Charles R. Severance, C.V., 2018



School of Information Phone: (517) 694-0892

University of Michigan Email:

4322 North Quad

105 S. State St.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109



Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI – Ph.D. (1996), Computer Science

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI – M.S. (1990),Computer Science

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI – B.A. (1985), Computer Science


School of Information, University of Michigan, 2018 – Clinical Professor

School of Information, University of Michigan, 2010 – 2018 Clinical Associate Professor

School of Information, University of Michigan, 2007 – 2010 Clinical Assistant Professor

Sakai Project and Sakai Foundation, 2004 – 2007 Chief Architect, Executive Director,
Principle Designer and Developer

Duderstadt Center, University of Michigan, 2002 – 2007 Chief Architect and Executive Director

Strategic Interactive, East Lansing, Michigan 2001 – 2002 Director of Product Development

Media Union, University of Michigan, 1999 - 2001 Associate Director for Advanced Technology

Computer Science, Michigan State University, 1996 – 1999 Director, Engineering Computer Services,
and Adjunct Assistant Professor


2017 William H. (Bill) Graves Leadership Award, IMS Global Learning Consortium.

Excellent Instructor Award University of Michigan School of Information - April 28, 2011

OLNet Fellow - Open University, February 2010.

IEEE Golden Core Award - December 1997 - For volunteer contributions to the IEEE Computer Society.

Beacon Award - 1996 - National award for the best public service program - Internet:TCI (video)

Hometown Video - National Award for locally produced television program - Internet:TCI - Show #3

Michigan Cable Telecommunications Association - ICE Award - Best Education Series - 1996 - Internet:TCI (video)

IEEE Meritorious Service Award - December 1996 - "For outstanding contributions as secretary and key contributor for IEEE Standard 1003.0" (video)


Refereed Journals

Marc Alier, Enric Mayol, Maria Jose Casan, Jordi Piguillem, Jeffrey W. Merriman, Miguel Angel Conde, Francisco J. Garcia-Penalvo, Wouter Tebben, Charles R. Severance. (2012). Clustering Projects for eLearning Interoperability. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 18 (1), 106-122.

Charles R. Severance, Ted Hanss, Joseph Hardin. (2010). IMS Learning Tools Interoperability: Enabling a Mash-up Approach To Teaching and Learning Tools. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 7 (3/4), 245-262.

Charles R. Severance, Joseph Hardin, Anthony Whyte. (2008). The coming functionality mash-up in Personal Learning Environments. Interactive Learning Environments, 16 (1), 47-62.

Charles R. Severance, Joseph Hardin, Glenn Golden, Robert Crouchley, Adrian Fish, Tom Finholt, Beth Kirschner, Jim Eng, Rob Allan. (2007) Using the Sakai collaborative toolkit in e-Research applications.Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19 (12), 1643-1652.

Severance C, Enbody R, Petersen P. (1996) Managing the Overall Balance of Threads on a Multiprocessor using Automatic Self Allocating Threads (ASAT). Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 37(1), 106-112.


Severance, C. (2016). Python for Everybody: Exploring Data in Python 3. (3rd ed.). Creative Commons Attributions-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Severance, C. (2015). Introduction to Networking: How the Internet Works. Amazon CreateSpace.

Severance, C. (2013). Sakai: Building an Open Source Community: Building and learning together. Amazon CreateSpace.

Severance, C. (2013). Python for Informatics: Exploring Information. (5th ed.). Creative Commons Attributions-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Severance, C. (2009). O'Reilly High Performance Computing. (3rd ed.). Connexions Project.

Severance, C. (2009). Using Google App Engine: Building Web Applications. O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Severance, C. (1998). High Performance Computing. O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

SXSWEdu - Austin, Texas - March 3-5, 2013. Panel: MOOC Cage Match with Curt J. Bonk of Indiana University.

Preparing for the Long Tail of Teaching and Learning Tools, Charles R. Severance and Stephanie D. Teasley, 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences June 29 - July 2 2010. (link)

Interoperability for LMS: The Missing Piece to Become the Common Place for Elearning Innovation Marc Alier Forment, Maria Jose Casan Guerrero, Miguel-Angel Conde Conzalez, Francisco Jose Garcia Penalvo, and Charles R. Severance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009, Volume 5736/2009 Pages 286-295. (link)

13th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering - Using Collaborative Tools in NEESGrid - Vancouver, BC - August 6, 2004.

ED-MEDIA 2004--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications - From Your Course Syllabus to Earthquake Engineering Research: Collaboration using the CHEF Framework - Lugano, Switzerland - June 21, 2004.

