Minute of Meeting of the Patient Focus and Public Involvement Committee held on Wednesday 20 May 2015 in Conference Room, Summerfield House, Aberdeen
Ms Christine Lester, Non-Executive Board Member, (Chair)
Mrs Louise Ballantyne, Acting Public Involvement Manager
Ms Claude Beine, representing Mental Health & Learning Disability Sector
Ms Lynn Boyd, Operation Manager, representing Aberdeenshire Community Health and Social Care Partnership
Ms Anne Brockman, Lead AHP, representing Acute Sector and AHPs
Ms Susan Carr, Associate Director of AHPs & Adult Protection Lead
Mr Nigel Firth, Equality and Diversity Manager
Dr Nick Fluck, Medical Director
Ms Tracey Gervaise, representing Moray Community Health and Social Care Partnership by vc
Mrs Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications & Board Secretary
Ms Wendy Innocent, Health Promotion Services Manager
Mrs Evonne Llewyllen, Public Involvement Officer
Professor Stephen Logan, Chairman
Mr Jonathan Passmore, Non-Executive Board Member
Mrs Maria Prior, Public Representative Lay member
Mrs Catherine Rae, District Nurse/Clinical Equipment Advisor, representing Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership
Mrs Mary Rasmussen, Public Representative Lay member
Mr Malcolm Wright, Interim Chief Executive
Ms Karan Taylor, Clinical Quality Facilitator
Mrs Marilyn Elmslie, Committee Clerk
1 Welcome and apologies
Christine Lester welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table.
Apologies were intimated on behalf of Jacqueline MacKintosh, David Cooper, Fiona Flett, Liz Howarth, Dr Helen Moffat, Mike Ogg, Linda Oldroyd, Cllr Anne Robertson and Liz Tait.
2 Minute of the meeting held on 11 February 2015
The minute was approved as a correct record of the discussions.
3 Matters arising
Item 4 PFPI Assurance
Laura Gray provided an update on the current staffing levels within the Public Involvement team. She noted that Louise Ballantyne, Feedback Service Manager, has moved to the vacant Public Involvement Manager post whilst Laura Dodds is on a one year secondment. Dianne Drysdale, Executive Services Manager, will incorporate the Feedback Service Manager work into her role. Evonne Llewellyn has been appointed to the vacant Public Involvement Officer post and there are two Public Involvement Officer posts currently being advertised. One of the posts is specifically for the public involvement work for the new Baird Family Hospital and The ANCHOR Centre.
Item 5.1 HIS – NHS Grampian Improvement Plan
Laura noted that a weekly meeting to update the Tracker Action Plan continued for the Executive Team. It was agreed that an updated version of the plan would be sent to the Committee members prior to the next PFPI Committee meeting. Action – Laura Gray
4 Death Certificate changes
Karan Taylor, Clinical Quality Facilitator, presented a powerpoint presentation on the Medical Certificate Cause of Death (MCCD) Changes 2015. The changes have been implemented in order to introduce a single system of independent scrutiny which will improve the quality and accuracy of the MCCD. National Records of Scotland (NRS) will randomly select MCCDs to be reviewed by the Death Certification Review Service. Bereaved families will not be aware until they register the death.
A detailed discussion followed the presentation. It was noted that a higher level of awareness raising for the public was required. Karan confirmed that awareness sessions for acute and primary care staff are the priority. Information leaflets regarding the changes were available and have been included in all bereavement packs.
Further to the discussion it was agreed that an item on end of life planning and care would be included in a future agenda.
5 Patient Experience
5.1a Person-centred update
Laura Gray summarised the range of activities included in the update, which was provided by Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant Patient Safety and Experience. She highlighted that NHS Grampian continues to build on collecting real-time patient experience data reliably and consistently as recommended by the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Review.
