 50C (122F). Cold nitric acid is satisfactory at concentrations up to 50%, but hot, concentrated nitric acid will attack C/S Acrovyn
C/S Acrovyn is satisfactory in the presence of alkalis at all concentrations at temperatures up to 60C (140F)
Dry chlorine gas does not attack C/S Acrovyn at room temperature but there is some attack at elevated temperature or if the gas is moist. Bromine and fluorine, even in low concentrations will attack C/S Hydroclad at room temperature.
Oxidising Agents
C/S Acrovyn is resistant to all but the most severe oxidising conditions. Hydrogen peroxide at all concentrations has no effect, and even concentrated solutions of oxidising salts such as potassium permanganate cause only superficial attack.
Reducing agents
These reagents have practically no effect on C/S Acrovyn at temperatures up to 60C (140F)
Organic liquids and vapours
C/S Acrovyn is resistant to most fats, oils, alcohols and petrol
Generally C/S Acrovyn is unsuitable for use in contact with aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones, nitro compounds, esters and cyclic esters, which penetrate the material and cause marked swelling and softening. Some petrol-based fuels containing benzene cause swelling. These penetrating solvents may be harmful to C/S Acrovyn even when dilute, but as they are diluted further their effects may fall away noticeably, and very low concentrations, such as are present in effluents, can be safely handled
Foodstuffs and Potable Water with Acrovyn
The chemical resistance table (following) refers only to the effects on C/S Acrovyn resulting from contact with the substances listed. It does not refer to any toxicological effects of contact with foodstuffs and potable water.
C/S Acrovyn Chemical Resistance Summary
The resistance of C/S Acrovyn to a wide range of chemicals is listed in the following table.
The symbols used to denote performance are as follows:
?Some attack or absorption: the material may be considered for use when alternative materials are unsatisfactory and where limited life is acceptable. When C/S Acrovyn is to be used with such chemicals, full-scale trials under realistic conditions are particularly necessary
Unsatisfactory: so rated because of decomposition, solution, swelling, loss of ductility etc. of the samples tested.
In order to give guidance, the resistance to some chemicals has been predicted from its resistance to other chemicals, which have a similar composition. Such predictions are denoted using an asterisk (*) with the symbols listed above.
It may be safely assumed that chemical resistance decreases with both increasing temperature and with increasing concentration of reagent and that the reverse is also true. No valid assumptions can be made however if the temperature and concentration move in compensating directions. The rating ‘some attack or absorption’ (?) should not be assumed to apply at conditions different from those shown.
Acetaldehyde / 40% aq. solution / / *100% / /
Acetic acid / 10% aq. solution / /
60% aq. solution / /
glacial / ? /
Acetic Anhydride / /
Acetone / Traces / /
100% / /
Acetonitrile / *
Acetophenone / * / *
Acetophenetidine / * / *
Adipic Acid / / ?
Alcohol, Allyl / ? /
Alcohol, Amyl / *
Alcohol, Benzyl / * / *
Alcohol, Butyl / / ?
Alcohol, Cetyl / * / *
Alcohol, Dodecyl / * / *
Alcohol, Ethyl / 40% w/w water / / ?
100% / / ?
Alcohol, Furfuryl /
Alcohol, Hexyl / /
Alcohol, Isopropyl / /
Alcohol, Lauryl / * / *
Alcohol, Methyl / 6% aq. solution / / *
100% / / ?
Alcohol, Nonyl / *
Alcohol, Octyl / *
Alcohol, Propargyl / /
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons / /
Allyl Chloride / /
Alum / /
Aluminium Acetate / * / *
Aluminium Chloride / /
Aluminium Fluoride / * / *
Aluminium Hydroxide / * / *
Aluminium Nitrate / /
Aluminium Oxalate / * / *
Aluminium Oxychloride / /
Aluminium Potassium Sulphate / * / *
Ammonia / 0.88 S.G aq. solution / /
Anhydrous gas / /
Ammonia / Anhydrous liquid / / *
Ammonia Bicarbonate / * / *
Ammonium Bifluoride / /
Ammonium Carbonate / /
Ammonium Chloride / / ?