C. Severance, T. Moore, "Making virtual reality worlds-interaction between higher education and K-12", In proceeding of: Frontiers in Education Conference, 1999. FIE '99. 29th Annual, Volume: 3.

Frontiers in Education - Workshop: Making and Using Web-Based Lectures - October 10-13, 1999.

SeJin Chung, Moon-Jung Chung, Charles R. Severance, "Design to support tools and knowledge building in a virtual university course: Effect of reflection and self-explanation prompts.", WebNet 1999: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - Volume 1.

Severance C, Enbody R, "Comparing Dynamic Space Sharing to Gang Scheduling", International Parallel Processing Symposium Proceedings, Geneva April 1-5, 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press 1997, page 288.

Severance C, Enbody R, "Automatic Self Allocating Threads (ASAT) on an SGI Challenge", Proceedings 1996 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP96), August 1996, pages III-132 - III-139.

Severance C, Enbody R, "A Possible Addition to HPF 3.0 - Real Valued Indexed (RVI) Arrays", High Performance Computing Symposium 96, Pages 248-253. April 8-11, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Severance C, Enbody R, Wallach S, Funkhouser B, "Automatic Self Allocating Threads (ASAT) on the Convex Exemplar" Proceedings 1995 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP95), August 1995, pages I-24 - I-31.

Severance C., Enbody E., Tomanek D., Bulgac A., "Real Valued Arrays - An Initial Look", Proc. 1992 SIAM conference of Parallel Processing, pages 979-982.

Severance C, Pramanik S, Wolberg P, "Distributed Linear Hashing and Parallel Projection in Main Memory Databases", Proceedings of the 10th VLDB Conference, 1990.

Severance C, Pramanik S, "Distributed Linear Hashing for Main Memory Databases", Proceedings of 1990 IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing.

Severance C, Pramanik S, Rosenau T, "A High Speed KDL-RAM File System for Parallel Computers", Proceedings PARBASE-90, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990, pp 195-203. Also published as Naval Research Laboratory Report 9259, June 22, 1990, Naval Research Lab, Washington, D.C. 20375-5000.

Technical Reports

Charles R. Severance. (2010). IMS GLC Basic Learning Tools Interoperability v1.0, v1.1, and v2.0. IMS Global Learning Consortium.

Harry Yeh, Charles R. Severance. (2003). Report on Oregon State Experiment Based Deployment: Synchronized Video. NEESGrid Technical Report TR2003-17.

Carl Kesselman, Randy Butler, Ian Foster, Joe Futrelle, Doru Marcusiu, Sridhar Gulipalli, Laura Pearlman, Charles R. Severance. (2003) NEESgrid System Architecture.

Charles R. Severance (2003). Video Support in NEESgrid: Telepresence and Data-Quality Video. NEESgrid Technical Report TR-2003-02.

Charles R. Severance (2003). Integrating Grid Capabilities into the CHEF Collaborative Portal Framework. NEESgrid Technical Report TR-2003-01.

N Bousdira, S Goldfarb, E Myers, H A Neal, C Severance, Kenneth Mick Storr, G Vitaglione (2001). WLAP the Web Lecture Archive Project: The Development of a Web-Based Archive of Lectures, Tutorials, Meetings and Events at CERN and at the University of Michigan.

G Vitaglione, N Bousdira, S Goldfarb, H A Neal, C Severance, Kenneth Mick Storr. (2001). Lecture object: an architecture for archiving lectures on the Web.

Brehob M, Doom T, Enbody R, Moore W, Moore S, Sass R, Severance C. (1996). Beyond RISC - The Post RISC Architecture. Technical Report MSU CPS-96-11.

Popular Press Articles

Severance, C. (2017). Resurrecting the CDC 6500 Supercomputer. Computer 50(4), 10-12.

Severance, C. (2016). The Living Computer Museum. Computer49(10), 12-13.

Severance, C. (2016). Bruce Schneier: Building Cryptographic Systems. Computer 49(4), 13-15.

Severance, C. (2016). Bruce Schneier: The Security Mindset. Computer 49(2), 7-8.

Severance, C. (2015). Anant Agarwal: Inside edX. Computer 48(10), 8-9.

Severance, C. (2015). Anil Jain: 25 Years of Biometric Recognition. Computer 48(8), 8-10.

Severance, C. (2015). Roy T. Fielding: Understanding the REST Style. Computer 48(6), 7-9.

Severance, C. (2015). John Resig: Building JQuery. Computer 48(5), 7-8.

Severance, C. (2015). Guido van Rossum: The Modern Era of Python. Computer 48(3), 8-10.

Severance, C. (2015). Guido van Rossum: The Early Years of Python. Computer 48(2), 7-9.