5.1b Draft Patient Passport
Laura Gray explained to the Committee members that a pressure group consisting mainly of retired health professionals entitled Patient Action Co-ordination Team (PACT) had met with NHS Grampian Executives. An aim of the group is to ensure that compassion for patients is a central focus for NHS Grampian. From the discussions at these regular meetings it was agreed that the Person Centred Steering Group would liaise with PACT members to produce a pilot “Patient Passport”. The passport is designed so that the patient would have relevant information relating to their personal journey of care. The passport will be completed by the patient/family member/guardian etc with information provided by the clinicians/nursing staff within the ward/area that they are being treated in. The patient would then hold the passport and have it updated as and when required. The Orthopaedics department have agreed to run a pilot of the scheme and provide feedback and evaluation to the Person Centred Steering Group.
The passport was being discussed in order to obtain feedback from the Committee members, particularly the public representatives. Many members of the Committee voiced concerns about the document.
Jonathan Passmore highlighted that the passport does not include the patient’s full journey of care as the majority of patients receive care within the primary care setting prior to admission to hospital. In this respect he felt that the document was incomplete in scope and could be a duplication of work which is already provided within the ward/area setting.
Clarification on who would complete the document was asked and Laura confirmed that it would be a joint process between the patient and staff.
She also confirmed that the passport would require to be completed in addition to the already lengthy admission documentation. Concerns were also raised with regards to patients with sensory impairments, learning difficulties etc having to complete the document.
Louise Ballantyne noted that the contact details of the Medical Director, Associate Director for Nursing, the Complaint and Feedback Manager and the Nurse Consultant for Patient Safety were highlighted on page 3 of the passport and that the section about Feedback about Care and Services was on the back page. She highlighted that NHS Grampian has a standardised process of encouraging patients to raise their concerns with the staff at the time and not necessarily waiting until they go home or another ward/area.
The commencement date for the pilot was requested. Laura agreed to enquire and inform the Committee members Action Laura Gray
Lynn Boyd noted that a similar document had been developed and piloted within several of the community hospitals in Aberdeenshire. She agreed to share the evaluation and feedback of this pilot with the Person Centred Steering Group. Action Lynne Boyd
Malcolm Wright concluded that all comments and feedback from the Committee members would be included in a report to the Person Centred Steering Group and to PACT members. He noted that the passport would not be rolled out across the acute sector until a full evaluation of the pilot was complete.
5.2 Complaint Process Action Plan
Seven actions following the PWC Internal Audit Report 2014 had been agreed. An update on each action was included in the action plan which included the responsible person, the target date and the date achieved. All actions have been implemented and the update provided reassurance to the Committee of progress made within the complaint process.
5.3 Patient Opinion
5.3a Patient Opinion Annual Summary 2014-15
5.3b Responses and stories for Grampian
5.3c Stories in summary for Grampian
5.3d Organisational culture and public online feedback: 9 levels of development
5.3e Engagement with Patient Opinion 2015-17
5.3f Levels of Access April 2015
5.3g Indicators for Patient Opinion activity
Patient Opinion is a valuable mechanism through which patients and members of the public can give feedback on their experiences. It complements NHS Grampian’s range of feedback mechanisms.
Automatic notification of NHS Grampian postings are sent to Laura Gray and Linda Oldroyd who have responding rights and aim to respond to all posts within two working days. Laura noted that a meeting was scheduled shortly with Gina Alexander, Director of Patient Opinion, Rosemary Lyness, Acting Nurse Director, Laura Gray and Linda Oldroyd to include discussion on the increasing uptake of the service and how we will manage the response rights to include Service Managers to respond directly. The Levels of Access document provided information on the costings for NHS Grampian to move to the next level of registration.
The Committee members agreed that it was essential to open up discussion and comment from patients but were of the opinion that the organisation should invest in other ways to collect real-time feedback.
The Chair commented that the Committee would appreciate feedback from the discussion from the meeting. This was agreed and would be provided. Action Linda Oldroyd
6 Equality and Diversity
6.1 NHS Grampian Equality and Diversity Information
Nigel Firth provided detailed information on the four update reports produced by NHS Grampian by the 30th April 2015, in compliance with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012. These were:
- An Equality Outcomes Update Report 2013-2015
- A Mainstreaming Report 2013-2015
- An Equality and Diversity Workforce Monitoring Report 2013/14
- A Gender Pay Gap Report 2013/15
Nigel also provided an update on the many Equality and Diversity Training Seminars which had been provided since the last meeting. These included
a one day Level One Equality and Diversity Impact Assessor Training Seminar, which brought the number of managers and staff who were trained as Impact Assessors up to 112.
