Aug 2008


Date of Birth: 2.7.1954


Key Skills

  • Integrated Geophysical Project Management specialist.
  • Wide background in Geophysics, from 3D Design through Acquisition and Processing to Final Imaging, including P wave azimuthal anisotropy.
  • Experienced Processor and team leader, with good leadership & communicating skills
  • Up to date in house communications system with 3D design, 3D processing and imaging software. OMNI & VISTA
  • 33 years industry experience in Middle East, North & West Africa, North Sea, UK, Europe and China.


New concepts for borehole and VSP data integrating in seismic data processing – FB Vol 23 June 2005

Why Upholes 2005 – Presented at ME technical Forum, Dubai. Feb 2005

Improving Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation using Borehole-integrated Seismic Processing –Ledjmet Block, Algeria - CSEG May 2004

KPSTM on Land data in Algeria – Presented at I/O technical workshop, Norwich 2002.

Why Upholes-Presented at GMG technical seminar Oct 2001

VSP Processing of Uphole data, a Case study from Blocks 401-403 Algeria – Presented at I/O technical workshop Norwich 2000.


  • SEG summer workshop - Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs (SEG Vancouver Aug 2004)
  • Geophysical Technology – Present and Future Capabilities (PESGB London Dec. 2003)
  • Understanding Seismic Anisotropy in Exploration and Exploitation (SEG London Oct. 2002)
  • Time-Lapse Seismic in Reservoir Management (SEG London - April 1998)
  • SIS-GEDCO - Designing 3D Seismic Surveys (1998)
  • Reservoir Monitoring for non-Reservoir Engineers Imperial College. (1997)


SEG – Active member since 1988

PESGB –since 1985

EAGE – Geophysical division since 1984


  • Diploma of Seismology - Univ. of Dallas (Corres. 1976-82)
  • 2 ‘A’ Levels and 9 ‘O’ Levels

Business Experience:

MD of Central Geophysical Services – a geophysical consultancy company based in south London UK Sept – 1997 – Current

Geophysical Sales & Marketing for Geo-Texture Technologies of Houston TX. USA

August 2004 – Current

Joined the Board of Electro Silica Oil and Gas as Chief Geophysicist (part time) October 2002 – September 2004

Seismic Manager for Vitol Services Ltd.

September 2005 – Current

2300 sq km 3D design, Acquisition and Processing - offshore Ghana. West Africa

1998-Present Independent Consultant with Hydrosearch Assoc. Ltd.