Severance, C. (2015). Khan Academy and Computer Science. Computer 48(1), 14-15.

Severance, C. (2014). Ian Foster and the Globus Project. Computer 47(11), 10-11.

Severance, C. (2014). Nii Quaynor: Bringing the Internet to Africa. Computer 47(9), 7-9.

Severance, C. (2014). Elizabeth Fong: Creating the SQL Database Standards. Computer 47(8), 7-8.

Severance, C. (2014). Andrew S. Tannenbaum: The Impact of Minix. Computer 47(7), 7-8.

Severance, C. (2014). Nathaniel Borenstein: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). Computer 47(5), 9-11.

Severance, C. (2014). Doug Van Houweling: Building the NSFNet. Computer 47(4), 7-9.

Severance, C. (2014). Len Kleinrock: The First Two Packets on the Internet. Computer 47(3), 10-11.

Severance, C. (2014). Joseph Hardin: NCSA Mosaic. Computer 47(2), 8-10.

Severance, C. (2014). Massimo Banzi: Building Arduino. Computer 47(1), 11-12.

Severance, C. (2013). Andrew Tanenbaum: Writing the Book on Networks. Computer 46(12),9-10.

Severance, C. (2013). In Horrocks: Standardizing OWL. Computer 46(11), 8-9.

Severance, C. (2013). Eben Upton on the Raspberry Pi. Computer 46(10), 14-16.

Severance, C. (2013). John C. Hollar: History of Computing. Computer 46(9), 13-14.

Severance, C. (2013). Len Kleinrock: The Theory of Packets [Computing Conversations]. Computer 46(8), 6-8.

Severance, C. (2013). Katie Hafner: The Origins of the Internet. Computer46(7), 6-7.

Severance, C. (2013). Gordon Bell: Building Blocks of Computing. Computer 46(6), 6-7.

Severance, C. (2013). Bob Metcalfe: Ethernet at Forty. Computer 46(5), 6-9.

Severance, C. (2013). Larry Smarr: Building Mosaic. Computer 46(4), 6-8.

Severance, C. (2013). Pooja Sankar: Building the Piazza Collaboration System. Computer 46(3), 6-7.

Severance, C. (2013). Mitchell Baker: The Mozilla Foundation. Computer 46(2), 7-9.

Severance, C. (2013). Van Jacobson: Content-Centric Networking. Computer 46(1), 11- 13.

Severance, C. (2012). Vint Cerf: A Brief History of Packets. Computer 45(12), 10-12.

Severance, C. (2012). Inventing PHP: Rasmus Lerdorf. Computer 45(11), 6-7.

Severance, C. (2012). The Apache Software Foundation: Brian Behlendorf. Computer 45(10), 8-9.

Severance, C. (2012). Bertrand Meyer: Software Engineering and the Eiffel Programming

Language. Computer 45(9), 6-8.

Severance, C. (2012). Teaching the World: Daphne Koller and Coursera. Computer 45(8), 8-9.

Severance, C. (2012). The Art of Teaching Computer Science: Niklaus Wirth. Computer 45(7),


Severance, C. (2012). Alan Turing and Bletchley Park. Computer 45(6), 6-8.

Severance, C. (2012). Van Jacobson: Getting NSFNet off the Ground. Computer 45(5), 6-9.

Severance, C. (2012). Discovering JavaScript Object Notation. Computer 45(4), 6-8.

Severance, C. (2012). Monash Museum of Computing History Interviews. Computer 45(3).

Severance, C. (2012). JavaScript: Designing a Language in 10 Days. Computer 45(2), 7-8.

Severance, C. (2012). The Second-Order Effects of Steve Jobs. Computer 45(1), 10-11.

Severance, C. (2011). Toward Developing an Education App Store. Computer 44(8), 107-109.

Severance, C. (1999). IEEE 802.11: Wireless Is Coming Home. Computer, 32(11) 126-127.

Severance, C. (1999). Posix: A Model for Future Computing. Computer 32(1), 131-132.

Severance, C. (1998). FireWire Finally Comes Home. Computer 31(11), 117-118.

Severance, C. (1998). Standardizing Real-Time Streaming Protocols. Computer 31(7), 94-95.

Severance, C. (1998). Grab the Chance to Work on the Leading Edge. Computer 31(5), 99.

Severance, C. (1998). IEEE 754: An Interview with William Kahan. Computer 31(3), 114-115.

Severance, C. (1998). Conflict and Consensus: The Role of Standards. Computer 31(1), 138-139.

