CHECKLIST: Eagle Rank SM Conference and Eagle BOR

Completeand check off this list prior to the SM Conference:

-Eagle Notebook Advisor: meet 1-3 times with Troop’s Eagle Notebook Advisor to prepare documents, and then ask for final approval of the Eagle Notebook when all documents are prepared and in the notebook

-References: Decide on 5 references, ask each potential reference for permission to be listed as a reference (2 teachers/coaches, someone from church, employer (if any), 2 other individuals

-Notify the Advancement Chair of the list of these 5 references on the Eagle rank application form (names, addresses, email addresses)

-Notify the Advancement Chair of your volunteers and hours so she can credit the scouts and leaders for their service hours.

-Notify the SM that you are ready for a SM Conference, and set a date for it

-Wear full Scout uniform to the SM Conference with appropriate insignia and badges

-Bring the Eagle Notebook – a 3-ring binder, containing the following documents

  • Checklist for Eagle Rank SM Conference and BOR
  • Eagle rank application form, completed except for signatures of SM, TC Chair, Council reps.
  • On the Eagle rank application form, list the completion date of the Eagle project as the same date as when the beneficiary signed the Eagle Project completion line. Give this date to the Advancement Chairman in order to have it listed on the Troopmaster History Sheet.
  • Contact Information Page of Leaders, Addresses, etc. (Part of Eagle project booklet)
  • Life Purpose/Goals Essay
  • List of awards, leadership, honors
  • Eagle Service Project workbook AND Final Report, completed with original signature page, changes, photos, volunteer hours, final signature of the beneficiary
  • Troopmaster History Sheet obtained from Advancement Chairman (minus the date for the SM Conference)
  • At the end of the SM Conference, the SM must sign and date the SM signature line. This step MUST be completed PRIOR to midnight on the day before the 18th birthday

Complete and check off this list prior to the Eagle Rank BOR

-Get a new Troopmaster History Sheet from the Advancement Chairman listing the date of the SM Conference.

-Get a signature on the Eagle rank application form from the Troop Committee chairman.

-Submit the Eagle rank application form to the Council office so they can cross-check all dates of MBs and rank advancements. It must have the signatures/dates of the SM Conference and the Troop Committee Chairman. Corect any problems with dates after council has cross checked the application form; resubmit to council, if needed, for a second approval. When it is OK, proceed to the next step.

-Set up BOR at a time and place convenient to the SM, Council Rep, and 4 other BOR panel members

-Remind the SM and panel members 48 hrs prior to the scheduled BOR of the time and location

-Make a copy of the Eagle Notebook for all panel members

-Ensure that the Advancement Chairman or SM will bring the letters of reference to the BOR

-Wear full Scout Uniform

-Review the sections in the Scout handbook on Scout History and the meaning of the Scout uniform insignia, know the scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan

-Bring the Eagle Notebook containing

  • Eagle Rank SM Conference and BOR Checklist
  • completed Eagle rank application form with the SM and TC Chair signatures and dates
  • Life Purpose/Goals Essay
  • List of awards, leadership, honors
  • completed Eagle Service Project workbook with signature page, changes, photos, volunteer hours, final signature of the beneficiary
  • Revised Troopmaster History Sheet obtained from Advancement Chairman with dates of (1) completion of Eagle project, and (2) SM Conference signature and date.

At the Eagle BOR:

-Before leaving the BOR:

  • Thank each panel member for participating and helping you.
  • Collect the original Eagle Notebook
  • Get the date/signature of the Council’s Eagle Rep on the Eagle Rank application

After the Eagle BOR

-Turn in your Eagle notebook WITH the signed Eagle rank application to the Council Office as soon as possible (within the next day or 2); you may ask someone else to do this for you

-Retrieve your Eagle Notebook from the Council office when they notify you that it’s ready

-The Council’s District Executive will then sign and date the Eagle rank application form, and fax it to National BSA

-National BSA will forward an Eagle Rank Certificate to the Scoutmaster within 2-4 weeks; Upon receipt of the Eagle Certificate by the SM, you are an official Eagle Scout