Ammonium Fluoride / /
Ammonium Hydrosulphide / /
Ammonium Hydroxide / /
Ammonium Metaphosphate / /
Ammonium Nitrate / /
Ammonium Oxalate / * / *
Ammonium Persulphate / /
Ammonium Phosphate / * / *
Ammonium Sulphate / /
Ammonium Sulphide / /
Ammonium Thiocyanate / /
Amyl Acetate / /
Amyl Chloride / /
Aniline / /
Aniline Hydrochloride / /
Aniline Sulphate / * / *
Animal Oils / * / *
Anthraquinone /
Anthraquinone Sulphonic Acid / /
Antimony Chloride / / *
Antimony Trichloride / /
Aqua Regia / Dilute / /
Concentrated / /
Arsenic Acid / Concentrated / / ?
Arysulphonic Acid / /
Barium Carbonate / * / *
Barium Chloride / * / *
Barium Hydroxide / /
Barium Sulphate / * / *
Barium Sulphide / /
Beer /
Benzaldehyde / traces / /
100% / * /
Benzene / /
Benzoic Acid / ? /
Benzoyl Chloride / * / *
Benzyl Acetate / *
Bismuth Carbonate / /
Borax / /
Boric Acid / /
Boron Trifluoride /
Brine / /
Bromine / Traces, gas / ? / *
100% (dry gas) / * / *
Liquid / /
Butadiene / /
Butane / /
Butanediol / /
Butyl Acetate / /
Butyl Chloride / * / *
Butyl Phenol / /
Butyraldehyde / * / *
Butyric Acid / 20% aq solution / / *
Concentrated / /
Calcium Bisulphite / * / *
Calcium Carbonate / /
Calcium Chlorate / /
Calcium Chloride / aq. solution / /
20% in methyl alcohol /
Calcium Hydroxide / /
Calcium Hypochlorite / /
Calcium Nitrate / /
Calcium Phosphate / * / *
Calcium Sulphate / /
Carbon Dioxide / /
Carbon Disulphide / ? / *
Carbonic Acid / /
Carbon Monoxide / /
Carbon Tetrachloride / ? /
Casein / * / *
Caster Oil / *
Chloracetic Acid / / ?
Chloral Hydrate
Chloric Acid /
Chlorine / 10% (dry gas) /
100% (dry gas) / / ?
10% (moist gas) / ?
Chloride Trifluoride / * / *
Chlorine Water / sat. solution / ? / *
Chlorobenzene / /
Chloroform / /
Chlorosulphonic Acid / ?
Chrome Alum / /
Chromic Acid / plating solution / /
Cider / *
Citric Acid / /
Copper Chloride / * / *
Copper Cyanide / * / *
Copper Fluoride / /
Copper Nitrate / * / *
Copper Sulphate / /
Cresols / ? /
Cresylic Acids / *
Crotonaldehyde / /
Cupric Chloride / /
Cupric Fluoride / /
Cupric Nitrate / * / *
Cupric Sulphate / /
Cyclohexanol / /
Cyclohexanone / /
Detergent, Synthetic / all concentrations / * / *
Developers, Photographic / /
Dextrin / /
Dextrose / /
Diamyl Ether / * / *
Diazo Salts / /
Dibutyl Phthalate / * / *
Dichlorodifluoromethane /
Dichlorethylene / * / *
Dichlorlbenzene / * / *
Diethylene Glycol / * / *
Diethyl Ether / /
Diethyl Ketone / * / *
Dimethylamine / /
Dimethylcarbinol / /
Dioctyl Phthalate / * / *
Dioxane / * / *
Disodium Phosphate / * / *
Emulsifiers / all concentrations / * / *
Emulsions, Photographics / /
Ethane / *
Ethyl Acetate / /
Ethyl Acrylate / /
Ethyl Butyrate / * / *
Ethyl Chloride / /
Ethyl Formate / * / *
Ethyl Lactate / * / *
Ethyl Sulphate / *
Ethylene Bromide / /
Ethylene Chlorhydrin / /
Ethylene Chloride / /
Ethylene Dibromide / * / *
Ethylene Dichloride / /
Ethylene Glycol / /
Ethylene Oxide / /
Fatty Acids / /
Ferric Chloride / /
Ferric Nitrate / /
Ferric Sulphate / /
Ferrous Ammonium Citrate / * / *
Ferrous Chloride / * / *
Ferrous Sulphate / * / *
Fixing Solution, Photographic / /
Fluorine / /
Fluosilic Acid / /
Formaldehyde / 40% w/w in water / /
Formic Acid / 3% aq. solution /
10% aq. solution /
25% aq. solution /
50% aq. solution / / ?
