To be a Penncrest Cheerleader is an honor. It is a privilege to wear the red and gold uniform and represent your school. It will be exciting and fun, BUT it will require 100% dedication and hard work. Here are some standards that you are expected to uphold:
Cheerleaders will display good sportsmanship towards all individuals involved in any athletic venture.
Cheerleaders will set a good example in the classroom.
Cheerleaders will set a good example in the community.
Cheerleaders must conduct themselves with the utmost decorum at all times.
Cheerleaders will attend, be prepared and on time EVERYpractice, game or scheduled squad activity.
Cheerleaders will uphold the PenncrestHigh School Athletic and Cheerleading Guidelines.
Attached you will find a tryout registration form, guideline agreement and interview. These forms are to be completed and returned to your coach before your tryout along with aprintout of your recent grade sheet from HAC. If you have any questions regarding physicals please contact your coach or the athletic office. Keep in mind you will not be considered for a spot on the team unless all of these forms are handed in by the tryout date.
REMEMBER…it takes time to practice and prepare for games, competitions, and pep rallies. Therefore, if you have a job or are involved in other activities you must decide which is more important. Your job/activities CANNOTinterfere with your commitment as a cheerleader. Practice schedules will be posted on our Team Snap Webpage.
We will need your help and support to make this a successful season. We look forward to working with each and every one of you. It is our hope that the 2015-2016season will be a successful one with the cheerleader’s hard work and the parent’s support.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at:
- ALL practices throughout the year are mandatoryNO EXCEPTIONS!!
- Schedules will be given out at the beginning of the season and posted on our Team Snap website. It is expected that these schedules will be followed.
- We expect that cheerleaders set a good example in the classroom and stay on top of their schoolwork as it should not interfere with the practice schedule.
- Cheerleaders will have one hour after school, before practice to meet with teachers for extra help, work on homework, study, etc.
- If an injury prohibits a cheerleader from participating,clearance from the school athletic trainer must be obtained before returning to physical activity. Cheerleaders unable to participate are stillexpected to attend all cheerleading events and are responsible for seeing the trainer daily for any rehab assignments.
- Vacations during the cheerleading season are inexcusable.
- Tardy = 1 toe touch for each minute late (you will do something productive for the entire team to make up for the missed time)
- 3 tardies = 1 absence
- 3 absences fall season = NO REGIONALS
- 3 absences winter season = NO NATIONALS/STATES
Preseason/Summer Camp:
- Mandatory preseason will begin August 17, 2015. Times will be determined at a later date.
- Vacation may not interfere with the scheduled mandatory camp. If so, it will put your spot on the team in jeopardy.
- UCA summer camp is scheduled for August 24-26.
- All practices are mandatory beginning August 17, 2015
- Cheerleaders are expected to come to practice dressed appropriately
- No baggy clothing
- Cheerleading sneakers
- Hair pulled back
- Fingernails trimmed
- No Jewelry
- No cell phones or cameras are permitted to be out during practice time without permission from a coach.
- All members are expected to arrive 10 min prior to the scheduled start time of practice to set up mats and all other necessary equipment. Failure to help with mats will result in a tardy.
- Lateness, leaving early and any disciplinary problems will not be tolerated. Cheerleaders with excessive absences, lateness or early dismissal will be asked to leave the team.
- A tentative schedule can be found onour Team Snap website
- All members of the team will be expected to download the team snap app to their mobile devices (school issued iPad, cell phone etc.) and set up their account to receive team information.
- Competition season runs from December to February.
- Competitions are held on Saturdays and Sundays. Below are some possible competitions. Some of these are qualifying competitions. Although I have listed each of the competitions belowwe may or may not attend all or any of these. Tentative Datesbased on last seasons events are as follows and are subject to change:
UCA Pocono Regional: December 6th
District 1: January 9th or 10th
Garnet Valley: Jan 23rd (If no states)
States: January: Jan 23-24 (If no Nationals)
UCA National High School Cheerleading Championship: February 11-15
Central League: no date yet. New timeline will be discussed at the next meeting. Last year it was the last weekend in February.
- Cheerleaders are expected to attend competitions for the entire length of the event and are to ride with the team on the bus both to and from the event. If a cheerleader needs to leave with a parent at the conclusion of an event, a written note must be provided prior to the day of the event.
- Cheerleaders will have 1-2 games a week, all of which are mandatory.
