Elective/Routine Case Evaluation Checklist (Part A)
ACA ______Date ______Preceptor______
□Room Set-Up using the acronym MSMAIDS
Anesthesia Machine Check as per protocol
- Required (BP, ECG, SpO2, gas analyzer)
- Other (temperature, peripheral nerve stimulator)
- Laryngoscope, alternate blade
- Oral, nasal airway
- Appropriate ETT, cut, checked, +/- stylet, syringe, tape
- Alternative airway device(s)
- Back up plan
□Intravenous tubing set-up with appropriate solution, bag de-aired, +/- stopcocks, extensions
- Supplies for insertion considering access points, catheter gauge
- Emergency (atropine, ephedrine, phenylephrine)
- Induction
- Adjuncts (sedation, antiemetics, antifibrinolytics, anticoagulants, antibiotics, LA’s etc.)
- Maintenance infusions
□Other Supplies
- Eye protection
- Head rests, gel pads, positioning devices
- Fluid warmer
- Body warmer
- Infusion pumps (single channel, triple channel, syringe, PCA/PCEA)
- Transducers, Invasive monitoring supplies (arterial, CVP)
- Nerve block stimulator and supplies
- Supplies for epidural/spinal insertion
- Alternate breathing circuit
- Difficult Airway Cart
- CPDA-1 blood collection bags, blood collection mixer, ANH
- Cell saver
- Point-of-Care Glucometer, Hemachron, ABG
- BIS/ICP monitor
- Rapid infuser devices (Level 1, pneumatic device, pressure bag)
- Pulmonary Artery Catheters/Cardiac Output set up/TEE
- MH cart
- Epidural/Spinal Assist
- Gather required supplies (needles, syringes, drugs etc.)
- Open tray using sterile technique, pass supplies aseptically
- Assist Anesthesiologist with drug preparation
- Help to position patient
- Other as required
- Plexus Blocks
- Gather required supplies (nerve stimulator, needles, drugs etc.)
- Set-up nerve stimulator
- Help position patient
- Dial nerve stimulator up and down as instructed
- Inject local when instructed, aspirating every 5 ml’s
- Arterial/Central Line Insertion
- Gathers appropriate equipment
- Selects appropriate site
- Follows facility insertion protocol, performs or assists as appropriate
- Awake topicalization/intubation
- Retrieves airway cart, prepares bronchoscope
- Assists with gargle, atomizer, nebulizer, pledgets
- Prepares and assists with SLN blocks, transtracheal injection
□ Preoperative Assessment (per Appendix A below)
□ Pre-Induction
- Attends to warmth & comfort
- Positions patient
- Cycles monitors, interprets and records vital signs
- Runs ECG strip as required
- Pre-oxygenates
- Calculates dose and administers induction agents
□Maintenance of a Patent Airway
- Supplements oxygenation (mask, NP, blow by)
- Manages of an obstructed airway (jaw thrust, chin lift, CPAP)
- Inserts of airway devices (oral, nasal)
- Suctions as required
- Provides mask ventilation (self inflating/flow inflating systems)
□Laryngoscopy and Oral Intubation
- Handles laryngoscope and endotracheal tube competently
- Obtains best laryngoscopic view possible
- Confirms tube placement
- Connects to breathing circuit, adjusts ventilator parameters, aware of PAW
- Secures tube
□Rapid Sequence Induction with Cricoid Pressure
- Preoxygenates
- Administers induction drugs
- Instructs assistant when to apply cricoid pressure
- Intubates
- Confirms tube placement, instruct assistant when to release cricoid pressure
- Connects to breathing circuit
□Drug preparation and administration
- Drugs are prepared in a safe manner (3 check system and labeled, dated and signed)
- Required drugs are prepared and ready on anesthesia machine throughout case
- Utilizes both needles and needleless systems appropriately
□Drug Infusions, Preparation and Administration
- Gathers appropriate type of pump
- Prepares medication
- Sets up pump, starts infusion, adjusts as required
□Management of Maintenance Phase of Anesthesia
- Vigilance, watchfulness and adherence to the anesthetic goals as determined by the Anesthesiologist
- Adjusts neuromuscular blockade, narcotics, volatile gases
- Fluid maintenance and replacement, calculation of fluid deficit
- Interprets of lab results
- Adjusts ventilator parameters
- Refills vaporizers/re-zeros lines
- Ongoing drug preparation and administration
- Monitors drug infusion therapy
- Documents legibly, accurately and in a timely fashion
- Communicates clearly, concisely
- Maintains neat environment
- Administers conscious sedation
- Provides eye care, attends to position/pressure points
- Inserts NG tube as required
- Asks for assistance, calls Anesthesiologist back appropriately
- Recognizes emergencies & risky situations, initiates intervention
□Emergence and Extubation
- Assesses patient readiness (spontaneously breathing, obeys commands etc)
- Conducts leak test if applicable
- Emergency intubation equipment available
- Suctions
- Deflates cuff, pulls tube at full lung volumes
- Applies appropriate oxygen therapy and monitors
□Transportation of Patient
- Sets up transport monitor, oxygen source, ventilatory devices as appropriate
- Readies patient for transport (simplify lines and tubes, ensure sufficient supplies for the duration of the transport)
- Prepares/retrieves the emergency airway kit as appropriate
- Assists with patient transport from bed/stretcher to OR/procedure table
- Gives concise report
- Conducts brief patient assessment at handover
- Documents PACU vital signs, completes order sheet
- Enacts emergency protocols
- Assesses and troubleshoots equipment
- Assesses PACU conditions (pain, nausea, reduced urine output, hypotension, delerium etc.) and provides report to Anesthesiologist
□Expert Assistance for Resuscitation/Complex Cases
- Massive hemorrhage
- Anaphylaxis
- Difficult airway
- Burn debridement & grafting
- ICU patients for surgical procedures
- Turn prone/supine
- Acute normovolemic hemodilution
- Uncooperative patient
- Mentally challenged patient
- Other
Appendix A: Pre-operative Patient Assessment (of appropriate detail & duration to the situation at hand)
- Reviews PAC sheet, truncates preoperative assessment appropriately
- Identifies the patient (name bracelet)
- Looks the patient: How do they look in general? Are they anxious, having pain or cold?
- Ensures patient comfort & warmth
- Confirms patients understanding of planned procedure
- Gathers appropriate information in a succinct fashion: Previous surgical and anesthetic history, Family history of anesthetic concerns, GERD/dyspepsia, Allergies, Medical history: Do you see a doctor for any reason on a regular basis?, Smoking history, Alcohol/recreational drug use, Rx medications /OTC/herbal remedies, NPO status
- Review of systems as needed (CNS, CVS, Resp, other)
- Reviews labs (hematology, biochemistry, ECG, CXR)
- Physical assessment
- Vital signs: Ht _____ Wt _____ B/P ______HR/ Rhythm ______RR ______
- Airway
- Inspection, Auscultation (Heart, Lungs, Carotids)
- Assessment of arterial & venous access, vertebral anatomy, neurological
- Assign ASA score
□Patient Education per Anesthesiologist instructions
Checklist for Evaluation of ACA during Elective/Routine Case