GSP Paper Formatting Examplewith Titleof Paper Given Here in
12-Point Bold Times Roman Font
John R. Smitht1, A.M. ASCE andJane Z. Doe2, M. ASCE, P.G.
1Manager, ASCE, 1801 Alexander Bell Dr., Reston, VA 20191-4400
2Director, Geo-Institute of the ASCE,1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA20191-4400 (phone numbers or email addresses are optional)
ABSTRACT:Theabstract should be 100 to 200 words long. All text for the GSP manuscript is 12-point font Times Roman with 14-point line spacing (i.e., single-spaced). If using standard American Letter size paper format (i.e., 8½” by 11”), then the page setup should be established with 1-inch top and bottom margins and 1.375-inch left and right margins. If using international A4 type paper, use 3.5 cm for top & bottom margins and 3.25 cm for left & right margins. Use bold UPPERCASE for the ABSTRACT, INTRO, and all major headings. Use bold lowercase with capitalization for next level heading, as dictated by the GSP Author'sGuide.
The title of the paper should be centered on a line located 2.5 inches from the very top of the page, and will therefore be 1.5-inches from your top margin. The title should be in bold 12-point Times Roman (TR) font and no longer than 75 characters (including spaces). If it is a long title and takes up 2 lines, then try to wrap itso that it look aesthetically on the page. Drop 2 lines and put the names of the author(s) in non-bold 12-pt TR, with their ASCE affiliation (if any), as well as registration, as applies. Use superscript numbering for each author. Drop two lines and provide professional contact details, as illustrated in example above.
Tables should be embedded within the text using same font styles and given a legend title at the top. Numerate the tables in sequence as they are introduced, per example.
Table 1. Format and Layout of Tables in GSP Papers
Title of Entry / Value of Beans ($) / Bean Width (mm) / Mass of Each (g)Green Beans / 0.00013 / 5.43 / 0.34
Red Beans / 0.00021 / 7.55 / 0.54
Leave one (or two) line spaces between headings and text, as well as tables figures. Arrange the paper layout so that the figures, text, graphics, and photos all look nice and balanced. Equations should be numbered consecutively within parentheses (1) and positioned flush with right margin.
Use an indentation of 3 spaces at beginning of each new paragraph. Paste figures, photos, and graphics directly into the text at the appropriate places where mentioned and add a (bold TR) caption beneath the figure, but put the table title above the table.
FIG. 1. Representative graphics embedded within the format of the paper.
A nice paper has been prepared by the authors using the GSP formatting guidelines. In the references, a hanging paragraph format is used with 7.6 mm (0.3”) offset.
The authors appreciate the support of the International Engineering Foundation.
Brown, D.Z. and Vinson, R.J. (2006). "Stiffness parameters for a strong and colorfulaeolian soil." Geomaterial Characterization (GSP 199), ASCE, Reston/VA: 12-22.
Cimponella, G.R.and Rubertsen, K.P.(1999). "Common problems with conventional testing."J. Geotechnical & Geoenv. Engrg., Vol. 181 (9): 1193-1199.
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