- Some games may be on Saturday’s and are still required
- A schedule will be given out in advance to plan your schedules accordingly
- Tumbling out of the season is not mandatory but suggested to keep up with your skills.
- Tumbling is a necessary skill of a competitive team and although it is not required it is strongly encouraged and will be preferred during team selection.
- All cheerleaders are required to participate in all team fundraisers that support the squad. The money raised will be used for the banquet, awards, equipment and various other team expenses.
Community Service:
- All cheerleaders are required to participate in our community service opportunities. Our community supports us and we need to support our community.
- Please refer to the student handbook for academic eligibility.
- All cheerleaders are required to get a PIAA physicalwhich must be dated on or after June 1, 2015.
- Physicals must be turned into the guidance office by Monday, August 3rd.
- Failure to have a complete physical by Monday August 3rd may result in an unexcused missed practice AND missed camp with NO REFUND!
- Penncrest High School will be offering physicals, valid for the entire school year, in the nurse’s office on Thursday, June 4th from 8-10 am. Students must come with the PIAA Physical form filled out and signed by a parent/guardian. The cost of this physical is $20. Checks can be made payable to “RTMSD”.
- Physical forms can be obtained from the athletic office as well as online. There is a link on the athletic webpage.
- Coaches will determine what will be worn depending on the activity and weather conditions. Cheerleaders must come to events will all pieces of uniform in case there is a change in weather conditions.
- A cheerleader who comes to a game or activity dressed inappropriately will sit on the bench.
- Repairs to uniforms, such as broken zippers or hemlines, are your responsibility. All uniforms must be repaired, cleaned and returned at the end of basketball/competition season.
Cheerleading Supplies:
- See attached supply list
Parent Code Of Conduct:
- The following has been taken directly from the Penncrest Athletics Webpage and describes expectations for parents, appropriate lines of communication as well as what parents should expect from coaches.
- All practices are closed door (no spectators welcome). Invites will be sent for spectators to attend a scheduled practice prior to a big competition.
Expectations and protocol for parents/guardians:
1. Support your student-athlete's efforts to success.
2. Work to promote a positive environment that is conducive to the development of your student-athlete.
3. Treat all coaching personnel with courtesy and respect.
4. Assure that your student-athlete will attend all scheduled practices and athletic contests.
5.Promote and model mature and sportsmanlike behavior at all athletic contests. Enjoy watching a moment in your child's life that cannot be recaptured.
Expectations and Protocol for Coaches:
1. Promote the health and safety of student athletes at all times.
2. Be a model for appropriate language, sportsmanship, and behavior at all times.
3. Establish time demands that acknowledge the primary importance of each student-athlete's academic and family responsibilities.
4. Promote among athletes and coaches a solid sense of team membership.
5. Assist, whenever appropriate, with post high school planning for individual student athletes as it relates to athletics.
6. Be available to meet with parents at times that are mutually convenient and in alignment with the athletic department's parent/coach guidelines.
7. Adhere to all PIAA and Rose Tree Media School District policies at all times.
Parent/Coach Communication plan
Communication a parent/guardian should expect from a coach:
1. The expectations the coach has for your child as well as the players on the team.
2. Locations and times of all practices and games.
3. Team requirements.
4. Discipline that may result in the denial of your child's participation.
Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:
1. Situations involving your child.
2. Ways to help your child improve.
3. Your child's attitude, work ethic, and eligibility.
4. Concerns about your child's behavior
Issues that are not appropriate to discuss with coaches or AD:
1. Playing time of any student-athlete
2. Team strategy, practice organization, or play calling.
3. Other student-athletes
Procedures to follow if there is a concern to discuss with a coach:
1. Your child should speak to the coach about an issue, before you intervene. This will help our Student-Athletes grow into young adults.
2. Contact the coach to set up an appointment. If the coach cannot be reached, contact the athletic director. They will assist you in arranging a meeting.
3. If a meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution, call to schedule an appointment with the athletic director to discuss the situation. The ***AD will only intervene if the issue has already been discussed with the coach.
- Please do not confront a coach before or after a game or practice. Meeting of this nature normally do not assist in creating a resolution to the situation.
- Please do not use email/text or social mediato discuss a team issue.
Cheerleading Supply Price List
**The Information below may be subject to change**
Purchases through boosters: Checks can be made payable to Penncrest Cheerleading
UCA Summer Camp $190 – due to Boosters 5/27/15
Poms– $20 due to Boosters8/18/15
Backpack – optional for all cheerleaders $45 due to Boosters 8/18/15
Team Tumbling - still being decided upon…could run about $100/cheerleader for a 10 week session.
