Post:Subject Teacher
Salary:Main Pay Range to Upper Pay Range
Responsible to:Subject Leader
All staff at Polam Hall School should:
1)Promote and support the distinctive character of the Polam Hall School as demonstrated through its ethos, service to the community, promotion of spiritual and moral values and its commitment to community cohesion.
2)Understand the concept of in loco parentis and be concerned for the development and well-being of each student as a whole person through pastoral and spiritual leadership.
3)Contribute to the whole professional life of Polam Hall School which has successful teaching and learning as its core purpose supported by all staff contributing to the Woodard Academies Trust’s commitment to each student gaining meaningful enriching experiences.
To be responsible forprovidinghighquality and engagingclass teachingin accordance withthe agreed schemes of workof the department,and accountable for the progress ofstudents inallocatedclasses
The duties below provide asummaryof themainareas of responsibility, and should be readin associationwith the currentschoolteachers’ payand conditions documentand with reference to the Teachers Standards 2012.
- To be responsible forprovidingstimulating, engagingand purposeful learningexperiences forstudents in accordance with agreedschemes of workand relevantstatutoryrequirements.
- To teachclasses as timetabledbypreparinglessons thoroughly, using teacher planner,recording workto be undertaken andidentifying extendedlearningopportunities.
- To be a proactivememberof the subject department and participate indepartmentalplanningand development, including agreeingaims and policies,schemes of work,and reviewand developmentofthe department handbook.
- To provide performance and targetsetting data as required regarding student progress
- To be accountable forstudent performance andstandards achievedin groups taught.
- To ensure alllessons are appropriatelyplanned allowingforlesson objectives to be clearlycommunicated to students.
- To ensure workis appropriate to the needs ofeach group,and that learningactivities aremotivating andchallenging
- To utilise a variety ofresources and pedagogicalstyles to suitthe differing aptitudes, learningstyles andinterests ofstudentlearners
- To motivate andstimulate studentinterestinthe subject through maintaininghigh qualitydisplaysin the classroomandimmediate vicinity.
- To create and maintaina welcoming,well–ordered teaching base, whichisinvitingandwhere there is asense of purpose
- To liaise with teaching assistants, as allocated,regarding how their skills and presence caneffectivelybe used to progress teaching and learning.
- To be prompt to teachingbases to receive students andensure that lessons begin punctuallyand purposefully.
- To manage the arrivaland departure ofstudents to and from lessons in accordance with procedures
- To uphold schoolexpectations regardingstudentconduct,and deal withanyunacceptable behaviouralincidents as per school procedures
- Be vigilantwithintheclassroomanditsimmediate environment, challenging and dealingwith unacceptableconduct
- To complete such reports so maybe required regardingstudent progress
- To attendconsultationevenings withparents as agreedinthe annual calendar
- To keep abreastof developments, localandnational,within the subject area
- To contribute to departmental andothermeetings as per agreed schedule
- To markstudents’ workregularly,keepingaccurate records of assessments made,settingspecific targets forimprovement andfutureprogress
- To write annualprogress reports for allstudents taughtin accordance withthe agreed reportingschedule andwithinagreedtimeframes
- To undertake the responsibilityand duties of formtutor as requiredin accordance with the Academy’s guidelines and procedures,promoting positive values intherelationships formedwiththe tutor group
- To contribute to the extra-curricular programme and other activities as part of a holistic education.
- To meet with parentsto furtherstudents’ as mayreasonably be required
- To promote the use of the Academyand departmentalrewards system
- To participateinthe annual performance management process.
- To be alert to the healthandsafetyof theworkingenvironmentand to advise the line managerof anyhealth andsafetyconcerns.
- To carry out any other duties as may reasonably be required by the Principal.
This job description may be subject to amendment or modification at any time after consultation with the post holder. It is not a comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks but sets out the main expectations in relation to the post holder’s professional responsibilities.
Polam Hall School