
Programme Management Report

World Vision <Country>

<Name> Programme

< insert period of reporting, FY, Month-Month>

i.  Table of Contents

Part A: Programme report 4

1 Programme profile 4

2 Programme progress 5

3 Programme reflection and learning 7

4 Integration 10

Part B: Project reports 12

1 Project profile 12

2 Project progress 13

ii. List of Acronyms

A&D / Assessment and Design
ADP / Area Development Programme
DME / Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
INGO / International Non Governmental Organization
ITT / Indicator Tracking Table
LEAP / Learning through Evaluation with Accountability and Planning
MDG / Millennium Development Goals
PAR / Participatory Action Research
PBAS / Partnership Budget and Actual System
RC / Registered Children
SWOT / Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
WV / World Vision

Part A: Programme report

Programme profile

Programme name
Programme number
Programme goal
Programme outcomes #1
(project goal) #2
Programme phase start date
Programme phase end date
Reporting period
Budget for this period
Actual spend for this period
Programme contact person, phone and email

Programme progress

2.1  Progress towards programme goal

2.2  Illustration of progress

Programme reflection and learning

3.1  Programme reflection and learning events

Table: Top 5 programme reflection and learning events:

Event Name / Who was involved / What was the purpose

3.2  Lessons learned

3.3  Recommended improvements

Table: List of recommended improvements:

Project Name / Outcome or output number / Recommended Improvement / Lesson No.

4  Integration

4.1  Focus on the most vulnerable

4.2  Working effectively with partners

4.3  Integration of child sponsorship (only in sponsorship funded programmes.)

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4.4  Integration of Advocacy in to the programme

Question 1:

Has the Programme enabled the community to undertake any advocacy activities in this FY?

Yes / No (please delete as appropriate)

Table 4.1: Community advocacy activities

PBAS Programme Number19 (five digits) / Brief Description of advocacy activity where the community are advocating20 (specifically mention any tools used such as CVA, CPA, etc.) / Is this activity part of the Child Health Now campaign11? (yes or no)

Question 2:

Has World Vision’s advocacy efforts in the programme area contributed to an existing Government policy or budget being implemented better than previously by the government?

Yes / No (please delete as appropriate)

Table 4.2: Advocacy contributions to Government policy or budget change.

Please provide details of the existing Government policy or budget3 that has been affected / At what level is new (or amended) policy coming in to force? National, provincial, district, local, etc? / What was WV’s contribution?4 / Which children are reached?5 / In what ways will children benefit from this improved implementation of government policy or budget?6 / In which country do those children live7? / How many children are reached in total?8 / How were these numbers calculated?9 / Could these children overlap with those reached by another policy change/ implementation stated here?10 Please state which one. / Is this activity part of the Child Health Now campaign11? (yes or no)

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Part B: Project reports

World Vision <Country>

<Name> Programme

<Name> Project

< insert period of reporting, FY, Month-Month>

1  Project profile

Programme number
Project number
Project location(s)
Target population
Direct participants - total
Direct participants - girls
Direct participants - boys
Direct participants - women
Direct participants - men
Project start date
Project end date
Budget for this period
Actual spend for this period
Project contact person, phone and email address

2  Project progress

2.1  Progress towards project goal

2.2  Progress towards outcomes and outputs

Outcome #1:

Outcome target:

Outcome progress:

Explanation of variance:

Output 1.1:

Output target:

Output progress:

Explanation of variance:

Output 1.2:

Output target:

Output progress:

Explanation of variance:

Outcome #2:

Outcome target:

Outcome progress:

Explanation of variance:

Output 2.1:

Output target:

Output progress:

Explanation of variance:

2.3  Indicator Tracking Table

2.4  Budget Narrative Report

2.4.1  Major financial issues

2.4.2  Projected under-spend or carry forwards

2.5  Integration of cross cutting themes

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