Vetter, R. and Severance, C. (1997). Web-Based Education Experiences. Computer30(11),


Foley, J. and Severance, C. (1997). OSI Retrospect and Prospect. Computer 30(9), 123-124.

Severance, C. (1997). Could LDAP Be the Next Killer DAP? Computer 30(8), 88-89.

Severance, C. (1997). Taking a High-Tech Approach to Standards. Computer 30(1), 114-115.

Severance, C. (1996). IP Next Generation may be on its way. Computer 29(12), 112.

Severance, C. (1996). Case study of a commercial standard. Computer 29(11), 92.

Severance, C. (1996). Web Portable Applications Study Group. Computer 29(9), 86-87.

Severance, C. (1996). The importance of IEEE computer standards. Computer 29(5), 102.

Severance, C. (1995). What is a Profile? Computer 28(9), 66.

Severance, C. (1995). The Value of the Formal Standards Process. Computer 28(8), 82-83.

Severance, C. (1995). A New Vision for Standards. Computer 28(7), 97.

Self-Published Work

Professional blog:.Approximately 1,200 views per month.

What LMS to Choose After Blackboard- 29-January-2017

Ring Fencing JSON-LD and Making JSON-LD Parseable Strictly as JSON- 5-April-2016

Will the College Professor Profession Still Exist in 20 Years– 21May2015

Tracing History from to "Imitation Game" to the Modern-Day Internet (#IHTS)– 26 November 2014

How to Achieve Vendor Lock-in with a Legit Open Source License - Affero GPL– 8 September 2014

Sakai 10 Released - The Magic of Open Source23July2014

Teaching a ROOC - Re-Mixable Open Online Course– 25July2013

Coursera Never Ceases to Amaze Me - Community Teaching Assistants and a Few Other Things– 12 June 2013

Introducing CC-One (Formerly CC-Infinity)3May2013

Working on the Skulpt Python to Javascript Compiler20January2013

All The World's a Classroom- 13Nov2012

Grand Finale Lecture: Internet History, Technology, and Security on Coursera- 6Oct2012

Connecting IMS Learning Tools Interoperability and SAML- 24March-2012

Book Review: Plone 3 for Education by Erik Rose27Apr2010.

Reading / Downloading PDF Books on the iPad or iPod2Apr2010

Why an Open Source Community Should not cede Leadership to a Commercial Entity - MySql/Oracle5-Jan-2010

Standards Experience - IMS Basic Learning Tools Interoperability- 11-November-2009

Considering Open - Rethinking Cathedral and Bazaar3-Jan-2010

Clearing Entries in App Engine - Clearing the Data Store23-June-2009

Perspective: A Meteor Strike May Cause LMS Systems to become Extinct!18-March-2009

YouTube Channel: 20507 subscribers, 3.3 Million views and 12.6 million minutes watched as of June 11, 2018.

Least Common Denominator - the Easy Way(249,596 total views)

Python for Informatics: Chapter 1 - Introduction (124,492 total views)

North Coast Digital - Show #3 - The Ultimate Home Network (86,458 views)

Game Theory: Payoff Matrix, Best Response, Dominant Strategy, and Nash Equilibrium(112,763 total views)

SlideShare:- Many of my presentations have over 3000 views.


Sync-O-Matic 3000. I developed a tool called Sync-O-Matic 3000 which automates the production of web-lectures using RealNetworks media and HTML. This product is in use at a number of sites around the world and is downloaded several times each week. The best example of its use is the CERN Web lecture repository.

ClipBoard-2000.To address some of the usability problems in Sync-O-Matic, I developed a tool called ClipBoard-2000 which also produces web-based lectures using Quicktime. ClipBoard-2000 is very easy to use and it allows the instructor to annotate their slides with text and drawing. ClipBoard also allows the instructors to use a document camera to show objects in their lectures. ClipBoard is early in the development process but has generated significant interest from both commercial and educational institutions.

Sakai 1.x and 2.x products. Sakai is a free, community source, educational software platform designed to support teaching, research and collaboration. Sakai is in use at over 200 schools with well over a million users who use Sakai daily. I am one of the top contributors to Sakai over the past decade.

I have made small open source contributions toMoodle,Skulpt, andClass2Go.

Starting in late 2012, I developed a simple open source MOOC platform that I use to powerDr. Chuck Online. This project is now finished and future work has been moved to my Tsugi effort.

Tsugi (次). My most recent software project is to build a new Learning Management Operating System (LMOS) calledTsugi (次)to ease the effort needed to build distributed teaching and learning applications based on IMS standards and enable the creation of an educational application store.


Selected Invited Talks

Apereo Mexico 2014 - Cuernavaca, Mexico - May 12-14, 2014. Presentation: Sakai 10 and Beyond - Next Steps for Sakai.

