Checklist for the LOr REUSER

In order to assure pedagogical, technical and socio-cultural reusability, the 4 dimensions of quality serve as guidelines to elaborate the task list. The task list provides a framework for incorporating the LOR Reuser into the Quality assurance process.

Task list / WHY/JUSTIFICATION / Done / To do / NA
Participate in the elaboration of policies by suggesting
·  How the repository policy can best meet the pedagogical needs of reusers. / Provides re-user’s perspective for policy creation.
·  Ways that the repository policies can allow for and encourage culturally appropriate uses of resources.
·  Technical requirements necessary for the re-user.
·  Ways that the repository policies can meet the accessibility and ergonomical needs of reusers.

pedagogical dimension of quality

Task list / WHY/JUSTIFICATION / Done / To do / NA
Search, browse, select and retrieve resources.
·  Search for and browse the repository using the repository interface.
·  Determine suitability of a resource to a given educational context.
·  Consider all available information to select and retrieve the appropriate resource, including but not limited to title, subject, description, popularity, reviews, and appropriateness to learning context. / Ensure most appropriate selected and retrieved for use.
Reuse resources as is, adapted to new contexts, as examples, or in part.
·  Assess the embedded pedagogy of a resource and match it to reuser’s and learner’s pedagogical requirements.
·  Integrate resource into learning package in a pedagogically appropriate manner.
·  Adapt resource for user’s content or educational context. / Ensure the resource is matched or adapted pedagogically to the new context.
Report how, in which context, and whether in part or whole the resource was used. / Provides context and pedagogical use information for resources.
Evaluate resources using existing feedback systems.
·  Evaluate resource in terms of (re)usability, educational content, pedagogical quality, and other appropriate characteristics.
·  Review and rate resource for potential future users if this function is provided. / Provides use/reuse feedback to assist LOR manager and future users/reusers.

the Cultural Dimension

The Cultural dimension of quality refers to how the Repository informs and educates all stakeholders to understand and respect cultural variables and their impact on learning and teaching.

Tasks / WHY/JUSTIFICATION / Done / To do / N/A
Identify personal cultural bias. / Be conscious of potential influence of personal bias.
Search, browse, select and retrieve resources.
·  Evaluate cultural variables to be considered in the search and selection of resources including culture of the reuser, culture of the resource author, culture of the intended learner. / Select the most culturally suitable resource for reuse.
Reuse resources as is, adapted to new contexts, as examples, or in part.
·  Evaluate cultural variables to be considered in order to reuse the resource including culture of the reuser, culture of the resource author, culture of the intended learner.
·  Evaluate the degree of adaption needed to account for cultural variables in order to reuse the resource.
·  Adapt the resource to the culture of the learners through Translation, Localization, and Modularization.
-  Translation: Translate the language, symbols, and metaphors according to the needs of the learners.
-  Localization: Adapt resource to learner’s context when different from the original cultural context of resource.
-  Modularization: Select a part of the resource to reuse or repurpose and add additional content to create a culturally appropriate resource.
·  Prepare and use “equivalent” resources to respond to diverse learner cultural needs. / Ensures that resource is culturally appropriate for intended reuse, or alternatively is adapted to the reuse culture.
Report whether and to what extent a resource was adapted to the Reusers culture and whether or not a resource is appropriate for a particular culture. / Document cultural reuse of resource.
Evaluates cultural context and adaptability of resources using existing feedback systems. / Provides feedback for future reusers on cultural use of resource.

The Technical Dimension of Quality

Technical quality refers here to the Technical and Organizational Infrastructures as well as the search, store and retrieval functions necessary in order to provide a high quality LOR.

Tasks / WHY/JUSTIFICATION / Done / To do / N/A
Report technical issues to the LOR Publisher. / Document technical issues.

Ergonomical And Accessibility Dimensions of Quality

Ergonomical and accessibility dimensions of quality are usually specified in the editing policy. Here we will just provide a few essential strategies to adopt for the Repository Interface

Tasks / WHY/JUSTIFICATION / Done / To do / N/A
Report accessibility or ergonomic issues to the Repository manager or management team. / Document ergonomical and accessibility issues
Evaluate accessibility and ergonomic characteristics of a resource using existing feedback systems. / Provide reuse feed back on ergonomical and accessibility issues.


Lundgren-Cayrol, K., Savard, I., Bethel, E. Page 3