Teacher: Abbott Subject: Language Arts pgs 1&2; Science pgs 3&4 Unit: 3
Dates: December 11-15, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayLearning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / STAAR MATH BENCHMARK TEST / STAAR READING BENCHMARK TEST / Obj. Writing Using writing process students will write a formal letter to a school board member thanking the member for their service on the board / Obj Language skill review-verb jingle and helping verbs jingle; use complete simple sentences to understand how to write with correct subject-verb agreement / Obj. Writing Using writing process students will prewrite (plan) writing instructions to instruct how to complete a project or task
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS 4.15 A.B; 4.20.A.2.ii-iv; / TEKS 4.20.C.1; 4.21.A.1;4.22.D.2 / TEKS 4.15 A.B; 4.20.A.2.ii-iv;
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / *students will review the five parts of a letter using mnemonic devices; students will brainstorm what jobs the school board members volunteer to do / *students will use rules from Shurley Method (student ref. 28 in Lang. folder) to learn correct use of subject/verb agreement using rules after reviewing verb phrases / *students will practice how to describe steps in correct sequence using transition words to signal order in paragraph format on handout pg 43 "6+1 Traits of Writing"
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / *students will write a letter to school board member using parts of a letter which will be revised and edited as the letter is written / *students will complete indep review practice WNB pg 238 / *students will plan idea about completing a project or task using prewriting organizer on Writer's NB pg 274 "Steps in a Process" after completing a thinking map in MW pg 212/213
Higher order thinking/questioning: / Why is it important to include all 5 parts of a letter? / How do helping verbs determine tense of verb and determine subject/verb agreement? / How do you tell someone how to complete a task?
Academic Vocabulary: / Heading, salutation, body, closing, signature-5 parts of letter / Subject/verb agreement / Thinking map,organization, writing plan
Resources: / Writer’s NB / Writer’s NB; Shurley Jingles; Reading Street / Writer’s NB NBpg 190;
Technology Integration: / Example of letter on Microsoft Word
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Use head, hand, and foot to model 5 parts of a letter / using maps to organize ideas/steps in a process
Dates: December 11-15, 2017 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Learning Objective: (what I am teaching today) Statements shared with students verbally/written / Video after benchmark test / Video after benchmark test / The students know that Earth consists of useful resources and its surface is constantly changing;
Examine properties of soils, including color and texture; Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed / The students know that Earth consists of useful resources and its surface is constantly changing;
Examine properties of soils, including color and texture; Analyze data and interpret patterns to construct reasonable explanations from data that can be observed / WINTER PROGRAM PRACTICE 12:45-2:45
TEKS standard(s): / TEKS, 4.5C, 4.7A / TEKS, 4.5C, 4.7A
Instructional Strategies: How will I teach it
Include grouping:
Smgp, pairs, individual, whole group / *students will create a map in Science notebook to understand the vocabulary word "natural resource" / *after viewing STEMROCK Video about natural resources and soil, students will create a foldable that defines renewable resources
Assessment: How will I know my students learned it?
Formative: (daily)
Summative: (how will objectives be assessed, either now or in the future?) / *students will draw and label the layers of soil
Higher order thinking/questioning: / Why is soil important to humans? / How are renewable resources found?
Academic Vocabulary: / Properties of soil; natural resources / Renewable resources
Resources: / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB / STEMSCOPE; Edusmart; Motivation Sc. WB
Technology Integration:
Differentiation/scaffolding: / Pictures to identify layers of soil / Foldable to define renewable resources with examples