Programme Management Report
World Vision <Country>
<Name> Programme
< insert period of reporting, FY, Month-Month>
i. Table of Contents
Part A: Programme report 4
1 Programme profile 4
2 Programme progress 5
3 Programme reflection and learning 7
4 Integration 10
Part B: Project reports 12
1 Project profile 12
2 Project progress 13
ii. List of Acronyms
A&D / Assessment and DesignADP / Area Development Programme
DME / Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
INGO / International Non Governmental Organization
ITT / Indicator Tracking Table
LEAP / Learning through Evaluation with Accountability and Planning
MDG / Millennium Development Goals
PAR / Participatory Action Research
PBAS / Partnership Budget and Actual System
RC / Registered Children
SWOT / Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
WV / World Vision
Part A: Programme report
1 Programme profile
Programme nameProgramme number
Programme goal
Programme outcomes #1
(project goal) #2
Programme phase start date
Programme phase end date
Reporting period
Budget for this period
Actual spend for this period
Programme contact person, phone and email
2 Programme progress
2.1 Progress towards programme goal
2.2 Illustration of progress
3 Programme reflection and learning
3.1 Programme reflection and learning events
Table: Top 5 programme reflection and learning events:
Event Name / Who was involved / What was the purpose3.2 Lessons learned
3.3 Recommended improvements
Table: List of recommended improvements:
Project Name / Outcome or output number / Recommended Improvement / Lesson No.4 Integration
4.1 Focus on the most vulnerable
4.2 Working effectively with partners
4.3 Integration of child sponsorship (only in sponsorship funded programmes.)
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4.4 Integration of Advocacy in to the programme
Question 1:
Has the Programme enabled the community to undertake any advocacy activities in this FY?
Yes / No (please delete as appropriate)
Table 4.1: Community advocacy activities
PBAS Programme Number19 (five digits) / Brief Description of advocacy activity where the community are advocating20 (specifically mention any tools used such as CVA, CPA, etc.) / Is this activity part of the Child Health Now campaign11? (yes or no)
Question 2:
Has World Vision’s advocacy efforts in the programme area contributed to an existing Government policy or budget being implemented better than previously by the government?
Yes / No (please delete as appropriate)
Table 4.2: Advocacy contributions to Government policy or budget change.
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Part B: Project reports
World Vision <Country>
<Name> Programme
<Name> Project
< insert period of reporting, FY, Month-Month>
1 Project profile
Programme number
Project number
Project location(s)
Target population
Direct participants - total
Direct participants - girls
Direct participants - boys
Direct participants - women
Direct participants - men
Project start date
Project end date
Budget for this period
Actual spend for this period
Project contact person, phone and email address
2 Project progress
2.1 Progress towards project goal
2.2 Progress towards outcomes and outputs
Outcome #1:
Outcome target:
Outcome progress:
Explanation of variance:
Output 1.1:
Output target:
Output progress:
Explanation of variance:
Output 1.2:
Output target:
Output progress:
Explanation of variance:
Outcome #2:
Outcome target:
Outcome progress:
Explanation of variance:
Output 2.1:
Output target:
Output progress:
Explanation of variance:
2.3 Indicator Tracking Table
2.4 Budget Narrative Report
2.4.1 Major financial issues
2.4.2 Projected under-spend or carry forwards
2.5 Integration of cross cutting themes
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