Press release PM 0213-EU
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From web to app
igus has further developed its successful “WebGuide” catalogue concept as fully adequate touch application for iPads and Android tablets. The app is available for free in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
Almost one year ago, igus GmbH, Cologne, presented a totally new catalogue concept named “WebGuide”. The core idea of the compact reference book is, to allow customers a quick overview through a maximal reduction of information and a close interlinkage with online configurator, videos and CAD files. Online visits clearly above-average, generated by the “TV journal for technicians”, available in 16 languages, have confirmed the potential high success of the catalogue. Therefore igus has also developed the WebGuide for tablets.
Faster to the product of your choice
“Our intention was not, to make a digital one-to-one copy from the paper version of the WebGuide”, says Marco Thull, catalogue manager at igus GmbH, “because in an app the user needs different functions and structures. We respected this in the programming process.” The clearly arranged menu structure allows direct access to different product areas. It is divided into energy supplies, plastic plain bearings, spherical and ball bearings as well as lubrication-free linear and drive technology. In addition to this there are ready-made “readychain” energy chains, “readycable” cables plus the “chainflex” cable assortment and all igus online tools for configuration and calculation. The user is directed to all relevant basic parameters and can inform himself about possible alternatives. Special “quicklinks” directly lead to the individual ideal product and to additional information, e.g. application examples, online tools, prices and of course CAD files. Individual bookmarks, full text search, a glossary and the direct connection to the igus website enormously facilitate handling and selection. As soon the ideal product is found and configured, it can be directly ordered via “touch”. Delivery times for standard products start from 24 hours. The apps (iPad or Android) are available in English and can be downloaded at the following link:
Picture PM0213-01: igus GmbH, Cologne
igus WebGuideApp for tables: Quickly and intuitively to the product of your choice thanks to a maximum reduction of information and a close interlinkage with online-configurators, videos and CAD files. Via “Touch” you can find – view – configure – order.
CONTACT:igus® GmbH
Spicher Str. 1a
D-51147 Köln
Phone +49-22 03 / 96 49-0
Fax +49-22 03 / 96 49-222 / The terms “igus, chainflex, readycable, easychain, e-chain, e-chainsystems, energy chain, energy chain system, flizz, readychain, triflex, twisterchain, invis, drylin, iglidur, igubal, xiros, xirodur, plastics for longer life, manus, vector“ are legally protected trademarks in the Federal Republic of Germany and, where applicable, in some foreign countries.
Jörg Landgraf
Corporate Communication
igus GmbH
Spicher Str. 1a
D-51147 Köln
Phone +49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 459
Fax +49 (0) 22 03 / 96 49 - 631
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