100% / /
Frutose / /
Fruit Pulp / /
Furfural / /
Gallic Acid / * / *
Glacial Acetic Acid / ? /
Glucose / /
Glycerine / /
Glycerol / /
Glycerol Monobenzyl Ether / * / *
Glycolic Acid / /
Grape Sugar / /
Heptane / /
Hexadecanol / * / *
Hexane / *
Hydrobromic Acid / 50% aq. solution / /
100% / / *
Hydrochloric Acid / 10% aq. solution / /
22% aq. solution / /
concentrated / /
Hydrocyanic Acid / /
Hydrofluoric Acid / 4% aq. solution /
40% aq. solution / / ?
60% aq. solution / ? / *
concentrated / * / *
Hydrogen / /
Hydrogen Bromide / anhydrous / * / *
Hydrogen Chloride / anhydrous / * / *
Hydrogen Fluoride / anhydrous / * / *
Hydrogen Peroxide / 3% (10 vol) / /
12% (40vol) / /
30% (100 vol) / /
90% and above /
Hydrogen Phosphide / /
Hydrogen Sulphide / /
Hydroquinone / * / *
Hydroxylamine Sulphate / /
Hypochlorous Acid / ? / *
Iodine / solution in potassium iodide / /
Isophorone / /
Lactic Acid / 10% aq solution / /
100% / /
Ianoline / * / *
Lauric Acid / /
Lauryl Chloride /
Lead Acetate / /
Lead Arsenate / * /
Lead Nitrate / * / *
Lead Tetraethyl / /
Linoleic Acid / /
Linseed Oil / /
Magnesium Carbonate / /
Magnesium Chloride / /
Magnesium Hydroxide / /
Magnesium Nitrate / /
Magnesium Sulphate / /
Maleic Acid / 25% aq. solution /
50% aq. solution /
concentrated / / ?
Malic Acid /
Manganese Sulphate / * / *
Mercuric Chloride / /
Mercuric Cyanide / /
Mercurous Nitrate / /
Mercury / /
Mesityl Oxide / /
Metallic Soaps (Water Soluble) / * / *
Methyl Acetate / * / *
Methyl Bromide / * / *
Methyl Chloride / /
Methyl Cyclohexanone / /
Methyl Ethyl Ketone / /
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone / * / *
Methyl Methacrylate / /
Methyl Sulphate / / ?
Methyl Sulphoric Acid / / ?
Methyl Sulphuric Acid / 50% aq. solution / /
60% aq. solution / /
75% aq. solution / /
90% aq. solution / /
Methylated Spirit / *
Methylene Chloride / /
Milk / * / *
Mineral Oils / /
Mixed Acids (Sulphuric/Nitric) / various proportions / ? /
Molasses / /
Monochlorbenzene / * / *
Naphtha / /
Napthalene / /
Nickel Chloride / /
Nickel Nitrate / /
Nickel Sulphate / /
Nicotine / /
Nicotinic Acid / /
Nitric Acid / 5% aq. solution /
10% aq solution / / ?
25% aq solution / / ?
50% aq solution / / ?
75% aq solution / ?
95% aq solution / /
Nitrobenzene / /
Nitrous Fumes / moist / ? /
Octane / *
Oleic Acid / /
Oxalic Acid / /
Oxygen / /
Ozone / /
Palmitic Acid / /
Paraffin / /
Pentane / *
Perchloric Acid / / ?
Petrol / /
Petrol / Benzene Mixture / 80:20 ratio / /
Petroleum Ether
Phenol / / ?
Phenylcarbinol / * / *
Phenylhydrazine / /
Phenylhydrazine Hydrochloride / ? /
Phosgene / gas /
liquid / ?
Phosphates / * / *
Phosporic Acid / 20% aq solution / /
30% aq. solution / /
50% aq. solution / /
95% aq. solution / /
Phosphoric Anhydride / / *
Phosphorus / / ?
