ADMINISTRATION / Personal long distance phone calls from city phonesReviewed Date: / 3/2012
Effective Date: / 4/20/2012
Supersedes: / 1/22/91 / SOP / 100.07 / Page 1 of 2
- Purpose:To define a uniform procedure for long distance telephone calls that addresses Las Vegas Fire & Rescue business needs and protects the citizen from costs of any personal calls.
- Scope:This procedure shall apply to all fire department personnel.
- Author:The chief over Administration, or designee, shall be responsible for the content, revision, and review of this procedure.
- It shall be the responsibility of all Las Vegas Fire & Rescue employeesto be familiar with the city information technologies communication policy regarding use of landline or cellular phones in placing long distance calls.
- It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue that use of city and/or fire department communication equipment for personal businessis minimal and incidental.
- Personal and/or non-city business charges incurred through use of a landline or cellular phone are to be reviewed and reimbursed by the individual employee.
- All requests for communication equipment by LVFR employees shall be made using the IT Request Form found on the City’s Intranet. The IT Request Form requires Director, or designee, approval. Las Vegas Fire & Rescue will be charged a monthly fee by city IT to recover procurement and usage costs.
- Employees shall use landlines primarily for business calls.
- Employees with the need to place long distance phone calls from a landline shall request a long distance access code using the IT Request Form found on the City’s Intranet. The IT Request Form requires Director, or designee, approval.
a)Employees with long distance access codes shall review phone call usage on a monthly basis via the City’s Intranet and reimburse the City through payroll deduction for any costs incurred as a result of personal use.
- Employees shall use City-assigned cellular phones primarily for local business calls.
- The use of a cellular phone to place long distance calls should be restricted to times when a landline is not available.
- Use of a City-assigned cellular phone for personal purposes may be permitted and must be reimbursed by the employee.
a)Employees shall review phone call usage on a monthly basis via the City’s Intranet and reimburse the City through payroll deduction for any costs incurred as a result of personal use.