Varsity Portal: The following items will be sized for at practice and ordered through the varsity portal. You must log on and make payment in order to complete the purchase. You will be notified when the portal opens and when it will close for orders.
Warm-up Jacket - $106
Lined Warm-up Pants (optional)- $50
Camp Clothes Package (Includes 3 tops and 3 bottoms)- $115
Black V-neck Midriff - $21.95
Varsity Team Store: The following items can be purchased on the Varsity Team Store. Payment should be made online and items will be shipped directly to your home. You will be notified when the store opens.
Sneakers – necessary for 1st game, $65
Socks – necessary for 1st game, approx. $10.95
Bow – necessary for 1st game, $5.95 each (red, gold or black)
Competition Bow – necessary for 1st comp. $10.95
Red Camp Outfit Fill-In from 2014 – $54.95
Additional optional apparel.
**Orders will not be placed without payment in full. **
**Once orders are placed they are final. Late orders will not be accepted. **
Tryout Information
Tryout Practices will be held at Penncrest High School in the Cafeteria on the following dates:
5/18-5/20from 5:30-8
A Formal Tryout will be held at PenncrestHigh Schoolin the Cafeteria on
5/21 from 5:30-8
Tryouts will be scheduled in ½hr. time slots. You should be prepared to come
15 min prior to your scheduled time and stay for the entire ½ hour.
Please wear a white shirt and black shorts and cheer or athletic sneakers. Have your hair pulled back with a bow.
Please Bring with you:
Registration Form
Signed Guidelines
Grade Printout
Athletes selected to be on the team will be notified by a coach by 3pm on 5/26. If you are not selected as a part of the 2015-2016 season and would like to discuss areas for improvement you may email to set up an appointment to speak with the coaches.
Penncrest Cheerleading
Tryout Score Sheet
Sharpness, Placement
Crowd Effectiveness______/5
Voice, Eye Contact, Facial Expressions
Timing and Rhythm ______/5
Eye Contact, Facial Expressions______/5
Approach, Execution, Flexibility______/5
Execution and Technique______/5
Difficulty of Skill______/5
Returning Cheerleaders Only: New Skill ______/0
Answers align with the expectations and guidelines
set-forth in the packet, are individualized and goal oriented. ______/5
Guideline Agreement
Now that you have read the rules and expectations of being a Penncrest Cheerleader, please be sure to contact your coach with any questions and sign the document below stating that you understand the aforementioned information. Failure to adhere to these policies will result in suspension/removal from the team.
The Penncrest Cheerleading Coaching Staff
Coach Kelly Hogan
Coach Gina Lucente
As a Penncrest Cheerleader, I will strive to give the very best effort I possibly can. I will uphold, to the highest degree, the reputation of my squad and school.
I will represent Penncrest in an appropriate manner both in and out of uniform.
I hereby agree to adhere to the standards and guidelines made available to me and accept the responsibilities of a student and cheerleader at Penncrest High School. I understand that faliur to uphold these standards may result in suspension or removal from the team.
Cheerleaders SignatureDate
I/we, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of, ______have read the enclosed guidelines and expectations of the Penncrest Cheerleaders and parents. I/we give my permission for my child to tryout for the 2015-2016 cheerleading season with the understanding that if she/he makes the team we/they will be expected to meet the expectations set forth in this contract. In addition, I/we have read and understand the Penncrest Parent Code of Conduct and will use the appropriate lines of communication when necessary.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Please print all of your information
Cheerleader’s information
Name: ______
Address: ______
Home Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Email: ______
Grade (2015-2016): ______
Birthday: ______
Parent/Guardian Information
Name: ______
Phone number: ______
Cell Phone: ______
Email: ______
Emergency Contact Information
Name: ______
Phone number: ______
Medical Concerns: ______
Penncrest Cheerleading
Tryout Interview
Directions: Please answer the following questions in a few sentences.
- Why do you want to be a Penncrest Cheerleader?
- What qualities do you possess that make you a great teammate?
- Should you make the team, is there anything that will impede with your ability to fully commit to the team?
- Should you make the team, what is a goal that you have for yourself and how do you plan to achieve it?
- Should you make the team, what is one goal that you have for the team and how do you plan to achieve it?