Client / Location / Survey Type / Comment
Hess / Algeria Mar 06-ongoing / 3D / 1 * 3D survey 450 sq km 401C Design Field Test and Processing QC
Petrogas / India Feb 08 - ongoing / 3D / 2 * 3D surveys offshore India – Design Acquisition and Processing – and ITT for acq & processing and evaluation
Petrogas / Oman Apr 07 - Ongoing / 2D / 2D program design and processing QC of 1200 km of Vintage data with BGP in Beijing
Regal Petroleum / Ukraine/London
Mar 07-Mar 08 / 3D / Processing QC of 100 sq km in Almaty with PGS
Sipetrol / Egypt Jan 07 / 3D / Scouting trip and report
Nippon Oil / UK Sept 06 / 2D / 1 Line test processing for AVO
Statoil / Algeria May 05 – Mar 07 / 2D / In-Field parameter Testing and design for 3 separate crews. Also Processing QC of all the 2D data.
Amerada Hess / Indonesia Oct 05-Jun 06 / 2D / Ujung Punkah – integrating 4 vintages and 3 different source types and 2 different receiver types and sorting out the statics model – with TGS in Bedford
Burren Energy / Egypt Oct 05 – Dec 06 / 3C 3D / 1200 sq km 3C 3D East Ras Qattara; 3D Design and Processing QC WG in Cairo inc ITT generation and ITT evaluation
PIDC / Algeria May 06-Dec 07 / 3D & 2D / 2 * 500 sq 3D and 500 km 2D Processing QC with WG in Gatwick
Jubilant Enpro / Delhi India Apr-05 to Jul 05 / 2D & 3D / ITT and evaluation for 2D processing QC and 3 x 3D surveys to design and present to board
CEPSA (Algeria) / Algeria Dec 2004 / 3D / Check Client design and comment on proposed methodology
Nippon Oil / Onshore UK
Nov 2004 / 3D / 3D technical design and budget for possible farm in.
Hunt Oil / Senegal
Sep 04 - March 05 / 2D Marine / ITT evaluation and Processing QC with chosen Contractor of 1200 kms
PetroDar / Sudan
July-Sept -2004 / 2D field test / Design shoot and process 2D field Test for parameter determination.
Burlington Resources / East Irish Sea
Mar 2004 – Oct 2004 / 3D
PreSDM / Processing ITT design and evaluation for 3 surveys using KPSTM and Pre Stack DEPTH Migration.
Sipetrol (UK) / Egypt
Western Desert
Jan 2004 – Dec 2004 / 2D & 3D KPSTM
PreSDM / Survey and ITT design for East Ras Qattara 1000 km. 2D Also 3D processing of North Bahariya
FCP (Algeria) Blocks 405a and 406B / Algeria
Oct 2003 – June 2004 / 3D
KPSTM / Remote Processing supervision of MLE KPSTM project, and RY KPSTM processing project. Processing QC for 405 2004 at WG in Gatwick, advise on field matters and 3D design and testing for new 3D in Block 406
Burlington Resources / North Sea
Dec 2003 – Mar 2004 / 2D
KPSTM / Test processing for 480 km.s of repro for a promote licence
Burren Resources / Kazahkstan
Dec 2003 – Nov 2004 / 3D / ITT analysis and 3D design check. Data processing supervision to KPSTM at CGG London
Burlington Resources China Ltd. / China
June 2003-Dec 2003 / 3D
Azim Anisotropy. / Analysis and design of 520 Sq km 3D Acquisition for Anisotropy studies, including uphole survey and in field processing set up.
Burlington Resources China Ltd. / China
Jan 2003-May 2003 / 3D
Anisotropy / Analysis processing and design of 3D Field Test for Anisotropy studies and Analysis
Burlington Resources / Algeria March 2003-Feb 2004 / 3D
KPSTM / 3D processing supervision on MLN/MLW/MLNW & MLSE, KPSTM project, Including ITT supervision
Burlington Resources / China
Jan 2003-Sept 2003 / 2D / Set-up and remote monitoring of basic 2D processing in Chengdu China by CPRC (SGC) 15,000 km.s
Daleel Petroleum Company / Oman
Nov 2002-Dec 2003 / 3D
KPSTM / 3D planning and crew setup. Followed by merging of 5 surveys and full reprocessing to KPSTM
Burlington Resources / Algeria
Dec 2001 -June 2002
July – Aug 2002
Aug-Jan 2003 / 3D
KPSTM / 3D Analysis & design, Field crew set-up of Acquisition and processing parameters. Uphole program. design and processing. Crew start up and ½ cube supervision, Block 402d
ITT design and Processing tender evaluation.
3D processing supervision with CGG in London
Burlington Resources / Algeria
Mar-Sept2002 / 3D
KPSTM / 3D processing supervision on MLC pre stack time migration project
Cairn Energy / India
June 2002 / 3D / 3D design in Rajisthan, from old seismic sections
