Monday, June 10th July 8
5:30 PM
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CALL TO ORDER: by Sandra Stirnweis at 5:35 pm
ATTENDANCE: Sandra Stirnweis, Colleen Oakes, Rajiv Panikkar, Bill Kohler, Susan Greer, Anna Miller, Tracy Mosbarger, Lenetta Lefko
NOT ATTENDING: Jenny Wheeler, DeEtte Snyder
APPROVAL OF MINUTES from board meeting 5/13/13: Sandra made a motion to approve, Bill accepted and Susan seconded.
President: Sandra will be meeting with hotel about fall conference to discuss contract statement about commission to be paid to Conference Connect. Rajiv stated that hotel will pay. Sandra will also check into number of rooms to be held at hotel—concerned that number may be high. Rajiv said it was the same number of rooms held for conference in Tempe. Jenny Wheeler should have records from Tempe conference. Sandra will also check on room set-up to make sure have space for exhibitors. Rajiv suggested Sandra contact Deb Duby, but Sandra is concerned about making sure the agreement is written clearly in the contract.
Vice President: Tracy did not have a report but had a question. Jenny has forwarded emails about vendors to Tracy. Rajiv told her that Suzanne will be continuing as chair of Vendor committee.
Treasurer: Sandra noted that we haven’t officially approved the budget yet. She has some concerns about the proposed budget but the discussion was tabled until Jenny could be available to answer questions.
Jenny Wheeler was not able to attend the meeting but submitted the following report:
Checking: $5,853.80
Investment: $21,690.91
This is what we have paid so far for 2012 taxes and tax-exempt status reinstatement:
$400 tax-exempt reinstatement filing fee (IRS form 1023)
$475 2012 corporation tax (form 1120)
$221 2012 Arizona state tax (form 120)
All the tax forms are in, and the money that we paid for taxes has been withdrawn from the accounts already, so that tells me that the IRS is processing our forms. I haven't heard anything back from the IRS yet about reinstatement, though. Hopefully this is all that will be required. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I'll let everyone know as soon as I hear from the IRS.
Secretary: We have received a Professional Mini Grant application and a Student Scholarship application in the past week.
Student Scholarship application received in April and received 5 ‘yes’ votes by Survey. Next actions?
Sandra suggested that Colleen send out the new Student Scholarship application along with the first Student Scholarship application to our newly formed Scholarship committee consisting of Colleen, Susan Greer, and Bill Kohler. Colleen will send out applications along with surveys to the committee.
There was a discussion about moving amounts around in the budget from our current scholarships and grants.
Archives: standing committee
Sandra suggested that the Board meet in September at her house to bring all the archived materials together and discuss what to do with the materials. We could also discuss how to add to the archives.
Awards: standing committee
Finance: standing committee - Budget
Membership: standing committee
Nominating: standing committee
Program: standing committee -
Rajiv said he would continue taking care of Continuing Education credits, but would like help collecting punch cards, creating and emailing the certificates out to members. Tracy and Bill said they would help with that task. Currently, Sandra and Lenetta are co-chairs and will have a separate call to divide up duties. Bill volunteered to help. Sandra will oversee site set up. Anna offered to help also.
Conference committees, contract
Sandra talked about committees. Standing committees can only be changed by changing the bylaws. Anyone in the membership can serve on a committee, but having at least one board member should be on each committee as best practice.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Jenny sent out the policy. Sign and mail to Jenny, or send via email. Sandra will re-send to board with instructions.
Annual Meeting
Call for Papers has been sent out with a deadline of August 1. Sandra suggested Lenetta send out a reminder to membership. Sandra also suggested extending the deadline until August 15. Lenetta stated that we could even extend the deadline to the end of August, but will see how things go. Sandra suggested that we send out requests for committee participation to the membership.
Sandra will send out dates for a September board meeting at her house to focus on the Annual Meeting.
Lenetta will verify Craig and Lou’s participation at conference.
AZ AER Bylaws Articles IX and XI: Elections
According to Bylaws, elections are held at the Annual Meeting at the last business meeting at the 2-day conference. Two options, we can ask the membership to have another election in the fall, or extend terms for those elected in spring to next year’s fall elections. Sandra suggested that we repeat the election in the fall. Sandra will send an email to explain what she is proposing in order for us to get back on track.
Bluhm project
A member suggested that we go through our archives to create a record of all previous Bluhm award winners—with a bio and pictures. This could also be an addition to our web site. Anna suggested that we also provide a way for former students to add their stories and comments about Award winners.
Some discussion about naming evening reception at Fall conference in honor of Bluhm award versus actually presenting the award at the reception. Susan suggested having Bluhm award winners give a presentation at a conference perhaps the year after they win the award.
Policy and Procedure Manual
Sandra would like us to look at one section of the manual at each meeting and make decisions about revisions.
Organization Liaison: ad hoc Sandra entertained a motion to discontinue. Susan seconded. All in favor, none opposed.
Legislative: ad hoc Anna stated that she thinks it may still be important to maintain. Lenetta suggested combining Organization Liaison with Legislative committee. Colleen commented that one thing that has changed since the origination of these ad hoc committees is the development of email and the ease with which we can send out information. Lenetta expressed concern that these concerns might fall off the radar if no one person is designated to attend to them. Bill suggested that we include a statement about addressing the subjects of these ad hoc committees on a regular basis as agenda items at board meetings. Sandra will research a way to include such a statement in the manual, but also suggested creating one ad hoc committee called Advocacy. Sandra said we could write a statement for the manual listing mandatory agenda items. Sandra will send out proposed changes for comment.
Newsletter: ad hoc –schedule
The manual calls for three newsletters each year. Currently doing two and supplementing with emails to membership. Lenetta said there have been some problems having materials posted to the web site. Anna volunteered to be on a committee to check on the web site and make sure they’re accessible and posted accurately.
Sandra asked if we have a social media presence via Facebook or Twitter. Lenetta said DeEtte was working on it, but unsure of where that stands. Sandra said she would check with DeEtte and we will discuss next month.
Public education: ad hoc
Recruitment: ad hoc
Resolutions: ad hoc
Scholarship: ad hoc
MEETING ADJOURNED: Sandra moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm, Tracy seconded.