Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting . . .
Proverbs 31:30a, NIV
Laura Weems and I have an Auburn vs. Georgia feud running. She contends God is a Tiger fan because the sunset is orange and blue; I’ve pointed out that God is a Bulldog since the Bible is written in red and black (not original to me, but true nonetheless). I figure there is no better torment for Mrs. Weems than turning her daughter into a Bulldog fan.
Alas, the poor child has been the victim of relentless brainwashing and indoctrination. At the mere age of six, she has proven impervious to my best efforts to get her to say “Go Dawgs!” a single time.
Enter our oldest son Miles. Within minutes of watching my abject failure in this endeavor, he had her saying “Go Georgia” and “Go Dawgs;” still, she rejected my entreaties and remained silent. My persuasive charm was lost on Miss Ava Claire.
Laura got to the bottom of my failure and Miles’ success. She took great pleasure in informing me that Ava Claire grinned sheepishly when asked why she responded positively to Miles but not to me; she took even greater delight in informing me that the little rascal readily admitted that it was because Miles was “so cute.”
We had a good laugh about how a person can be swayed by a nice smile and physical attractiveness. How many boxes of candy do you think I bought from the high school cheerleaders back at Fayette County High School? I like candy, as you can tell, but not that much, so I can’t point any fingers at Ava Claire.
Our Lord teaches us to look beyond the visible and to pay attention to the deeper qualities of a person. He reminded Samuel that people look on the outside but He looks at the heart. It’s a good lesson for us all.
Now, I wonder if I could find and buy some candy from one of those cheerleaders and bribe Ava Claire with it
. . .
God bless,
The flowers on the sanctuary altarthis Sunday are given to the glory of God and in loving memory ofNelle Middlebrooks by her family.
Wednesday Church Supper
Sept. 18, 5:30pm
Adults $6 & 12 & under $3;
Menu: Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes, gr. beans,salad,dessert.
Call the office forreservations by Monday 4:00pm
NEW THIRD GRADERS : Our Bible day is this
Sunday, September 15.
The new BIBLE is imprinted with your name.
Please be here by 9:30am to be recognized at the early service and by 10:50 to be recognized at the 11:00am service. Those receiving Bibles are:
Jenna Bette Deen, Kate Kelly, Rachel Jordan,
Katherine Washburn, Ann Carol Daniel,
John Marriage, Zach Nada,
Nick Davis, & Silas Barfield.
We would like to make an appeal to the parents to encourage the children to be on time for Sunday School. The teachers work each week to prepare the lesson and it isn’t quite fair to make them “start over” each time a child comes in really late. We are here to help them grow spiritually but the students need to be as consistent as possible with their attendance at their Christian education classes.
Also, this month the Stewardship Committee is preparing lots of interesting things for the edification of each child and we want your child to be a part of the growth and learning time. They are working hard to make everything interesting and fun as well as spiritually educational. Please come as regularly as possible. And when possible let the children bring their offering to Sunday School and/or worship. Thanks so much
SUNDAY NURSERY VOLUNTEERS – 9/15 - April & Daniel Chastain; 9/22 - Georgette & Len Holloway; 9/ 29 - Steve & Hazel Cromer
ACOLYTES: 9/15 - Stella & Mary Grace Johnson;
9/22 - Knox Miller & Henry Daniel;
9/29 - Gracie Ward & Jenna Bette Deen
September 09, 2013
Paul states that there are "unfathomable riches in Christ"!! Earthly ears will hear "riches" and think possessions, money, fame, and glory in one’s self. Those who have begun the humbling relationship with Christ will here "riches" as well, but they have awhole new meaning! Riches in Christ come in the form of TRUE joy, TRUE peace, and TRUE strength. The world and the great accuser try to show us that we are somebody if we possess a title behind our name, yet the only name we should long to be titled as is Christian. The world claims, "money can get you anything in life you desire", yet our only desire should be to leave this world with nothing more than the love of our Savior. The world says "this is your life, live it to the fullest, and do as you wish, you only get one chance to live", yet we know that we are not our own. We have been bought at the highest price ever paid, we live to serve God, we will live in eternity, and this shell of a life is only the beginning, NOT the final ending. The unfathomable riches in Christ are the unseen, the little glimpses of heaven we are shown in a small miracle in our lives. The unfathomable riches are the comforts of a friend in times of need and a kind word when the world is closing down on us. The assurance that no matter what, we are not home yet and never give up the hope we have inside. Our prize will be coming on the clouds; our Lord will restore us to right living by his side. In us lives the greatest of all things, CHRIST. Live life so He shows, live life to the fullest, but know that you are not in control, GOD is!
Riches are the little moments in life you can’t explain, other than God has just shown you a fleeting moment of heaven,
hold fast, HE is coming again to take you home,
Omega group will meet SUNDAYS10th-12th grade 5:00-6:00
9th Grade can come either time!!
(Youth cont’d)Alpha group will meet WEDNESDAYS6th-8th grade at 5:30-6:00{ IF YOU EAT CHURCH SUPPER} or 6:00-7:00 {IF YOU JUST COME TO YOUTH}
Bring $6.00 to eat church supper
SEPTEMBER15: Al Brannon, AdamKing, Reed King, 16: Janie Coggins,Red Newton; 17: Stewart Davis, JimTrice; 19: Tyler Hoyal, JacksonMuschamp; 20: Denise Presley, Karen Truesdale
Sunday SEPTEMBER 15 , 2013
Rev. Herb Flanders
Scripture: 8:30 & 11 - Acts 15:36-41
Sermon for 8:30 & 11a.m.–
A Quitter Finishes Strong
Scripture: 9:00a.m.- Luke 3:21-23
Sermon for 9:00a.m.
2nd in a series- " Every Kid Needs"
The first is "Acceptance-You’re Mine!"
NEW YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS (College to 30’s) starts this Sunday, September 15th. We will meet at 10am in the Grace café and then move upstairs.
Nursery will be provided each Sunday.
CURRENT REQUESTS: Billy Tate, Haywood Shaw, Janice Bennett, Ben Williams
FRIENDS AND RELATIVES:Rev. Chuck Peters (cancer),
Delma Walker, William Meador (Golden Living Ctr.),
OUT-OF-TOWN: Martha Mallory, Opalene Woodson, Marion Berry, Gertrude Taylor, Rozelle Orrick, Florine Harper .
AT HOME: Wilma Hooper, Johnnie Sue Tyler, Mary Owen, Billy Fowler, William McManus.
RIVERSIDE: Billie Woodson, Carolyn Knight, Angie Hightower, Nellie Moore
WEST VILLAGE: Betsy White, Evans Bruner, Shirley McClellan
8:30pm Traditional Service/Chapel
9:00am Contemporary Worship/FH
9:45am Sunday School
10:00am Youth Council Mtg.
11:00am Traditional Worship/Sanctuary
4:30pm Family Life Committee Mtg./Library
5:00pm Handbells Rehearsal
5:00pm Youth Mtg.
6:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
5:45pm United Methodist Men Mtg.
7:15pm Administrative Council Mtg.l
3:00pm Wonderful Wednesday for Kids
5:30 Youth (6-8th grade)
5:30 Church Family Supper
6:30pm Bible Studies
Save the Date: September 29-Annual Blessing of Animals