Tullow Oil / Egypt
March 2002 July 2002 / 2D
KPSTM / 2D processing supervision of 2D pre stack time and pre stack depth migration project in Abu Rudeis. With PGS in Cairo
Sipetrol (UK) / Egypt
Western Desert
Feb – Aug 2002 / 3D and 2D / North Bahariya 3D and 2D survey design and analysis from old 2D and well data. Provided geophysical advice in partner discussions with IPR
FCP (Algeria) / Algeria 2001-2002 / 3D / 3D Design and Start-up of the 3D crew. Advise on processing to CGG Calgary
BHP Billiton / Algeria
Dec 2000-Dec 2001 / 3D / Field crew Supervision and start up of two 3D crews on Ohanet and Dimeta West 3D surveys, plus all the processing QC at Scott-Pickford
UKAEA / UK 2001-2002 / 2D
Hi Res / Processing QC for Hi-res work around Dounrey Atomic Power station with IMC Geophysics
Amerada Hess / Algeria- 2001 / 3D / Modelling of different 3D design templates using 'OMNI Workshop'.
LASMO / Algeria
2001 / 2D / Start up of Field crew, Uphole design and interpretation, Processing QC at S. Geco-Prakla
Petrobras UK / UK Central Graben, North Sea 2001 / 3D
KPSTM / ITT and Contract, design and evaluation, processing QC on first KPSTM work in UK with Western Baker Hughes.
PetroCanada / Algeria
1999-2000 / 2D / Supervision of in-field processing on ENAgeo vibroseis crew using ‘ProMAX’ and ‘Fathom’, to final mig. after all-parameter in-field testing.
Phillips / Oman
1999-2000 / 2D / Supervision of final processing with CGG. Repositioning, statics and TLC processing.
(Burlington Resources Inc.) / Algeria
1998-2000 / 3D / Supervision of final 3D processing of 2,000 km2 and attribute and merged cubes from a large 3D vibroseis survey in Block 405. Contractor was Scott Pickford. Evaluation of inversion, coherency, VSP and AVO volumes.
PGS / Nigeria1999 / 3D / Velocity QC and advisor on spec data.
Paladin Oil / FSU Caspian Sea
1999 / 2D / Test processing and data analysis of site survey seismic data for prospect evaluation.
A.T.S. Ltd / F.S.U.
1999 / 3D / Modelling of different 3D design templates using 'MESA'.
Neste/Monument / Algeria
1999 / 3D / Modelling of different 3D design templates using 'MESA'.
BHP / Algeria
1998-1999 / 2D & 3D / Processing consultant with supervision of final processing contractor (Geco-Prakla) & specialised in-house processing to optimise acq. parameters in sand dune terrain. 2D & 3D on crew start ups and parameterisation, and bid evaluation. Use of VSP software to analyse deep up-holes for statics.
ABG / Yemen
1998 / 2D / Statics analysis of complicated land survey, deep wadi data using ProMAX/ Fathom.
Enterprise / 1998 / 2D / Marine test line processing resolving complicated multiple problems using ProMAX.
LL&E / Algeria
1998-1999 / 3D / In-field processing & 3D binning. Western Geo. vibroseis crew using 'Omega' and dual source in-line acq. template in difficult sand dune terrain.
Phillips / Oman
1998-1999 / 2D / QC of final processing by Geco-Prakla of land data, incl. Statics, using GLI

1994-1997CGG, London

Senior Geophysicist - Team Leader/asst Land Manager: Leading 2 - 6 people processing land and marine data for assorted clients, FSU, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and many others

Involved in training many new geophysicists in Geophysics and also project planning

1990-1993HGS Oman

Senior Geophysicist - Group Leader : Leading a team of 6-12 processors

1985-1990GSI/HGS Bedford

Data Processing & Party Chief / Team Leader : Leading a team of 2-24 processors

1979-1985GSI Field Crews

Field Seismologist : Started in Oman on a Geoflex/vibroseis crew for 6 months as a trainee and then afterwards and upwards to Party Manager on Dynamite and Vibroseis crews in:

- Egypt , Jordan, Syria, Tunisia, Greece, Turkey.

Attended and passed Field Explosives Course (Muscat 1979 – Cairo 1980) 5 year Licence

1975-1979GSI/HGS Bedford

Data Processor - all and sundry work within many teams as the work permitted. Often chosen to fill in for others in remote centres like Assen, Cairo & Croydon

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