A programme of seminars was also provided for GP practices on the “NHS Charges To Overseas Visitor Regulations”. Six seminars had been provided and a further 14 seminars are scheduled.
On the 24th February 2015, Nigel presented evidence on behalf of NHS Grampian to the Education and Culture Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the proposed British Sign Language Bill (BSL). Nigel highlighted the North East shortage of qualified BSL interpreters and put forward a number of positive suggestions to encourage more people to undertake the three year university training course.
The Committee noted the update
7 Public Involvement and Consultation
7.1 Public Involvement Team Quarterly update
The update provided information on the various activities, projects and consultations the Public Involvement Team was co-ordinating.
Jonathan Passmore commented that it was important that looked after children were included in the recruitment process for the NHS Grampian Youth Forum.
Christine Lester noted that she had expressed concerns regarding the follow up documentation for the Executive Safety Walkrounds. Public representatives attending walkrounds should be provided with feedback. Laura Gray agreed that the issue will be discussed at the Patient Safety Executive Lead Group meeting.
The Consultation on GP Telephone Numbers was highlighted in the update and the Committee members were encouraged to respond. Laura Gray confirmed that NHS Grampian will be moving from 0845 numbers to 0345 commencing 1 July. A full public awareness campaign will be run prior to the changeover.
The Committee noted the update.
8 Patient Public and Carer Information
8.1a Independent Carers Advocacy Evaluation
8.1b Independent Carers Advocacy Workshop
8.1c Independent Carers Advocacy – Phase 3 of Evaluation April 2015
Laura Gray explained that as the health board has funded Carers Advocacy Support across Grampian for several years, it was agreed to commission a full independent evaluation of the support. The evaluation study was conducted within a three month period in 2014 which provided recommendations for future arrangements. In February 2015 a workshop was arranged to inform the recommendations. These were presented to the Carers Information Strategy Group (CISG) for consideration and forwarding to the respective Health and Social Care Partnerships.
Laura noted that the two service providers for Grampian, Advocacy Service Aberdeen and Advocacy Northeast, had received funding from the health board until end of March 2016. It was recommended that support for independent advocacy for carers should come under the remit of the new Integrated Joint Boards (IJBs) who are likely be the decision makers and funders from April 2016.
The PFPI Committee will seek a note of assurance and feedback from the IJBs that the matter will be taken forward and provide details of the responsible officer for each IJB. Action Laura Gray
8.2 Carer Bill summary
A consultation on the proposals for a Carers’ Bill ran from January to April 2014 which examined the possibility of introducing further duties for statutory bodies and new rights and entitlements for unpaid carers. The Carers (Scotland) Bill was launched on 9 March 2015. The paper summarised the proposals for Adults, Young Carers and the provision for a Young Carers Statement.
The Committee recognised that this will be an important strategic document in terms of future national and local policies on carers issues.
9 Sector PFPI updates
9.1 IJBs, Acute, Mental Health & Public Health service updates
All sectors provided a written update on the public involvement activities within their sector. Each sector representative highlighted several of the items in their reports.
10 Advocacy and volunteering
Volunteer Thank You event 19 April 2015
Laura Gray advised that a very successful thank you event for volunteers who volunteer on the Foresterhill site was held on the afternoon of 19 April. She noted that a similar event will be held on Wed 3 June for the volunteers who volunteer at Woodend Hospital and Roxburghe House.
11Report to the Board
The Chair confirmed that a report on a selection of the subjects discussed at the meeting will be provided to the NHS Grampian Board. It was agreed that the report would include:
Patient Opinion
Carers Advocacy
Equality and Diversity
12Items for noting
12.1 Scottish Health council – quarterly report
12.2Carers Information Strategy Group
(a) Minute of meeting 24 Feb 2015
(b) Minute of meeting 1 Apr 2015
13 Any other Competent Business
There was none.
The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.
14 Date of next meeting
10am Wednesday 19 August 2015