Phosphorus Pentoxide / / *
Phosphorus Trichloride / /
Photographic Developers / /
Photographic Emulsions / /
Photographic Fixing Solutions / * / *
Phthalic Anhydride / * / *
Picric Acid / 1% w/w in water / / *
10% w/w in alcohol / * / *
Polyglycol Ethers / * / *
Potassium Acid Sulphate / * / *
Potassium Antimonate / * / *
Potassium Bicarbonate / /
Potassium Bichromate / /
Potassium Bisulphite / * / *
Potassium Borate / /
Potassium Bromate / /
Potassium Bromide / /
Potassium Carbonate / /
Potassium Chlorate / /
Potassium Chloride / /
Potassium Chromate / /
Potassium Cuprocyanide / * / *
Potassium Cyanide / /
Potassium Dichromate / /
Potassium Ferricyanide / /
Potassium Ferrocyanide / /
Potassium Fluoride / /
Potassium Hydroxide / 1% aq. solution / /
10% aq. solution / /
concentrated / /
Potassium Hypochlorite / * / *
Potassium Nitrate / /
Potassium Perborate / /
Potassium Perchlorite / /
Potassium Permanganate / /
Potassium Persulphate / /
Potassium Phosphate / * / *
Potassium Sulphate / /
Potassium Sulphide / * / *
Potassium Thiosulphate / * / *
Propane /
Propylene Dichloride / /
Propylene Glycol / * / *
Propylene Oxide / * / *
Saccharose / * / *
Salicylic Acid / /
Sea Water / /
Selenic Acid / /
Silver Acetate / * / *
Silver Cyanide / /
Silver Nitrate / /
Soap Solution / /
Sodium Acetate / /
Sodium Acid Sulphate / * / *
Sodium Aluminate / * / *
Sodium Antimonate / * / *
Sodium Benzoate / / ?
Sodium Bicarbonate / /
Sodium Bisulphate / /
Sodium Borate / * / *
Sodium Bromide / /
Sodium Carbonate / /
Sodium Chlorate / /
Sodium Chloride / /
Sodium Cyanide / * / *
Sodium Ferricyanide / /
Sodium Ferrocyanide / /
Sodium Fluoride / /
Sodium Hydroxide / 1% aq. solution / /
10% aq. solution / /
40% aq. solution / /
concentrated / /
Sodium Hypochlorite / 15% CI / /
Sodium Hyposulphate / * / *
Sodium Metaphosphate / * / *
Sodium Nitrate / /
Sodium Perborate / * / *
Sodium Peroxide / * / *
Sodium Phosphate / * / *
Sodium Silicate / * / *
Sodium Sulphate / /
Sodium Sulphide / 25% aq. solution / /
concentrated / /
Sodium Sulphite / /
Sodium Tetraborate / /
Sodium Thiosulphate / * / *
Soft Soap / * / *
Surface Active Agents
(emulsifiers, synthetic detergents and wetting agents) / all concentrations / * / *
Stannic Chloride / /
Stannous Chloride / /
Starch / /
Stearic Acid / /
Sucrose / * / *
Sulphur / colloidal / /
Sulphur Dioxide / dry / /
moist / / ?
liquid / ? /
Sulphuric Acid / 10% aq. solution / /
20% aq. solution / /
30% aq. solution / /
40% aq. solution / /
45% aq. solution / /
50% aq. solution / /
55% aq. solution / /
60% aq. solution / /
70% aq. solution / /
80% aq. solution / /
90% aq. solution / / ?
95% aq. solution / / ?
98% aq. Solution / ? / ?
fuming / * / *
Sulphurous Acid / 10% aq. solution / /
30% aq. solution / /
Sulphur Trioxide / /
Synthetic Detergents / all concentration / * / *
Tallow / * / *
Tannic Acid / /
Tanning Extracts / / *
Tartaric Acid / /
Tetra Ethyl Lead / /
Tetrahydrofuran / /
Tetrahydronaphthalene /
Tetralin /
Thionyl Chloride /
Toluene / /
Transformer Oil / * / *
Tributyl Phosphate / /
Trichloracetic Acid
Trichloroethane / * / *
Trichloroethylene / /
Trichlorobenzene / * / *
Tricresyl Phosphate / * / *
Triethanolamine / /
Triethylene Glycol / * / *
Trimethylamine / /
Trimethylpropane / / ?
Trisodium Phosphate / /
Turpentine / /
Urea / /
Vegetable Oils / /
Vinegar / /
Vinyl Acetate / /
Water / /
Wetting Agents / all concentration / * / *
Wine and Spirits /
Xylene / * / *
Xylenol / *
Yeast /
Zinc Ammonium Carbonate / * / *
Zinc Carbonate / * / *
Zinc Chloride / /
Zinc Oxide / * / *
Zinc Sulphide / /
Chemical Resistance of C/S AcrovynFebruary 2001Page 1 of 12