SXSWEdu - Austin, TX March 3-6, 2014. Voices of the Students in MOOCS.

European Capital of Youth 2013 - Keynote: A Brief History of the Internet - Maribour Slovenia,December 12, 2013.

TEDxKalamazoo - Kalamazoo, MI - November 8, 2013. Presentation: Massively Open OnlineCourses.

Sakai Mexico 2013 - Puebla, Mexico - April 24-26, 2013. Keynote:Massively Open OnlineCourse Experiences, Observations, and Trends.

Smart Leaders Converence - Manilla, Phillipines - November 27, 2012.Keynote:The Universityas a Cloud: Openness in Education.

SURF Dutch Onderwijsdagen 2012 - Rotterdam, NL - November 13-15, 2012. Keynote:MOOCs are Great - What's Next?

XIV Simposio Internacional de Informatica Educativia - Andorra - October 29-31, 2012.

Keynote: University as a Cloud - Trends in Openness in Education.

Smart on ICT International Open Forum - Seoul, South Korea - October 24, 2012. Smart Media IT Industry Challenges and Opportunities.

Global Learning Technology Conference - Wilmington, NC - August 10, 2012. Initial Experiences Teaching a Massively Open Online Course.

Moodle Moot - Los Angeles, CA (invited panel with Phil Hill) - July 31 - August 1, 2012.

April 24, 2012 - Sakai Mexico Conference (first) -Mexico City - Keynote Speech "Sakai: Free asin Freedom"

September 28, 2011 - European Sakai Conference - Amsterdam - Keynote Speech "DisruptiveInnovation"

IDEA 2011 - Melbourne AU. December 1-3, 2011. Invited Workshop: IMS Learning ToolsInteroperability.

European Sakai User's Meeting - Amsterdam, NL. September 26-28, 2011. Disruptive Innovation.

Sakai Japanese User Group - Osaka, Japan. March 14-20, 2011. Invited Talk: IMS BasicLearning Tools Interoperability: Free as in Freedom.

IMS Korea - Seoul, South Korea.October 19-22, 2010. Invited Talk: Functionality Mash Up/Evolving to the Next Generation of Learning Management Systems

April 7, 2011 - UNC Wilmington - Keynote Speech - Wilmington Technology exchange - ITTrends for 2011: Things Might Be Very Different Today

March 17, 2011 - Sakai Japan Conference - Keynote - 'IMS Basic Learning ToolsInteroperability: Free as in Freedom'

February 3, 2011 - University of Massachusetts Online - Speaker Series - IMS Basic Learning Tools Interoperability

October 22, 2010 - Korea - Keynote at the IMS Korea Meeting - Functionality Mash Up -Evolving to the Next Generation of Learning Management Systems

June 8, 2010 - Open University (Milton Keynes, UK) - Fellows Series - Adding IMS Basic Learning Tools Interoperability to Cohere

May 26, 2010 - Penn State University - Plone East Developers Conference - Keynote - The University as a Cloud: Openness in Education

Next Generation Teaching and Learning Symposium - Berkeley, CA -April 17, 2009.Tools and Technological Models.

JISC Developer Days - London, UK - February 24-27, 2010. Invited Workshop: Google AppEngine and Cloud Computing.

Pearson Education Technology Summit - Denver, CO - November 11, 2009. Invited Talk: Evolving Teaching and Learning: Beyond the LMS (slides)

CIC CIO TechForum 2009 - East Lansing, MI - October 6, 2009. Invited Presentation: Clouds on the Horizon: Evolving Teaching, Learning and Technology in Higher Education (slides)

Apple Academix Conference - Duke University - Raleigh, NC - May 28, 2009 - Invited Keynote: Beyond the Learning Management System - (slides)

Apple Academix Conference - Indiana University - Indianapolis, IN - May 7, 2009 - Invited Keynote: Beyond the Learning Management System - (slides)

Etudes User Summit - Los Angeles, CA - April 23-24, 2009 - Invited Talk: Celebrating the Magic of Teachers (slides)

Apple Academix Conference - MIT - Boston, MA - March 26, 2009 - Invited Keynote: Beyond the Learning Management System - (slides)

Invited Talk: Open Source Learning Management Systems: Much More Than Free Source Code, LaSalle University, Barcelona, Spain, April 8, 2008 (slides)

Invited talk: Breaking Down Barriers between Learning Management Systems, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK December 14, 2007 (slides)

Invited Talk: Sakai as a Virtual Research Environment - Digital Libraries a la Carte 2007 - Tilburg University, August 30, 2007